Roadster 1x12 vs 2x12

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Dec 19, 2013
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Just curious if any of you have owned one (or both) and an unbiased opinion if there is a major difference in tone/sound. I own the 1x12 and am very happy with it. Just curious what the advantage of the 2x12 would be and if it's a significant difference. There are a couple used 2x12's in a local shop near me which I've considered but not sure if the upgrade would be worth the hassle of selling my amp.

IMHO, 212's just absolutely blow away 112's. More lows, more depth, more spread, smoother highs, look cooler, and you can tip them on the side and have a vertical 212, which makes amp tweaking much easier on my old tired back.
IMHO, 212's just absolutely blow away 112's.

A Roadster 2x12 combo will also blow away your spine.

I would suggest that you try to lift one before you buy it. It is insanely heavy! In my area, people who gig a lot are always trying to get rid of them (in favor of head + 2x12 cab) because they can't lift them into their vans, let alone up the stairs.

Not a gigging person's choice.
LesPaul70 said:
IMHO, 212's just absolutely blow away 112's.

A Roadster 2x12 combo will also blow away your spine.

I would suggest that you try to lift one before you buy it. It is insanely heavy! In my area, people who gig a lot are always trying to get rid of them (in favor of head + 2x12 cab) because they can't lift them into their vans, let alone up the stairs.

Not a gigging person's choice.

Oh man, he's talking about the combo now you're right lol.

Yeah a 212 roadster combo will suck for moving!!!! I just assumed you were comparing cabs between 112 vs 212.
I'd say get the 212 cab first and enjoy, then upgrade to the head down the road if you want the whole stack thing going.
Get a head and a 2x12 cab if you're going to move it around. It won't take long before you realize it's just too heavy. The other thing I noticed with my Lonestar 2x12 (which is not as heavy as as the roadster) is that since it's so heavy you're going to take advantage of the wheels on the bottom and roll that thing as much as you can. On the street, down the sidewalk to set up and breakdown for gigs. It's murder on the tubes. I found myself replacing rectifier tubes and power tubes every 18 months.