Roadster Clips

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Hey Fredster,

thanks for the reply. I'll try your suggestions. :D
I'm still trying to learn how to tweak this thing. Lots of combinations avaialable :D , may take a long while to find those that work for me :?

Any other tips you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again!
I like the Heavy tones a lot. Thats what I want to get a Mesa for, that progressive Petrucci, Vai, Evergrey full bodied kick ass sound. But the clean clips that you posted sounded a bit lacking in body to me. They sounded good, but I want the Roadster for warm, full bodied clean tones as well as ass kicking heavy tones. I have the Marshall AVT20 and the clean tones are amazing with that thing. Thats the kind of cleans I want from the Roadster. Can anyone tell me if the Roadster can produce cleans like that? Or can someone post clips of those kinds of cleans? Thanks a lot, Marc

P.S. Great playing Lol
AsIAm666 said:
But the clean clips that you posted sounded a bit lacking in body to me. They sounded good, but I want the Roadster for warm, full bodied clean tones as well as ass kicking heavy tones.

Hey Marc!

Ok, here's where it's easy to get lost in the adjectives (I once had a bass player want more "cheese doodle" in his sound - uhh, ok). What do you mean by lacking in body? Not enough bass? Lacking in presence? Mids? I can assure you that the Roadster clean channels are among the best Mesa has to offer (subjective, of course). Keep in mind the AVT series is all solid state on the cleans so we're talkin' way different animals. If you get a chance, try one in person, I think you'll be impressed.

BTW - I grew up on LI, you near Smithtown?
care to share those clean tone settings?
I'm playing a Wolfgang through a 2 x 12 Roadster
man I gotta start writing things down
I'm looking for a Blues Saraceno (hairpick) type of tone also
any suggestions anyone?

this is my first Boogie, so it's all pretty new to me
It's been about two months since you last posted clips, how about some more, now that you are more familiar with the amp? :D
Fred .. I just got my Roadster. Love your Modern, Channel 4 clip.

"Ch 4 Modern - Ahh, there we go. Happy now!? Geez.'

What are your complete settings? I have been dialing it in for the last 2 hours :) *grin ear to ear* .. Love the high gain sound you got inthat clip, but cant seem to match it ..

Wow, I never looked at these before. I am ordering a Mark IV (should be in here in Sept. I was wanting to add a Dual Rec to my Rig though in the next year. Was considering a Road King in place of the Dual Rec because I thought it was the only amp with that brit channel, but its very cool these have it.
Heya Nelg - you're right it's been a while and I'm definately more familiar with it. I was thinking about a "second impressions" post since folks usually say great things during the honeymoon, but you don't know how they like it when the honeymoon's over. So far, I'm still lovin' it! Work kinda popped up on me so I haven't had a lot of time lately but I should be able to get something going in the next week or two.

xscottx9 - Thanks! I'm pretty sure it was something like this:
Power: Bold and Diodes (50w)
Master - 9:00
Presence - 12:00 - 1:00
Bass - 10:00
Mid - 8:00
Treble - 12:00 - 1:00
Gain - 2:00

The guitar was a '79 "The SG" with a Dimarzio Phred in the bridge, tuned to C, through a 2x12 recto cab. It's a tweaking game though, I'm learning with Mesas that sometimes to get more bass, lower the treble and mids - to get less mids, up the bass and presence. Less gain is sometiomes more. I must've read every Mesa manual on their site! :)

cteets and lifsebcbien - Thanks guys, glad you like 'em! I'm looking forward to doing some more...
Hahaha I can't listen your clips because I'm on my iPod touch, but with that recording gear of yours it is almost impossible to sound bad! Very nice gear!
Thanks! Master at 9:30, presence, bass & mid at 9:00, treble at 12:00, gain between 10:00 and 2:00. 50w, bold and diodes. The BurstBuckers on the LP are very bright and hot, so start from there.

thanks for the settings, I just bought a 4x12 rectifier cabinet today and what sounded good with my old beat up Marshall 1960A cabinet did not sound anywhere close on the new cab with the roadster.
I was really having to push the old cabinet to get a good metal crunch. So my initial settings where so far off and muddy I was getting frustrated as my baseline wasn't in a good starting point. :) With your settings and a little more presence with 100w I was able finally find something I like...still need to fine tune but I am way closer!

thanks again!

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