Pics of the Wood/Wicker/Simul/EQ/Reverb/EV IIC to C+

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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2006
Reaction score
Fully loaded and all original except for the "+" upgrade. Sounds amazing! Enjoy..





PS: You CAN have too much horsepower. Look what happened to TVR Speed 12. :wink: That car is too good to be true.
Yeah but...Can you play?

Most guys around this board pose with their fetish gear and can't play to save their lives.
Dersu Uzala said:
Yeah but...Can you play?

Most guys around this board pose with their fetish gear and can't play to save their lives.

Why the negativity dude?

Nice amp.
I guess we've got some real jerks on this forum. Oh well. I'll refrain from sharing anything else in here since some can't cope. Oh, and the speaker is plugged into the 4ohm because it was also hooked up to an 8ohm 2x12, so yeah, I have an idea what I'm doing!
Racerboy44 said:
I guess we've got some real jerks on this forum. Oh well. I'll refrain from sharing anything else in here since some can't cope. Oh, and the speaker is plugged into the 4ohm because it was also hooked up to an 8ohm 2x12, so yeah, I have an idea what I'm doing!

Don't mind the negativity, it's a rarity around these parts fortunately. Thanks for sharing pics, that thing is gorgeous and I bet it sounds kiiller!

Post some clips if you have the means!
I am not very savvy when it comes to recording and I have not taken the time to learn how to upload recorded clips to the computer. But I will try and see if I can get something uploaded so others can hear what kind of tone this thing puts out.
i think one of the main points of this site is to show people who care about amp's your own ...This isn't much different to a vintage car club something alike..

I like this site becasue there are people on here who care about These wonderful amp's as much as me...some might be a collectors but i think you will find that there would be alot more muso's here..

So i really love to see these photo's because there not something i see every day living in Australia and all..

So Who cares..

Thats one Cool amp..
Dang, am I speaking Swedish? What derogatory comments?

I asked Racerboy44 if he can actually play.

Then I matter of factly stated what appears obvious to me, judging from this very forum section (Rigs & Tones); most folk on this board seem to be hobbyists when it comes to playing. That's it, that's all.

Nothing rude, derogatory or profane about it. I'll admit a bit of sarcasm.

On a different note, the amp looks like a killer. We have yet to hear how it, and more importantly, how he sounds. Although, I'm pretty familiar how tons of different amps sound. It's the man/woman behind the gear I'm interested in.

Anyhow, if I came off as I jerk that would be the first and I apologize to everyone. Back to regularly scheduled programming.