Opinions on 6V6s

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2006
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For all of you that have used or are currently using 6V6s instead of 6L6s:

Let me know what you have experienced. Likes/dislikes. Tone characteristics. Comparisons in feel vs. 6L6s. Favorite brands or models. Oddities I should be aware of before purchasing them and also for after installing in a Mark IV.

I am thinking about swapping out to a quad of 6V6s.

Thanks in advance.
I love 6V6's, have only used JJ's. They have more of a mid hump than L's or 34s which really help you cut through in a band situation.
I've had four JJ 6V6's in my Mark 1 RI combo for the past 18 months...absolutely love them. The change was more for a volume drop than the tonal change...6L6's (even at the 60 watt setting) were way too loud for where I play.

Ned is right...I do hear more mids and it sounds good to me.
Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:58 am Post subject:


I've had four JJ 6V6's in my Mark 1 RI combo for the past 18 months...absolutely love them. The change was more for a volume drop than the tonal change...6L6's (even at the 60 watt setting) were way too loud for where I play.

Ned is right...I do hear more mids and it sounds good to me.

Wouldn't more mids = Tone? :oops: :oops: 8) 8)
Many people, especially those that don't play with a band, love a scooped mid tone. While this sounds great by yourself it's completely useless in a band situation.
True mrmax but I guess what I was trying to say was that my initial reason for using 6V6's was to lower the amp power to get a more useable volume level. An unexpected (but welcome) benefit to that was better tone.
Many people, especially those that don't play with a band, love a scooped mid tone. While this sounds great by yourself it's completely useless in a band situation.[/quote] VERY TRUE ,MIDS are needed in a BAND SITUATION, without them you'll be "LOST IN THE SAUCE" :wink: :wink:
I have played for a pretty long time but haven't ventured away from loud yet. This being said a minimum of 50 watt heads running EL34s. I haven't even tried a 6V6 head yet. I was thinking I would try to locate an old Fender to aproximate things but it would still not clearly tell me the tale with the Mark IV. That is why I asked you guys. I figure if I don't like them I can always use them as trade stock or sell them or keep them for another point in my life when things aren't quite so loud. I was more concrened with the tone. It sounds only good so far. I have no issues with mids except not having enough to be heard and as was mentioned before getting lost in the mix. I actually like my mids except when speedmetal/thrash riffing but even then you gotta have some.

It seems that so far you guys like the JJs. I'll have to check them out. Any other options?
How much power will 4 6v6 tubes and 2 6v6 tubes do on Recto's? is there any mods needed to be done like bias adjustment?" Plate voltage is a major concern, I'd contact Boogie to discuss that first.
:!: :!: :!:
THE reference 6V6 is of course the RCA 6V6GTA. Also, in all the comparisons/shootouts these come in first, with Brimar coming in a close second. RCA are the only way to go,,, in my opinion.