Pissed off.

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73h Nils

Well-known member
Mar 29, 2007
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I started this rant thread mainly to expel some steam about my current situation, but, if you've got something bothering you, feel free to add your own complaints (keeping in mind, the sticky "no political discussion").

Alright, on Monday, I lost my CD Wallet. 48 of my favourite CDs that took about 2-3 years to get/find are now in the hands of someone else (or gone forever, 'cause it was garbage day the following day and it might have fallen next to a pile :cry: ). I had a soccer practice, and it started "hailing" (proper word?), so we all bolted back to school. As I was running, my backpack opened up and all my stuff fell out (I wasn't aware of this). As I got nearer to school, I heard a "clang" emanate from somewhere on the ground to my right. It was a medal I won at a Skills Competition. At this point, I was like "F***!" So I look around, and my keys are about 4 metres away. I pretty much hate myself at this point, so I grab my keys, chuck them in the NOW COMPLETELY EMPTY back pocket of my bag and trudge dejectedly into school, absolutely soaked with rain (1cm of water IN my cleats, alone. Did I mention I lost my right shoe in the storm somewhere, too?) Anyway, I take stock of my bag's inventory. Here's what was missing:
-Right Shoe
-Another medal from another skills comp.
-CD Wallet.
Now, as ironic as it is, I missed my CD wallet the most, even moreso than my regular wallet. Plastic that no one else can use can technically be replaced easily. 1200$ worth of CDs, cannot. :x

So, I go back out (it's still pouring rain) and head back the way I came. It takes a good 20 minutes of searching to find most of my stuff. I ended up finding my wallet and my glasses, etc. But still no CD Wallet (or headphones, but they were crap anyway). I find my shoe hung on a fencepost. I almost didn't see it, 'cause it was in such a weird place. I go back to school and chuck all the stuff in my bag and then ask other people from the soccer team if they saw anything. No such luck.

I then go out another 4 times, in a span of an hour and 15 minutes and search EVERY FUCKING PLACE I can. Nowhere.

Now, the sun's coming out, finally, but I'm still drenched. I want to go home, but there's no one home to pick me up (Don't have a car :roll: ). One of my friends, who was still at school, helps me look for the Wallet for another 10 minutes or so. At this point, I turn it in. F*** it, essentially.

I do not listen to mainstream music. That wallet had ALL the Dream Theater studio albums, live albums, Liquid Tension, Explorer's Club, Ayreon, Iced Earth, Kamelot, Opeth, Pain of Salvation, Spheric Universe Experience etc. So if someone found it (no one's turned it in, as of yet) WHAT THE F***! I'm willing to bet some kid who listens to like, MTV crap, found it and is probably doing stupid stuff to them, like scratch them etc. I say this merely because of the fact that it's been 4 days since I lost it, so, y'know, turn it in!

The other reality I have to face is that maybe they got compacted by a garbage truck... :x

These CDs (music they contain, to be more precise) is my life. There is not one day where I don't listen to at least 2 of them. It's like having something stolen from you, except you realize it's because of your own stupid self.

F*** F*** F***!!! AAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHH!!! :cry: :evil: :x
I'd make a list of the lost cd's and bring it to any used cd store's in the area .
Some silly kid stole a cd carrier out of my car . The discs showed up a week later at the same store . I got them back , He got arrested .
It may be worth a shot .
I'm in Southern Ontario. I have every CD in that thing memorized, in a certain order and everything.

Ayreon- The Human Equation (German Version Import)
DT-All studio albums, then all live albums
(Thankfully, I still have Petrucci's solo album in it's case at home, so there's one blank space. It's autographed; I met him)
Evening with JP and JR
Kamelot-Black Halo
Pain of Salvation-Scarsick
Liquid Tension 1 & 2
Explorer's Club - Age of Impact
Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast
Iced Earth - Alive In Athens, 3 Disk (Import)
Spheric Universe Experience - (Can never remember the album name)
Opeth - Blackwater Park, Deliverence, Damnation, Ghost Reveries
Rhapsody-Legendary Tales, Rain of a Thousand Flames
Nevermore - Enemies of Reality (Andy Sneap mix), This Godless Endeavour
DragonForce (Driving Music, lol) - Sonic Firestorm, Inhuman Rampage
Metallica - Master of Puppets
Pink Floyd- Pulse, 2-CD set

I'm probably missing some, but y'know... :cry:
Sorry for your loss.

I had all my CD's stolen once along with my Custom Lado Earth model.

But what's really getting at me today is the breakdown of my new Mesa Lonestar Special. Only two months old. My dealer doesn't have the replacement tubes so I'm back to my old amp until I can get it fixed. :cry:
73h Nils said:
I'm in Southern Ontario. I have every CD in that thing memorized, in a certain order and everything.

Ayreon- The Human Equation (German Version Import)
DT-All studio albums, then all live albums
(Thankfully, I still have Petrucci's solo album in it's case at home, so there's one blank space. It's autographed; I met him)
Evening with JP and JR
Kamelot-Black Halo
Pain of Salvation-Scarsick
Liquid Tension 1 & 2
Explorer's Club - Age of Impact
Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast
Iced Earth - Alive In Athens, 3 Disk (Import)
Spheric Universe Experience - (Can never remember the album name)
Opeth - Blackwater Park, Deliverence, Damnation, Ghost Reveries
Rhapsody-Legendary Tales, Rain of a Thousand Flames
Nevermore - Enemies of Reality (Andy Sneap mix), This Godless Endeavour
DragonForce (Driving Music, lol) - Sonic Firestorm, Inhuman Rampage
Metallica - Master of Puppets
Pink Floyd- Pulse, 2-CD set

I'm probably missing some, but y'know... :cry:

Hey, sorry about your loss! I keep CD's in the car and at work that are burned copies of the original. I have a couple CD's that I got when CD's first started to become affordable. My first CD was Loud Love by Soundgargen. I still have it but only use the burned copy. Now I'm converting stuff to iTunes for when I get an iPod.

Something to think about. Carry only burned copies or get an iPod. Small investment compared to what was lost.
I should have an mp3 player by now, but I've invested practically all my money into guitar equipment and stuff. I have all the songs on my iTunes, though, but that's not to say I don't want my CDs back...