Hello - I'm new here. Anyway - nice to see lots of Boogie lovers out in the world!
Anyway - hope I don't bore you. As compared to some of you cats, I'm kinda embarrassed!
Cakewalk Sonar 2.0 XL Recording Program
Roland VS 1880 Digital 18 Track
1980 Westbury Standard with Kahler. Bought it in about '82 for $125. It's built like a brick *********, but has seen better days. Yeah - I like to fish as well.
2000 Yamaha RBX 360 Bass
1975 Music Man HD 130 with Generic Horrible 15" and even crappier homemade cab. That's a circa 1942 Digitech thingy that I really never use anymore.
That's a Pathetic Peavy. I use it when I run out of toilet paper.
2001 Squire Strat I bought basically new for $70. Ya - most of them are terrible, but I found this one in a friend's pawn shop, and they screwed up and made this one with a straight neck! You'd laugh, but the thing actually plays great!
Some Yamaha keyboard thing. Somebody just sort of gave it too me.
Doesn't everybody and their grandmother have one of those? Think I got it for free.
1981 Guild X79. Bought it in '89 for $100. The guts in the thing are killer, but it's the ugliest guitar in the world. Actually have it set up in E tuning for slide....
Couple of junk acoustics, although I bought the Silvertone on the right for $50 2 years ago from a pawn shop - basically brand new. Grover tuners come standard, and you'd laugh if you knew how good it played and sounded.
1981 Les Paul Standard. Probably the only guitar that I actually spent a little bit on. I bought it 1994 from a friend, whom I'd talked down over the course of a 3 year period from $900 all the way down to $450. I figured I got a decent deal on it.
1983 Boogie Mk IIC 1/2 Stack, 60/100 watt.... Guess that's the main reason I'm here.
I bought it new at Metro Music in Atlanta for $2k back in October of 1983.. I had been looking all over the place at amps - had almost settled on a 25th anniversery Marshall Stack. Finally, went to Metro. As the story went, the salesman told me and the other guitar player in the band I was playing in at the time, that these were among the very first Boogies east of the Mississippi. I'd started hearing about Boogies at that time (what's this word "Mesa" y'all keep using?

Anyway, I played one A chord through some sort of guitar (don't remember what), but put the guitar down, grabbed $2,000 out of my wallet, handed it to him, and said - you really didn't have to work for that commission, did you?
It's still my baby. I wouldn't take a million dollars for it. When I die, it goes with me, as we'll be cremated together. The wife might not like that, but it came around before she did, so...... :wink: