OT upgrade...deal or no deal?

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2008
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I'm getting my Roadster back from my local mesa tech tomorrow and on the phone I asked him what the deal was for transformer upgrades. He thinks it makes a big difference, but he did give me a word of caution, confirming that it does indeed void the Mesa warranty (which I still have 4 and a half years of left as the amp is still pretty new).

He said that if I really wanted to do a tranny switch, he'd do it and still honor my warranty for the remainder of its length.

Yay or nay, gentlemen?
I say yay, if he's promising to honor your warranty and you could get that deal in writing. Trannies are the "heart" of the amp.
I'd say "nay." If only because I'm guessing you liked the sound of the amp as is, which is why you bought it in the first place. There are other less invasive ways to get the sound you want, tubes, pedals, and even using a different amp.

He may honor the warranty, which is pretty good. However, if you even unloaded it you wouldn't be able to sell it with warranty from Mesa intact.

That sad, I like to experiment. So I can certainly see the attraction for doing it.
simonich said:
I'd say "nay." If only because I'm guessing you liked the sound of the amp as is, which is why you bought it in the first place. There are other less invasive ways to get the sound you want, tubes, pedals, and even using a different amp.

He may honor the warranty, which is pretty good. However, if you even unloaded it you wouldn't be able to sell it with warranty from Mesa intact.

That sad, I like to experiment. So I can certainly see the attraction for doing it.

Yeah that is my main concern. I've been/am under the impression that Mesa's transformers and parts in general are pretty top-notch and that therefore such an upgrade may have questionable benefits (if any). They are after all, extremely well put-together amps to begin with.

I'm thinking that a tube swap would be a wiser idea than a transformer rebuild/switch...but I'm also frustrated with the entire Mesa tube ordeal (Mesa or GT tubes only or no more warranty...it sucks). Somehow I don't really think throwing in a GT as opposed to a Mesa/Ruby STR will make much (if any) of a difference...so my answer may lie in preamp tubes (of which I really don't know where to start).
Try it.
If you don't like it, put it back to stock.

If he is really a Mesa authorized service center, the warranty would still be in tact if he reverted it back to stock. It should be looked at the same as if the Mesa factory did it.
I don't know that changing tubes to non-mesa voids the warranty. The warranty for tubes is only 6 months anyway which you are past. I'd be VERY surprised if non-mesa tubes would void the warranty. You might want to call Mesa and ask to be sure. Matter of fact, i'll email Marcus @ Mesa and see what he has to say. I've got some non-stock tubes in my Rectoverb so i'd be interested to know for sure just in case...

On a more on topic note, i've heard that a tranny upgrade can change your tone for sure, but will it change it enough to justify the cost of the part? Not sure about that.... I think i'd leave it stock, but then again you might miss out on some kick *** tone improvements otherwise. Hell, if you've got the money and know you are keeping the amp then try it out and have him swap it back out if you don't like it!

MusicManJP6 said:
I don't know that changing tubes to non-mesa voids the warranty. The warranty for tubes is only 6 months anyway which you are past. I'd be VERY surprised if non-mesa tubes would void the warranty. You might want to call Mesa and ask to be sure. Matter of fact, i'll email Marcus @ Mesa and see what he has to say. I've got some non-stock tubes in my Rectoverb so i'd be interested to know for sure just in case...


Oh, it does void the warranty. Says it right on the warranty sheet, and it's pretty widely known (or at least I think it is) that using non-Mesa (or non Groove tubes #4-7) tubes will void the warranty if the amp goes down with them in it.

Core9 said:
Try it.
If you don't like it, put it back to stock.

If he is really a Mesa authorized service center, the warranty would still be in tact if he reverted it back to stock. It should be looked at the same as if the Mesa factory did it.

That's a good idea. Nobody said I had to toss out the stock transformer or anything, so that's totally doable.

And he is a Mesa-authorized guy. I found out about him through MESA. He's 1 of only 2 guys here in my state authorized as Mesa repair techs. The other guy is like a 2 hour drive from me so to hell with that. :D
I've emailed Marcus @ Mesa. I'll let you know what he says. Even if it does void the warranty you can always keep your stock tubes just in case anything happens so you can slap the stocks back in before taking it in to get it looked at... :oops: It's good to have backups anyway...
MusicManJP6 said:
I've emailed Marcus @ Mesa. I'll let you know what he says. Even if it does void the warranty you can always keep your stock tubes just in case anything happens so you can slap the stocks back in before taking it in to get it looked at... :oops: It's good to have backups anyway...

Cool, thanks. I'd like to try some JJs or something in the back end of my Roadster, see if I can't tighten/crunch it up a notch. :D
Do you know what it will sound like after the mod and is that the tone you're after? Has the tech done a similar mod and can give you a sound clip? Don't assume that the new sound will be better becasue you spent big dollar on a 'better OT'.
ja22y said:
Do you know what it will sound like after the mod and is that the tone you're after? Has the tech done a similar mod and can give you a sound clip? Don't assume that the new sound will be better becasue you spent big dollar on a 'better OT'.

That's another thing holding me back. Either way if I decide to do it it'll be at least 6 months down the road probably since I have bigger fish to fry at the moment. I'd like to see if I can track down someone who has done the swap and jam on their amp or listen to it, etc.
I hated the JJ preamp tubes in my Rectoverb (all 5 slots being JJs). They made this nasty high end noise that sounded really harsh. I'd stay away from the JJs for a Recto if I were you. On the other hand, I loved those same JJ preamp tubes in my F30 combo.

I'm starting down the road of NOS preamp tubes and can clearly hear what all the fuss is about regarding them. As for modern production tubes, I thought the SED "C" 6L6s made the most noticeable difference in my Roadster compared to swapping preamp tubes. I should have a pair of the SEDs in my mailbox when I go home as a matter of fact!

Get an NOS RCA 12AX7, throw it in V1, and prepare to be amazed. I sure as heck was when I first put one in my RoV last week! Save your hard earned money for something else instead of a tranny that may or may not upgrade your tone...
Just got back from a friends house who owns a DR he had modded by Voodoo amps. The output transformer was swapped out along with some other internal things. Comparing it to my DR, tonally was like taking a blanket off the amp. Everything played was clearer and punchier to say the least.

This was a 3 channel DR he had modded. Just playing on his amp for 15-20 minutes and running through the features of the amp, the green channel wasn't changed much if at all internally. It was heaps more chimey if that means anything. I take it that Voodoo did nothing to this channel and this is all new Mercury Tranny here. The orange channel sounded like the red channel on my unmodded amp. his red channel sounded like my amp's red channel with a EQ in the loop and OD on the front end just using guitar into amp.

Yes I would do the swap if you could retain the original so you could put it back in if you ever plan to sell it.

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