Master Effects PMEQ: How To (dial in)

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Brandon Breeze

Well-known member
Sep 4, 2023
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I've had a ton of folks sending me questions and comments about how to dial in a PMEQ, what all the numbers on it means, how it works etc.

Seemed a good time to make a video to help folks out! Glad to see so many folks getting a C+ Reissue and immediately pairing it with a PMEQ!

Has anyone here gotten one yet? Any thoughts?
Have one, though I haven’t spent a lot of time with it yet. I’m confident it will be great with my Mark VII though based on the reports of others and what I’ve seen online, including all your great content @Brandon Breeze :) I have the day off work today and plan to spend more time with it. I’ll report back.
Has anyone here gotten one yet? Any thoughts?
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Definitely an interesting piece. The sliders are boost/cut by up to 10db, the knobs above the sliders are what allow you to select the frequency that you want to focus in on, and the small knobs up top allow you to adjust the Q. This of course is much more versatile than the PMEQ, but the PMEQ was meant for one thing specifically. To copy how the Aphex EQF-2 tonal characteristics and emulate how it was used on Master of Puppets. Not really a comparison worth making IMO. Do you want to get to MoP tones with your Mark super easy? PMEQ. Do you want to maybe or maybe not get to MoP tones but have more flexibility? Ibanez. The PMEQ does exactly what it's advertised to do and it does a great job at it.

If you're truly looking for something like the Ibanez pedal you referenced here, there are other options for even half that price that do similar things or even more. The Presonus EQ3B comes to mind. It does everything the Ibanez pedal does and more and you can often pick them up for under $50.