Once again I'm doubting the V30's

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One solution for the ice pick sound that is present for almost any speaker if you stand right in front of it, is the Weber beam blocker http://www.webervst.com/blocker.html - of course you can also build your own home version, it's just a paper cap.

OTOH, I really hate GT75s, they have that 80's Marshall staple sound, very "narrow" sounding, not massive as we would like for our typical Boogies. I have heard a SLO 100 through some Scumback Greenback copies, and it sounded extremely smooooooth. All the great lowend, with no ice pick. I still enjoy the V30s though :)
Cab question for jdurso. Do you have the Afterburner 412B oversize 32"W x 14.75"D x 32"H or the smaller 412B Classic 29"W x 14.75"D x 29"H.

Thanks, Tom T
I'm not overly crazy about the V30 by itself, but paired with a C90 it's a different story. I think they compliment each other well.
I go back and forth on these with G12T75's. I have an open back 2X12 with V30's and a closed back 2X12 w G12T75's. Together, they sound fantastic, but I don't always feel like lugging 2 cabs (albeit smaller sized cabs). But when I use just one, I find that the V30's matched alone with the DR worked well and the G12T75's matched alone are fantastic with my Deuce. But the both the DR & Deuce sound amazing with both of these cabs together.

TheMagicEight also had a goos suggestion using a 4X12 cab and these two speakers in an X-pattern.