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I bet that Stiletto/BX combo sounds awesome with that LP. How much different is it than say a JMP sitting on top? I would assume slightly more modern but still having some british flavor a la the EL34's.
The BX has the Greenbacks just like the old Marshalls, so if you hooked a JMP to it, it would be the 1960's all over again. I got it used for $650 at Daddy's Junky Music, where it's $1100 brand new. The only problem is there is one little spot of dried up soda on the tolex. lol. As for the Stiletto, it sounds great. I have yet to perfect it though. I just got it today.
It's a Series I.. I've played an Ace which has the same sound as a Stage II and there really isn't much of a difference that I can hear.
Yeah I have the AX for my JMP. It sounds great. I was wondering about the Stiletto with the BX because it is Mesa's Marshally offering.
I would totally recommend it, it's just that I don't like paying $1100 for a cab. I would look around before buying it brand new
sgtbaker said:
It's a Series I.. I've played an Ace which has the same sound as a Stage II and there really isn't much of a difference that I can hear.

It's true that you can get most of the same tones in the Stage II (or Ace in this case) but 5 out of the 6 modes were revoiced and it's got a lot more gain as well. Both are fantastic amps, just trying to clarify the differences. I had both but if I had to choose, I'd keep the II (and I did :p )

Russ, check out the Ace head if you get a chance.. preferrably with a Les Paul. It's so much fun....
Aart said:
if you evre sell one of those cabs, send me an email dude :shock:

:) It took apprx. ten years all together when I finally found two of these cabs for me . I searched and searched these f.ex. from eBay from all over the world but finally delivery costs makes me delay the buying decision. And for my luck I got both of these from Finland where I live.

But however , I will inform my heirs in my testament to sell these cabs to you Aart then whenever it's prevailing 8) ...hopefully not that yet :shock: There's still some things must be done...
Pete K said:
Aart said:
if you evre sell one of those cabs, send me an email dude :shock:

:) It took apprx. ten years all together when I finally found two of these cabs for me . I searched and searched these f.ex. from eBay from all over the world but finally delivery costs makes me delay the buying decision. And for my luck I got both of these from Finland where I live.

But however , I will inform my heirs in my testament to sell these cabs to you Aart then whenever it's prevailing 8) ...hopefully not that yet :shock: There's still some things must be done...

Haha, thanks :D

There are a few in Holland and I'm trying to find one now, but apparrently they're so damn good that nobody wants to sell em.
MesaENGR412 said:
Sgtbaker, what color is that LP?? That thing is beautiful!!!


Thanks man. It's called Root Beer and it seems to be alot more of a flame/qulit than the Les Paul Standard's. That's not really a good picture of it. If you get it in the light it looks amazing. I'll get you a pic of it.
Those rootbeer LPs are interesting. I have seen many that faded to a purplish color. I asked my firend that works at GC and he said that he sees a lot of them that do that and pulled one off the wall that just happened to be a nice shade of purple.
Yep. They sure do. I don't know why but they slowly change to a purplish hue.
somebody had me convinced mesas were metal sludge machines

Hey flogger, how do you like the HD147? Do you find it models the mesa stuff well?
i think so. line 6 can build some nice stuff but you have to pay big big bucks for it
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