Petrucci not using the mark 5

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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2007
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So apparently John isn't using the new model in the studio, bummer... I guess I would use the real things too if I had them, I was hoping to see that he had real faith in them producing awesome tones... I'm sure they'll replace his touring rig though, so the old C+'s don't take lots of abuse.
yeah thats petrucci's recording rig for the new album.. which is almost done... its on his website. check it out...

i understand that none of us will get the M5 till spring, BUT JP is a big endorser. I'm pretty sure they made some models that he could have used, plus he was testing out the, if there weren't more than one, prototype on the road.. which he could have used.

Again i understand saying.. "well i have the real thing. so why go for a reissue" but I would love to hear a high quality recording of the Old C+ and M4 against those settings on the M5.
It seems to me that, while the Mark V may turn out to be the pinnacle of the Mark series, it still seems to be a Mark greatest hits as opposed to treading new ground. As such, if someone were to have a 'real' Mark IIC+ and/or a 'real' Mark IV they may be better suited for studio work while the Mark V would be perfect for a touring rig as it would approximate both amps fairly well while reducing the complexity of a multi-amp setup. I'm guessing that's where JP is heading.
Plus its a brand new amp so it could take a year or so of knob tweaking before JP finds a sound he really likes alot.
newfinator said:
It seems to me that, while the Mark V may turn out to be the pinnacle of the Mark series, it still seems to be a Mark greatest hits as opposed to treading new ground. As such, if someone were to have a 'real' Mark IIC+ and/or a 'real' Mark IV they may be better suited for studio work while the Mark V would be perfect for a touring rig as it would approximate both amps fairly well while reducing the complexity of a multi-amp setup. I'm guessing that's where JP is heading.

I agree. He'll probably pick a production model or two up for his touring rig if anything.
lerxst88 said:
Plus its a brand new amp so it could take a year or so of knob tweaking before JP finds a sound he really likes alot.

Plus one picture only tells you so much. Just because it isn't in the picture doesn't mean it wasn't used unless he has openly said it wasn't.

But i do agree unless the Mark V has something his current amps don't offer, why fix what isn't broken? Not saying any one amp is better than another but if you already know how to dial in the current amps you own and your recording your next record with a certain tone in mind, I would never change things mid swing.
I understand that he wouldn't buy one for the C+ or IV voicings, but doesn't the mkV have a new voicing on channel 3. An extreme channel or something? That is what I would like to hear.
So, basically, the Mark V is just a rehash of the Mark IIC+ and Mark IV. What's so different about it? I'm actually thinking of buying one, except I have the option of buying a Mark IIC and getting it modded to a C+.
There is some Lone Star, Mark I, Mark IV, clean~lead, English crunch, Mark IIC+, American tweed, more EQ, poweramp options, etc.

So ya ... what you said.
Now this is said without playing one yet, but I think the Mark V is a lot more than a rehash of previous Mark amps. From what I've heard the cleans might be the best or right a long with the best Mesa has ever put out. Plus the Mark V with the way its laid out and all of its voicing/wattage options might make for Mesa's most diverse next to the Road King and Roadster. I think they achieved what they set out to do... create another flagship with more of the Mark flavor to sit next to the Road King which covers all the Recto flavors.
Hi everyone :)

It could also very well be that the Mark V that John P. was seen using is a prototype, and he may not own it.

I haven't had a Mesa amplifier in awhile, and I'm thinking of either pre-ordering one of these, or trying to find a loaded Mark IIC+. I'm sure the first option will be a much easier endeavor. :mrgreen:
jdurso said:
Now this is said without playing one yet, but I think the Mark V is a lot more than a rehash of previous Mark amps. From what I've heard the cleans might be the best or right a long with the best Mesa has ever put out. Plus the Mark V with the way its laid out and all of its voicing/wattage options might make for Mesa's most diverse next to the Road King and Roadster. I think they achieved what they set out to do... create another flagship with more of the Mark flavor to sit next to the Road King which covers all the Recto flavors.

This. People act like because it has a IIC+ and IV mode that there's nothing "new" to it or they'd rather have a IIC+ or IV instead hands down. Have you people even read the feature list? Wattage selection per channel, completely independent channels, Mark I, Lonestar-ish cleans, Tweed voicing, multiple EQ options selectable per channel, a couple of Marshall-esque crunch flavored channels, etc...

And let's not forgot the opinions. For starters, Petrucci's tech - who heard John's IIC+ and Lonestar's on a nightly basis - saying the cleans were the best he's ever heard on a Boogie and it's overall the only Boogie he's thinks he'd be happy owning. An unnamed signed artist (who I will refrain from naming because he's still endorsed by Mesa) stating that the Mark V was the best amp he's heard Mesa produce next to the Rev. D he had, etc.
jdurso said:
Now this is said without playing one yet, but I think the Mark V is a lot more than a rehash of previous Mark amps. From what I've heard the cleans might be the best or right a long with the best Mesa has ever put out. Plus the Mark V with the way its laid out and all of its voicing/wattage options might make for Mesa's most diverse next to the Road King and Roadster. I think they achieved what they set out to do... create another flagship with more of the Mark flavor to sit next to the Road King which covers all the Recto flavors.

can't believe all this speculation over an amp no-one has tested.
Why not actually hear the thing first before any judgements are passed :mrgreen:
He did demo a Mark V on the last tour.

UPDATE: I found the pic that JP's tech posted on another forum of his demo MKV in use on tour. PM and I'll email it over to you.

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