Recto's with an OverDrive pedal

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2006
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I've heard from a few sources that putting a tube screamer or an overdrive in front of the recto will really make the amp come to life. I'm looking to try this out and see how this thing sounds with one but I'd like to get some recommendations for those of you who actually use one in front of yours. I'm not really into the Keeley moded stuff, I'd rather it be something that I can pick up out of a store or online from MF. I was thinking of the MXR GT OD pedal, thoughts?
I am using the Keeley SD-1 and it is great for tightening things up and/or boosting solos. If you want an easily available boost then the MXR ZW pedal may be what you're after. Just turn the gain all the way down and the level all the way up and turn the tone to taste. Some people like the tubescreamer stuff but i've read too many posts about the mid-hump that you can't dial out of those pedals...
When I use a distortion pedal going into the amp, I like to set the amp up with it's tone already at that break-up point. Then the, overdrive or boost adding sparkle and that extra kick of harmonics into the saturation point. I can only speak for myself, but that's how it is for me. Finding that balance where the volume knob on the guitar reacts with the gain and tone level of the amplified sound. About that time I start thinking the neighbors will complain. But that's just how it is. :D
An OD pedal in front will definitely help to tighten up your tone, especially if you use a lot of gain. My DR turns to mush when I jack the gain up above 7 or so. It's pretty brutal (in a bad way) actually. I've dealt with this for years, mostly by just ignoring it. =) After reading about using an OD pedal on this forum, I decided to try one out, and will never look back! I picked up a Maxon OD808 and love it. I put the amps gain at about 6, and the OD drive on 0, level on 10, and tone at about 3.5 - there's very little coloration of my tone (I actually prefer it), and the bottom is nice and tight even with a ton of gain.
I run a Fulltone OCD Version 3 in front of mine to boost solos. I'm kind of an amp purist when it comes down to it, so I like to get my main distortion from the amp. I'l just kick in the OCD when I need a volume and gain boost. It does a great job too! Very little coloration, just more gain, and tightens everything up some.

I'll also run it when I need just a slight amount of gain. Since I have a 2 channel, I only have a clean and a distortion (unless I fiddle with knobs during a gig), so the OCD gives me some slight grit when I need it.

It's a wonderful pedal, and I'm very happy with it. There are plenty of others here who like it also. YMMV.
BigMesa said:
how does the Maxon 808OD compare to the Ibanez TS808?

I've used both and sold the Ibanez. The Maxon just seemed a little better all around in the shootout I did between th two.
The Maxon808 is about 90 bucks cheaper than the TS808. I use the TS but never got around to trying the Maxon. Love my 808 and have used with a Dual Rectifier and my DSL 50. I believe both are true bypass and use the same chip.
I use a LordovChaos modded Boss SD-1 with my Rectoverb.
I really makes a big difference.
I've used a DR for over 3 years now and was never that happy with it. I've never boosted the front end at all. I've had a TR for a few months and havnt had a chance to actually use it. Lat night I had my first rehearsal with my new band. I boosted the TR with the SD-1 and all I know now is I'm not gassing for an Ubershall or Diezel any more!!!

It totally changes the sound, tightens it, keeps the clarity, the difference was amazing! The sound was very Killswitch Engage-ish which I really enjoyed. I highly recommend giving the SD-1 a try. I think I'm gonna try out one of these Maxon 808's to see if I cn get an even better sound!
I've been getting some insanely good tone from my Rect-o-Verb using KT77's and my Keeley SD-1 up front and recently found out that my Vodka Mods Dyna Comp adds something awesome to my tone when combined with the SD-1. Very awesome tone - i'm lovin' it...
i use a stock TS9 and been happy with it so far. the key for me is keeping the tone all the way down as well... the only knob that is tweaked is the level, to match the volume of the amp.

Hey, you may want to try a good EQ in the loop too. I'll tell you what, I hardly ever turn mine off now. It may not necessarily be for everyone, but make an amp come to life it does. It really tightens it up, more so than an OD, I think, and makes it extra brutal sounding. Just a thought though.
I've tried a clean boost (Radial PB-1), an MXR 10-band EQ, and an 808 modded TS-9. All give great (and very different) results pushing the front end for tightness and sustain.

My favorite is the modded TS-9. IMO it's got a great mid hump and it puts the extra 'sizzle' in my tone without being buzzy. I use the 10 band out front now tone shaping in the pedalboard.

Hi first post ! I looked forever for a Tremoverb but didn't want to Ebay it, so I finally stumbled on to one a local shop. I played around with it and the Sales guy mentioned that the some of the newer metal bands were using OD's in front to push them. I didn't like the thought of using a pedal but for S&G's I tried a Green Screamer and Maxon 808 but didn't do it for me. So I bought a Homebrew PowerScreamer and that was a match made in heaven... I've set the Tremoverb up for just a hint of grind (Red switched to orange and switch flipped to Modern) and push it with the pedal. What's great is that if I leave the pedal on and change channels to the Orange (Set on Clean) it pushes it enough to distort. In a good way like a small combo being pushed to it's end. Overall it helps with harmonics and work extreemly well with PAF pickups...
MusicManJP6 said:
I've been getting some insanely good tone from my Rect-o-Verb using KT77's and my Keeley SD-1 up front and recently found out that my Vodka Mods Dyna Comp adds something awesome to my tone when combined with the SD-1. Very awesome tone - i'm lovin' it...

I put KT-77's into my Rectoverb this past week and absolutely love them.
I've got an MXR 10 band EQ in the loop and my modded SD-1 in front and this amp is kicking ***.
I'm even getting a good fusion type of crunchy tone on "Raw" mode
which I thought would be impossible with this amp(it's so thick sounding).

are you running the dyna Comp in the loop or in front?
I have a Humphey modded Boss CS-3 that I could add to the mix as well.
what did it do to the feel of the amp?

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