LSS and pedals ( OD ) = hollow sound

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Mar 19, 2020
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I’ve tried using OD pedals with my LSS. I get a hollow tone with a drop in volume. It’s especially bad with my Fluxxdrive. It’s somewhat better with my Helix effects. I don’t have the problem with my MarkV or Orange. What could be the problem? I see posts on the web saying that the amp is a good pedal platform but that hasn’t been my experience. Really bad on channel 2. Thanks
Yea off the top that doesn't sound quite right. The LSS is an excellent pedal platform. However it's voicing and response with an OD pushing it is not the same as a V. It has quite a bit less overall gain. It's been my experience, especially with OD/Dist pedals, that the higher gain ones can sound tinny and hollow with the LSS depending on the amp settings and speaker choice.

It took a bit of sorting thru the OD/Dist models on my Boss Core before finding ones that seemed better suited for the LSS. WRT Ch 2 if you are using the Drive then the choices narrow further. To compensate I run an GEQ in the loop and a bit of frequency trimming really helps to shape the tone.
"Hollow tone with a drop in volume" sounds like phase cancelation, but that can only happen in parallel or stereo signals... What is the signal chain?

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