Paradigm: Mark V Metal Inside.

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Active member
Apr 16, 2009
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Sydney, Australia.
Hey Guys,

Thought you fine lads would enjoy this.
I recently uploaded a track from our album (Paradigm) which is coming out next year entitled 'Mind Is Key'. We are from Sydney, Australia.

Everything you hear on this track was recorded using my Suhr Custom Standard, including all the clean parts. Straight into a Mesa/Boogie Mark V. Stiletto Std 4x12 Cabinet with a SM57 and Heil PR30. That's it.
For this recording we tried a 4x12 Rectifier and a 2x12 Rectifier. The Stiletto came out best for the Mark V, hands down.
Pickups are Doug Aldrich in the bridge and SSV+ in the neck.
A wonderful combination. Balls to the wall / Gibson warmth.

Check it out, I'd love to know what you guys think also, feedback is always welcome. I uploaded some of 'the making' of the album videos on here a while back. Thanks for all the positive and kind words on them too!

Enjoy \m/\m/
Click the link.
Very nice...still amazed when I hear the guys (on certain sites) saying the markV doesent do metal.Nice work :)
Nice stuff. I watched the making of videos and did you use the other heads for recording too or just for live?

Deadfall, I usually see "can it be ams brootal enough for <insert terrible band here>," or "it is just a metal amp." I really don't see how people don't think that if so many bands have/do use them that it can't be super heavy.
I totally agree.
I think alot of people go into a guitar shop, plug a cheap 'metal' guitar into the Mark V and expect to hear an Andy Sneap CD coming through the speakers.
I've pretty much played every metal amp there is, working in a guitar shop I have had the lucky luxury!
Sure, other amps may be more saturated and 'heavy', but that's not what the Mark V is about in my opinion.
It's about clarity, every note rings through. I think that's what all Mesa's are about. It's why people use them.
Some parts of the album I used a Peavey 5150ii and a Mesa Roadster. But all rhythm's and leads are Mark V.
I used my Maxon OD808 for leads for liquid sustain. Didn't even quad track. I really wanted an organic guitar sound. I always find I get bored of the tone when I'm listening to a band that has a 6505 with everything on 12 with no mids. And a million tracks per side. But that's just me.
Alas, The Mark V certainly DOES do metal, I also don't understand that claim.
Glad the track is getting some spins, the album will be out Jan next year \m/
Great job on the mix and the playing is top notch. The Mark V certainly did its job...the tones perfect for the genre.

Thank for sharing.
sorry to be the apparent "grinch" but overall I didn't like it. way too complicated, boring, stressed out drum beats, vocals were sub par, guitars were good. mix was good.

but i really don't like metal with that style of constant drumming. give me an advil.

I like how despised icon and sepultura and pantera and even pig destroyer break it down. cut it in half (half-time) and break the neck.

good job overall.

listen to jazz, the doors and mr bungle, that's where it's at...

or this:
rabies.. with all respect.. this band - Paradigm, at least to me is further superior and advanced in terms of musicality then thosetwo you mentioned.. comparing such complex music, where you may see so many different influences combined, to straight ahead generic metal is not on par.. I dunno but to me it's got just the right amount of melodies, dark sounding rhytms, with an almost pink floydish approach..
you may count me in as a fan from this time on, cause I am so glad to see that in today's metal genre, there are still people who think in a musical way and do not consider music to be a physical workout where you just go drilling the haevy string and then you break it into half time cause that's how we roll and then a 1,5 min solo consisting of just 1/16 notes and the next song is the same **** as before :)
my props to this band
good point. metal does get boring after a while.

i'll need to listen to the entire song, it was pretty long.

dream theater gets old after a while as well.
Thank you guys for all the positive feedback you have taken the time to share.
It's always a tough one, but to the critics I say, all metal is good! All music is good. (Mostly).

Glad you guys are enjoying, and thanks for taking the time to share your thought's, really appreciated to everyone who has posted.

@ K-Roll: Well said!

I'll post in here when the album is released, if you'd like to hear the rest.

Cheers gentlemen.

jimmiivanyi said:
It's always a tough one, but to the critics I say, all metal is good! All music is good. (Mostly).

All Metal is not good. Sometimes I have to do a complete mind flush, and play Nazereth-Hair of the Dog. It's like doing a restart on your computer. :wink:
Ha! This is too true.
A LOT of metal is abrasive and only appeals to a particular taste.
The restart is a must, I agree. Sometimes I'll listen to Indian music or Ella Fitzgerald for days before I come back around..
Really digging the tones and playing dude. I have a Mark IVa that I love for the same reasons. That tightness and drive that they have is amazing. Very well textured too. I run mine through a Recto 2x12 and have no complaints on the tone whatsoever. The music is pretty **** awesome too. There's a consistent theme through the song but it changes and molds to keep it interesting. I like it a lot. Great job dude.

Funny thing the reason I want to eventually get a V is for the lower gain options more than anything. My IV can do almost everything the V can do (minus IIc+ mode) on the high gain side, but it's the crunch and clean options I'm most intrigued in.

And for the asshats that claim these can't do metal, well they're clearly ignorant. I dropped in a local Guitar Center when these dropped and played one for half an hour while testing out what would be the Recto 2x12 I took home. This was the first time I played a Mark at all so I just followed the recommended settings nearly to a T with some minor ear dialing too and just ripped through this thing. I was talking to the sales guy afterwards about it and he's like "Yeah I think the amp is amazing and super versatile. A lot of people that come in here think it doesn't have enough gain." I'm like "fucking seriously? This thing has more than enough and will bury most other amps in terms of clarity."

BTW just got through some leads on the track and the tones are amazing. There's that cleaner, low key one around 6:30 to 7:00 that sounds very organic, with just enough sweetness and bite. The lead toward the end of the song with more gain sounds epic too. Notes just sing. God that's what I love about these amps.
JOEY B. said:
... Sometimes I have to do a complete mind flush, and play Nazereth-Hair of the Dog ...

+1 Resistance is futile ... (and honest I do bring this all home to this thread)

Great to see another Nazareth fan. We bought Razamanaz the day of its release and of course the group I was in learned the title cut. We were out to find all the heavy albums the moment they were released that had songs most clubs (read all clubs in Northern California) wouldn't let groups play. Then we would setup generators in fields or parks and play these songs.

Go to the site then click on History. One of the first groups it talks about is "The Mark Five". So fast forward to this thread - Mark V + Metal; coincidence - I think not :wink:

Point is that I listened to the link and really enjoyed the intricacy and detail to mix, balance of parts, and the definition of the guitar - drum - bass interaction. I have played a lot of types of music (L.A. pop - rock - metal - heavy metal - lounge lizard - disco - Elvis [don't judge me :lol: ] - hispanic - italian - soft pop - southern rock - biker band rock - blues - R&B - Cool Jazz - Christian - Contemporary C&W) since 1967 and still enjoy anything that is well written.

Congratulations :)

i love it. love the drums and arrangement.

the guitar tone is HUGE too.

soon to b a markv owner!!!!!!
Thanks for taking the time to listen, and for dropping a comment. It really means alot to know what listeners think, and for that I'm thanking each and every one of you.

Just thought I would mention, the record is now available.
If you would like to hear the rest, it can be purchased here:
International sales are welcome :)

The artwork and everything came together beautifully.
It should be up on iTunes for download any-time now, it's in the 'pending' status.
Search Paradigm, Mind Is Key.

Thanks again guys, the Mark V is the dream amp for me. I've had alot of fun tuning it for certain parts, or guitars, single coils and humbuckers. There is a setting for anything, and a brilliant one :)

Looking forward to taking it back on the road, and turning it up!!

Cheers, Jimmi.