Reverb anyone?

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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2008
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Looking for a reverb pedal - who has one they like?
I've had good luck with the Holy Grail, although some complain about it being noisy. (I use good cables and have never had a problem). I bought it for my two channel Dual and never had a complaint.
It's a lot more natural sounding than the Boss Digital I have. (rv-5, I think...)
Holy Grail was pretty good. Only had the cash on me to buy an AC Boost and Tone Press yesterday. Will have to wait until next month for the reverb. I had ALWAYS been skeptical of a reverb pedal. This one is worth driving across town to demo. They make a bigger and better version of the Holy Grail, I have not been able to play one of those.
I don't own one at the moment, but have tried and loved the sound of the Holy Grail.
Once I come across a used one at a killer price, it'll be mine! :twisted:
I love my Holy Grail. Use good cables and a good power supply (Pedal Power 2) and noise isn't an issue.

Get the nano version though, it draws the same power as a Boss pedal, the classic chassis one is a pain to power.
Malekko Spring chicken is the best ive ever played through. Kinda $$$ though. I played through both the Holy Grail Plus and the Holy Grail Nano and they both sound pretty good to. And for less than the Malekko. The Malekko is awesome though for a brick reverb.
I like the sound of the neunaber WET reverb ($200). Also the malekko chicklet($120) sounds great as well. (only heard demos online). The wet is small(mxr style) and the chicklet is even smaller!
I'm still waiting for Eventide to come out with a VerbFactor! Until they do, I have a Nova Reverb.
The Holy Grail is great but the build quality is like cr*p sounds like a good amps reverb should.I really babied mine but the input jack still packed in so i traded it for a boss Rv-5(doesn't sound as good but it,s built like a tank and does a descent job)I have a rackmount mark 3 with a Tc electronics G sharp in the loop and the reverb on that set up is awesome(i leave it on all the time)....i use the Rv-5 in the loop of my other mark 3!
yea... holding out for the Verbfactor too... but figured I would see what everyone is currently running
The Electro-Harmonix Cathedral looks like a great pedal. Seems to get good reviews too. I haven't tried one but it's probably worth checking out.
SteveO said:
I'm still waiting for Eventide to come out with a VerbFactor! Until they do, I have a Nova Reverb.

If you know how to tweak the Timefactor, the pseudo reverb is actually quite useful...
KH Guitar Freak said:
SteveO said:
I'm still waiting for Eventide to come out with a VerbFactor! Until they do, I have a Nova Reverb.

If you know how to tweak the Timefactor, the pseudo reverb is actually quite useful...

Yeah, I havent had much time to mess with my TF lately but I did think of that
thejay said:
KH Guitar Freak said:
SteveO said:
I'm still waiting for Eventide to come out with a VerbFactor! Until they do, I have a Nova Reverb.

If you know how to tweak the Timefactor, the pseudo reverb is actually quite useful...

Yeah, I havent had much time to mess with my TF lately but I did think of that

There's one factory preset that simulates a hall reverb. Quite nice personally. I mean, most people can't tell that it was a delay pedal that was simulating that... :lol:
I actually use the stock Chorus settings - those are actually really nice on the TF and not a soul knows but I...and all of you now :lol:
Not the highest end pedal out there (roughly $130 new) but I am really impressed with the Marshall Reflector. I tossed it on my pedalboard about a year back and it is still there today. If you can demo one I think you will be surprised at how nice it is for the dough.
Laskyman said:
The Hardwire RV7 is a nice reverb- its no Mr Springy, but does sound great for the Lexicon verbs it has...

Had one of these, and IMO it was horrible

Just been listening to some 'holy grail' test videos online, and I will now be gettin one of these for sure though!