Old 2 Channel -vs- New 3 channel Mesa Dual Rectifier Head

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Apr 10, 2008
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London, ON (Canada)
I just got an old Dual rectifier head with only 2 channels. I was just wondering if it would be worth selling the head (which I could make a decent profit off of) and buying a newer 3 channel dual rectifier.

Or is it worth my while to keep the older Dual? I don't know a lot about older amps. I've heard people say the older HiWatt heads sound better than the new ones, and so on. Just wondered if this was the case with Mesa as well. I just want to make sure i can get the best tone possible.
many think older two-channel heads sound better, I personally haven't experience. Search for the numerous posts/topics about that in this section
I had a pre 500 recto and never liked it. 13 years later I came back to the recto and this time a three channel and am much happier. It may be due to a refined taste in tone or a more matured ear, all I know is that I would no trade mine for an older version.
Geiri, I tip my hat to you as you are one of the few that stand by the 3ch's. Many folks on here, myself included, prefer the tone on the 2 channels because of no "fizz," more clarity and dynamics, and a smoother tone.

Results may vary.
I don't think one's really better than the other, just a matter of preference. However, it's a FACT that the new 3 channels have a better clean channel. That alone would urge me to get a 3 ch instead.
I'd say...How do you feel about it? Are you happy with it? Do you have access to try the 3 channels and find one you like? Each rectifier is different for a lot of different reasons regardless if it's a 2 ch or 3 ch. I'd hate to hear someone unload something for profit and then have a hard time finding a replacement.

If it's a low serial number (Rev C-F predominantly) then there is some value to it. They seemed to get a little more consistent with the G's.
I have more trouble with channel three than any other channel on my DR. The channel has no balls, no growl, girth or depth. It is a big shrilly mess. I love channel 2 but I have never gotten a sound out of channel 3 that I liked and I have been trying for 6 years.
stompboxfreak72 said:
I have more trouble with channel three than any other channel on my DR. The channel has no balls, no growl, girth or depth. It is a big shrilly mess. I love channel 2 but I have never gotten a sound out of channel 3 that I liked and I have been trying for 6 years.

What are your settings on that channel ? I use orange for leads and red for chunky and ballsy rythm. Both channels are vintage and with the tube spongy setting.
Elpelotero said:
Geiri, I tip my hat to you as you are one of the few that stand by the 3ch's. Many folks on here, myself included, prefer the tone on the 2 channels because of no "fizz," more clarity and dynamics, and a smoother tone.

Results may vary.

Well there is also one thing to consider. I haven't played an old two channel for 13 years :oops: But when I had the older one I just didn't like the recto tone at all. Sooooooo if I were to try an old bugger ........ who knows ..... Maby I would grow to hate the new one :D

But I stand by what I said. Love my amp and really don't care about the elders. All I need is the mxr 10 band which is on it's way to me and the musicman silhouette and I will be at peace with the universe.
I've had a pre 500, one in the 1000 # range, one in the 9000 #, a 17000 and now i own 46479...

I like 46479 the best out of all of them. The 9,000 range is 2nd, pre 500 3rd
... my 2ch DR has some delicious shades of clean from clear to vintage clean-ish as well as some very smooth overdrive ... and with a boost or distortion box out front it gives up the chunky crispy~creams with lusty enthusiasm ... We might not be looking for the same thing, but those older dual rectifiers are great tone machines. But actually what it boils down to in the end is what you think.
Geiri said:
I had a pre 500 recto and never liked it. 13 years later I came back to the recto and this time a three channel and am much happier. It may be due to a refined taste in tone or a more matured ear, all I know is that I would no trade mine for an older version.

I had #17 and it stunk! I now have a 3 channel that rules. I've found Recto's to be inconsistant. I've owned MANY 2 channel versions and one 3 channel version. If it has good tone keep it until you find a better one! :wink:
ive owned a 2ch rev g triple and 3ch triple rec - at the same time. btw im talking from a rhythm standpoint in this post.

the red modern on the 3ch is higher gain than the 2ch version red modern. but is higher gain better?? well if you love your 3ch - stick with it.

i preferred the 3ch orange over red. in comparison the 2ch didnt have the same scooped depth on orange like 3ch orange did. i get a closer match to the 3ch orange vintage on 2ch red modern - scooped wise. but i find more clarity and less fizz on the 2ch.

but they are both awesome amps. just because i like one more doesnt mean the other sounds bad. the guy i sold the 3ch to absolutely loved its red modern.

it seems the 3ch are more scooped and hotted up over the 2ch. and the 3ch clean sounds really great and clear in bold diodes turned up. but if youve been playing a 3ch for a while and still cant dial out the fizz on red and orange look into the 2ch.
hey I was wondering while we're talking about 2ch rectos, does your head have channel cloning available on it? I know my TOV has one and I'm considering a Maverick to run alongside it for some more tweedish sounds. Anyways, does the 2ch dual head have channel cloning? which amps have the channel cloning feature?
EMGguitarist said:
hey I was wondering while we're talking about 2ch rectos, does your head have channel cloning available on it? I know my TOV has one and I'm considering a Maverick to run alongside it for some more tweedish sounds. Anyways, does the 2ch dual head have channel cloning? which amps have the channel cloning feature?

the 2 channels do have the cloning feature.
I prefer my 2 channel over the new 3 channel any day. my buddy bought a new 3 channel and i couldn't wait to a/b between the 2 to really get a good comparison. the 3 channel seemed to be a bit stuffy. it seemed like the amp couldn't really open up, like it had a rev limiter on it or something. don't get me wrong it had a good sound, but not like my 2 channel. i had every knob and switch in about every position you can imagine and still didn't like it as much. but that's half the fun of being a guitar player, always looking for something new to toy with
I picked up a pre-1000 2 Ch. DR Rackmount from a a pro musician here in San Diego back in '96 and because of some hard times in '01, sold it to a friend who then sold it to mutual aquaintence. I have regetted that sale since I made it and have been trying to convince him to sell it back to me for over two years now with no success. Best sounding recto I have ever had the pleasure of playing on.

I'm currently a Lonestar Classic, DC-3 combo and telecater player which is amazing for the music i play now, but I would i would probably drop at least $1500-1750 to get it back.
I bought a 3 channel Triple Rec about a year after they came out. I played around on it for several months, but it just didn't cut it. I ended up selling it to buy a 2 channel version, and was much happier.

The 3 channel seemed to be too muddy, fizzy, and just didn't have a good sound no matter what I did to it.

The 2 channel is more defined, articulate, and gets a much beefier tone overall, IMO.
First off, my 2 channel Dual Rectifier does channel cloning, its SN is 3715, i place it at around 1995.

I like my 2 channel dual rec way better than any 3 channel I have heard so far.

I thought it was just how they were dialed in as all the 3 channels I played were someone elses, and I didnt want to mess with their knobs, but now after having done alot of playing on them in stores before my purchase I am WAY HAPPIER that I bought the used 2 channel Dual Rectifier, as it sounds hands down better than any 3 channel I have used.

I pulled half my tubes out too, and it sounds even better @ 50 watts than it did at 100 watts.

I would suggest holding on to the 2 channel, but as someone above said, if you think the 3 channel sounds better than get what you like.....all I know is I am very happy I did not buy new, and if i lost it I would certainly be looking for another 2 channel, not a 3 channel.

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