RK Series 2/Roadster

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2006
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Only thing about the Roadster I'll say is that its an ugly version of the Road King with no Power Amp/Progressive Linkage, no EL34's, one less 12AX7 than the RK Series 2 (which I'll get to), and lastly, it's ugly! What's with the diamondplate strip?! Anywho, the Road King series 2: Improved Lone Star sounding clean and reverb, improved Brit setting on channel two, 6 12AX7's, which are inside the Mark IV I've discovered. Could this be even better than the original Road King? Tell what you know about Lone Stars to let us aurally visualize the sound. Also, any tips on reggae playing settings on a RK?
You got the point, Roadster, no interest.
For the RK II, no ideas until the local store get it in.
I have the RK I, IMO the clean channel 1 is not bad to compare with my CAA OD100 SH/SE. I played a couple of times Lonestar at the local store but never side by side compared the lonestar and the RK I. The brit mode of the channel 2 of the RK I sounds crappy IMO.
kingster911 said:
it's ugly! What's with the diamondplate strip?!

In a traditional combo, the tubes hang down where the speaker is. The Roadster combo has a closed-cabinet design. If you enclose the speaker, you'd have to make room for the tubes. Hence the taller cabinet and space-filling diamond plate.
I can't wait to see the stuff that comes out of the custom shop with the roadsters. I bet they will look a lot nicer, too bad I can't afford to do that; as I am not too fond of the design either. But if it sounds nice, I might get it instead of a series II rect-o-verb.
The brit mode of the channel 2 of the RK I sounds crappy IMO

Man, your doggin' one of my favorite modes.......I love the Brit channel and I play with it about 50% of the time. Try turning the Trebble up all the way and the Gain up all the way, put the mids about 10:30 and the Bass about 12:00 and Pres about 11:00 (use pres to get rid of nasty top end). Sounds VERY Marshall-y with a humbucker guitar.

I've Got a couple clips on my site at www.guitartest.moonfruit.com on the "Road King clip" page.
I like those clips!

I'm enjoying the heck outta my new Road King II.
Used some of these in making my decision. Needless to say
the amp is a knock you on the floor experience in person!
I like the look of the Roadster... Different strokes I guess.

And The look is... where Vintage meets Modern... thats why its half the old "Plexi" look and half the Diamond plate.

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