Price check isle 5

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2009
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I offered 600 including shipping. Did I offer to much?
i know you are supposed to look between the two masters... lead and master vol to see if they are wired correctly for it to be a "+"
is it still a IIC? what does it say on the side of the chassis?

if so i'd give him 600-700. if it's a "+" then double that... 3k is a bit out there, lol

I was kidding, I know how to tell a C or C+. It was just such a high price for an upgraded C-C+ that I had to summit unusually low price to offset it. :lol:
It needs a scrub brush. If your going to ask a high price at least vacuum the thing off. :shock:
Frayed power cable, the speaker is a 12S which I hear sounds like garbage compared to the 12L, tolex is beat to high hell, sweet Jesus. $3000 is way way too much. And I didn't realize that Mike B's initials drove up the resale value :lol: I thought those were on like 99% of Mesa Mark Series amps.
I thought the 12S was well regarded..
certainly the one I have here cuts through a little more than my 12L, but not as toppy as my Altec 417-8H.

For 3k I'd expect not only clean and tidy, but the thing would want to come with the free set of steak knives, and the mouli that slices and dices.
It was re-listed at 2250 or best offer. It would be interesting if this was a no reserve auction how much it would end up selling for.
Did someone saw this?

An upgraded IIC+ went for over $3k on Ebay today! Did i missed something? That's the 100/60W. I already contacted the seller and told him that this is an upgraded one. Not the original. But he didn't add this to his description. Looks like i wasn't the only one. If you spend so much money for an Amp you should get the right information from the web and not false information from the listing. :( But maybe i'm just wrong and the prices for upgraded ones just raised.
That's another great example for selling his gear one Ebay. 8)
So, what's the price for an original IIC+ now?
SpongeRob said:
Did someone saw this?

An upgraded IIC+ went for over $3k on Ebay today! Did i missed something? That's the 100/60W. I already contacted the seller and told him that this is an upgraded one. Not the original. But he didn't add this to his description. Looks like i wasn't the only one. If you spend so much money for an Amp you should get the right information from the web and not false information from the listing. :( But maybe i'm just wrong and the prices for upgraded ones just raised.
That's another great example for selling his gear one Ebay. 8)
So, what's the price for an original IIC+ now?

Im not surprised it went for 3k. Its getting harder to find a C+ (upgraded or not) with GEQ, so people are ready to pay premium. Seller did actually add an answer and the question about the upgrade. I asked him and he got back to me that he posted question and the answer, its right there and it says, the amp was upgraded in 2009.

I dont see anything false in that listing, the amp serial is clearly visible, the question and answer about upgrade was there for several days. People should really stop witch hunts on this forum for no reason.

I sold my original DRG C+ for $3.75k on this forum, so $3k for upgraded HRG on ebay seems decent in comparison. Lets not forget, upgraded or not, that is the same amp and i see in future less and less difference in prices. Upgrade or not Mike B. did it anyways.
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for the seller, but he did seem to be a touch shady... or maybe just creative.

"1499 were made between 1983 and 1985" quote from his listing, suggesting that his amp was one of the 1500 or so original C+
yeah, mesa is only open 4 days a week, but it's not hard to figure that out. said he couldn't get anyone to answer the phone

If you ignore the description and go by the pictures, it's obvious that it's an upgrade, from the SN. Set to Metallica specs... funny but it worked, until maybe they buyer will want to know what those specs are... vague. maybe he meant tone settings. He has the hang tag and looks like original cover which are a plus.

he had the nads to sack up and sell it without a reserve, so i give him credit. maybe his crceative listing is a good way to sell C+ for high dollars.

and I agree that it's getting harder to find them with GEQ these days so that had to play a part in the sale, and it looked pretty clean

zodiac272 said:
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for the seller, but he did seem to be a touch shady... or maybe just creative.

"1499 were made between 1983 and 1985" quote from his listing, suggesting that his amp was one of the 1500 or so original C+
yeah, mesa is only open 4 days a week, but it's not hard to figure that out. said he couldn't get anyone to answer the phone

If you ignore the description and go by the pictures, it's obvious that it's an upgrade, from the SN. Set to Metallica specs... funny but it worked, until maybe they buyer will want to know what those specs are... vague. maybe he meant tone settings. He has the hang tag and looks like original cover which are a plus.

he had the nads to sack up and sell it without a reserve, so i give him credit. maybe his crceative listing is a good way to sell C+ for high dollars.

and I agree that it's getting harder to find them with GEQ these days so that had to play a part in the sale, and it looked pretty clean


Agree. Also as you said, he listed it without reserve, so it could have ended much lower. People are simply ready to pay for these amps, upgrades or not.
Seller did actually add an answer and the question about the upgrade.

I'm not quite sure about when he posted this answer. I watched the auction almost every day to see if he will add the info about the upgrade. And i realised his question/answer today. Still the description is false. And someone who's not very familiar with this Amp is ready to pay Top Dollar. In my opinion it wasn't honest enough to change the description.

Anyway, an interesting Price Change if the Upgraded IIC+ are really going for $3k now. We should watch out for the real Deal next time.

SpongeRob said:
Seller did actually add an answer and the question about the upgrade.

I'm not quite sure about when he posted this answer. I watched the auction almost every day to see if he will add the info about the upgrade. And i realised his question/answer today. Still the description is false. And someone who's not very familiar with this Amp is ready to pay Top Dollar. In my opinion it wasn't honest enough to change the description.

Anyway, an interesting Price Change if the Upgraded IIC+ are really going for $3k now. We should watch out for the real Deal next time.

Hardwood IIC+ HRG just sold for $3299 on ebay. Very close to the upgraded one.

I think its all about playing vs collecting. As far as playing goes, its the same amp. As far as collecting goes, then we can talk about the serial number range, but again, since M.B. is doing upgrade, whats the difference realy?

Then we could also get into the argument about people sending the original IIC+s for filter cap work, resistors, etc. Technicaly they are not original anymore either.
Or people buying all those hardwood combos, stripping them and putting them into aftermarket shells just for quick profit. Does that devalue the originality of the amp? I think for collectors it does, for players it doesnt, but then again, back to point one, for players it doesnt really matter if its upgrade or not.

I have one of each, "original" IIC+ HRG and "upgraded" DRG, so im in both camps. ;)
That was my amp that sold and it wasn't stripped out of a hardwood combo. If people prefer the original ratty tolex I guess that's there choice.
I don't believe the original tolex adds anything to the collectable value of the amp. It certainly doesn't reflect that in the used market.
It's the C+ tone most people will pay for and having it in a nice shell is a bonus.
And you mention quick profit. What quick profit. The price it takes to send it to Mesa and the cost of the hardwood shell and the labor involved to put it together.
There is no quick profit, it takes a lot of time. As for the caps being changed you mean to tell me you are going to be able to pick out the C+ that had the caps replaced
and the original? I don't think so. I think it adds plenty knowing that the amp you just paid 3000+ for isn't going to crap out a week later and you then have the aggravation to send it in for service.
I took that element out of the equation so the buyer know there getting a reliable amp serviced by the man himself. that goes a long way.
I think my amps are worth the price I ask and I back that up with a quality product. Just saying. :)

The upgraded one that sold for 3000 I believe to be a fluke and not a indication of the actual price those are worth.
DaveP said:
That was my amp that sold and it wasn't stripped out of a hardwood combo. If people prefer the original ratty tolex I guess that's there choice.
I don't believe the original tolex adds anything to the collectable value of the amp. It certainly doesn't reflect that in the used market.
It's the C+ tone most people will pay for and having it in a nice shell is a bonus.
And you mention quick profit. What quick profit. The price it takes to send it to Mesa and the cost of the hardwood shell and the labor involved to put it together.
There is no quick profit, it takes a lot of time. As for the caps being changed you mean to tell me you are going to be able to pick out the C+ that had the caps replaced
and the original? I don't think so. I think it adds plenty knowing that the amp you just paid 3000+ for isn't going to crap out a week later and you then have the aggravation to send it in for service.
I took that element out of the equation so the buyer know there getting a reliable amp serviced by the man himself. that goes a long way.

Did i say something that you found offensive? I didnt point out to anyone in particular, just continued the theory of value of upgraded vs stock IIC+, thats all.

I didnt mean to say that caps would change tone, you should read my post again. I said that replacing internal parts from the "original" amp and upgrading a IIC makes them almost the same deal to collectors..
I guess I found this to be a little off:

"Then we could also get into the argument about people sending the original IIC+s for filter cap work, resistors, etc. Technicaly they are not original anymore either.
Or people buying all those hardwood combos, stripping them and putting them into aftermarket shells just for quick profit."

If I took it the wrong way I apologize. It's just I take pride in refurbishing these 25 year old beauties and it isn't meant to devalue the collectible value or the player value.
Some may see not offering it in the same torn tolex shell as being a devaluing aspect but I don't and many other don't either.
DaveP said:
I guess I found this to be a little off:

"Then we could also get into the argument about people sending the original IIC+s for filter cap work, resistors, etc. Technicaly they are not original anymore either.
Or people buying all those hardwood combos, stripping them and putting them into aftermarket shells just for quick profit."

If I took it the wrong way I apologize. It's just I take pride in refurbishing these 25 year old beauties and it isn't meant to devalue the collectible value or the player value.
Some may see not offering it in the same torn tolex shell as being a devaluing aspect but I don't and many other don't either.

Isnt MB doing the refurbishing part for you? ;)

I can see that its not meant to decrease any value, but as far as collectibility goes, it does. The true collector will definitely prefer IIC+ in original 1984 hardwood combo. (im not a collector so i couldnt care less, but i know a few people who are)

But because it sells better as a head, you take it out of original shell (ratty or mint), and put it into a new head shell. Nothing against you man, but you look for profits, quick or not and thats all good too.
These are only my opinions, and no ill will to anyone

i think when the average buyer/player asks if it's original, 99% of that means if it's a factory C+ and not an upgrade, and not modded in any way. The other 1% is if it has non mesa parts. like that 60 watt reverb combo on ebay for $2200 forever in NY. Non-mesa cap job... trouble to sell.

I would prefer to buy a 25 yr old amp that was serviced at mesa. That yellow RA service form gives peace of mind... otherwise I will send it to mesa myself while Mike B. still there. I would be upset if I got my C+ Coliseum, played it and it blew up because it needed a service. The 3 i have all went to mesa, 2 were "+" upgraded/serviced, the Coliseum is/was original, lol
If mesa thinks the power cord looks sketchy, or the old bakelite sockets need to get replaced, than I'm happy to do it. Plus mike b. has tweaked a couple resistor values over the years that he sees as improvements.
I don't think DaveP is hoarding all the hardwood combo shells. I'm sure they are mostly tolex combo or heads that he buys. Honestly, I find it hard to see how he makes tons of money flipping them because he spends a lot on the service and woods. I would guess it's more of a love/hobby to find great amps, restore them, play them for a while and set them free by selling them, and maybe keeping the few that are his favorites.

The upgraded one that sold for 3000 I believe to be a fluke and not a indication of the actual price those are worth.

That was also my first thought. Someone in the Forum is selling his DRG(X) upgraded IIC+ for $2000 i believe. Also i remember that we talked about upgraded or original a couple of months ago. And it was clearly stated that original will catch far more bids and of course higher bids than the upgraded ones. And seeing Dave's IIC+ in Hardwood with Service going for $3,299 tells me something is wrong with the $3000 Upgrade IIC+. And now i think i was right with the high price it fetch.

Adonixx, nothing against you or anyone else. But i think speaking from quick profit is not appropriated in your post. It's up to everyone else to try what Dave is doing. I don't think we can talk about quick profit. He's spending for sure a lot of time and money for his projects. And i think it's sometimes a bit risky to calculate the costs and sell the Amp with profit which just justify his time he spend for the Amp. He's also a very honest man helping out some of the Board Members. And the more important: He's selling full functional Amp and is very honest with his auctions! That's what i really appreciate about him. Not like some black sheeps trying to pull as much money from his auctions and hidding some flaws. Dave is offering a great service to anyone living outside the US. So no one is forced to buy an Amp in Europe or anywhere else and ship it to the US for a maintenance just to get an "original look over by Mike B. from Mesa".

I'm really happy that DaveP is doing what he's doing! He's THE Man for IIC+ Amps. And buying from him gives me and some others the best service!

Doesn't want to be offensive. But i think "quick profit" is just the wrong statement.

Let's us give each other a hug and watch out for some other auctions. To keep informations about the Prices updated. :)


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