OD-808 vs. MXR 10 Band EQ

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It's possible that your Les Paul isn't grounded very well in the wiring, but I wouldn't start by assuming that. Instead, I'd first ask what gain settings you have on Channels 3 & 4 on the amp itself, since the problem is likely that you have it set for way too much gain.

As Zoomzilla mentioned, most of the time you'll pretty much leave the volume slider on the EQ at unity gain, which would be zero on a -15/0/+15 db slider. IOW, you usually won't mess with it.

Also, how do you have your effects loop set up? This can have a powerful effect on the overall sound.

As to your question about the Maxon OD-808, it's a different effect altogether. The EQ affects the frequency response of the basic tone of your amp. The overdrive provides an entirely different overall tone with varying amounts of distortion added as well. 808's generally provide a noticeable bump in the mids, which the Rectos/Roadsters are somewhat missing, often helping you to cut through in the band mix. They also generally reduce the overall amount of bass response, resulting in a tighter sounding bass.

Not only aren't an overdrive and an EQ the same kind of effect, they aren't mutually exclusive either. You can easily run both at the same time if you choose.
MiSeRY said:
So I picked up the Roadster combo AND an MXR 10 band. The one thing I can say so far is that the EQ really does do wonders. That being said, the EQ is noisy as all hell on channels 3 and 4, so I put my NS-2 in the loop.

MXR EQ pedals are noiseless. With using EQ's you need to remember that it will only increase white noise/hum etc if you boost those frequencies with the pedal. You need to find where those freq's live and not boost them. This is a common error by people using EQ pedals. The sliders are very sensitive so you don't need to give any freq a massive boost, just a small tweak will work wonders,

As for the Maxon OD-808 I don't know what you've been told but this is just another tubescreamer style OD pedal - a very good one but still a tubescreamer. You already have a Mesa amp which delivers some of the best OD tones in rock history. All the OD-808 is gonna give you is possibly a different flavour of OD - not a better one. In fact, you may prefer the Mesa's OD tones. You should test one before you buy it IMHO to make sure.

I use a Fulldrive Mosfet 2 pedal with my Mesa 5:50 and that's a similar pedal to the Maxon. The OD-808 is not gonna offer anything other than a few more OD tones. If that's all you want from it - fine. The MXR EQ is much better as a clean booster cause the OD-808 will not be nearly as clean as the MXR and will not give you up to 18db boost on any,or all, of 10 freq bands.
my MXR 10 band in the loop of my DR is noiseless also. I seriously used one of the settings that was in the manual and it sounded so good I have not even bothered experimenting yet.

If you are using the OD pedal then you should be able to back the gain down on the amp a bit. My chain goes guitar > Volume pedal > Wah> Noise supressor ( the NS2 has a loop and I put my Maxon OD in the loop of the Noise Suppressor ) > Xotic Ac Boost > amp.

The loop has my MXR 10band> Tc electronic delay.

I never turn the eq pedal off AND I never turn the Xotic AC boost off. I dont use the maxon for clean passages but it is on for everything else. I get no more noise using this combination than not. You have all the gear you need.....just experiment ! Keep your Eq volume sliders on unity gain and use a preset from the manual as a starting point.

I think using a clean boost all the time also helps me lower the gain levels on the amp. I love the AC but the EQ and OD should be enough.
Thanks for all the great tips guys! I think my friend just went overboard with the gain on the EQ pedal. He had it almost all the way up and backed it off until right before it was clipping. I'll try some other settings tonight and see what I get. The noise I was experiencing did seem like white noise and I only have the gain set on 10-11:00 on channels 3 and 4. It was just a faint squealy type of white noise..but I definitely noticed it. It was probably from him having the gain cranked on the EQ.

As far as the Maxon, I wasn't planning on using it for the gain. Just wanted to use it how people have on these forums. No gain, level all the way up and adjust tone to liking.
Chris McKinley said:

It's possible that your Les Paul isn't grounded very well in the wiring, but I wouldn't start by assuming that. Instead, I'd first ask what gain settings you have on Channels 3 & 4 on the amp itself, since the problem is likely that you have it set for way too much gain.

As Zoomzilla mentioned, most of the time you'll pretty much leave the volume slider on the EQ at unity gain, which would be zero on a -15/0/+15 db slider. IOW, you usually won't mess with it.

Also, how do you have your effects loop set up? This can have a powerful effect on the overall sound.

As to your question about the Maxon OD-808, it's a different effect altogether. The EQ affects the frequency response of the basic tone of your amp. The overdrive provides an entirely different overall tone with varying amounts of distortion added as well. 808's generally provide a noticeable bump in the mids, which the Rectos/Roadsters are somewhat missing, often helping you to cut through in the band mix. They also generally reduce the overall amount of bass response, resulting in a tighter sounding bass.

Not only aren't an overdrive and an EQ the same kind of effect, they aren't mutually exclusive either. You can easily run both at the same time if you choose.

My EQ level on the Roadster is set to 12:00 and I control it from the Roadster footswitch. This is really the first time I have used effects loops, so if there is any other info I can provide, please let me know.


That's generally a good starting point for using 808-style overdrives. You can also try adding in a small amount of gain (up to 9 or 10:00) on the overdrive and dialing back on the Mesa's gain to about 10:00 or 10:30 to yield a more obviously metal type of tone, rather than just a slightly overdriven rock tone.

Either way, if you're using an overdrive in addition to an EQ, you may likely have to adjust your EQ's settings a bit. 808-based overdrives in general tend to give a mid boost that seems to be prominent in the upper mid register, 1.2kHz and slightly above. This can help you cut through the mix, but depending on the situation can also be a bit too trebly for sweet singing leads. In that case, for instance, you might boost 800Hz by 2 to 4 db and reduce 1.2kHz (or 1.6kHz, depending on what your unit offers) by the same amount and it will bring the whole midrange hump slightly back from treble territory and into just straight mids. This can be useful if you find that the overdrive's natural mid hump is slightly too strident and trebly and you want it to be a bit more singing.
My friend described the 808 in front of my amp as almost BBE-like.....as if it gives a 3D quality to the sound, and tightnens the low end to boot. I have the Volume dimed, Gain at 9:00, Tone around 10:00. EQ in the loop has pre and post both at unity. ISP Decimator in front of the amp. I only use it in certain rooms that have really dirty power, otherwise the rig is pretty quiet...
The reason I choose to run an OD808 with my DR is that any time I push the amp's gain above 7 it turns to mush. Very loose and muddy. Using the 808 (gain 0, tone 3.5, level 10) allows me to keep the DR's gain at 5-6 so it's not muddy at all, and I have the same amount of gain as before. There's a bit of tone coloration, but it's a good thing in my case at least.

Regarding an EQ, can anyone recommend the MXR 10-band over the 6-band, or vise versa - if I primarily want to run an EQ in the loop to tighten things up? I know the 6-band doesn't have gain/level sliders, but does that matter if I'm running it on all of the time?

mechanic said:
The reason I choose to run an OD808 with my DR is that any time I push the amp's gain above 7 it turns to mush. Very loose and muddy. Using the 808 (gain 0, tone 3.5, level 10) allows me to keep the DR's gain at 5-6 so it's not muddy at all, and I have the same amount of gain as before. There's a bit of tone coloration, but it's a good thing in my case at least.

Regarding an EQ, can anyone recommend the MXR 10-band over the 6-band, or vise versa - if I primarily want to run an EQ in the loop to tighten things up? I know the 6-band doesn't have gain/level sliders, but does that matter if I'm running it on all of the time?


i like my maxon ge601.... 6 bands that do what i need them to... i chose the maxon over the likes of Boss and MXR because i found it to be extremely transparent... it only adjusts frequencies but doesnt have any coloration which i found other eqs to have... the mxr was a very close second but i found the maxon to just sound better in the loop of my roadster

on a side note, does anyone know how mesa achieves the dynamic voicing on the triaxis?? is it a digital circuit they're using? i knwo some people hate it but that was such an awesome feature for me... i wish the rectos had that as a post-eq..... anyway i keep wondering whether the dynamic voicing is more of a programmed 5 band or a programmed parametric.... anyone have any incite? also is there any link between what the dynamic voicing does on the triaxis and what the the contour does on the express series? or is the contour on the express more of a presence control?
jdurso said:
i like my maxon ge601.... 6 bands that do what i need them to... i chose the maxon over the likes of Boss and MXR because i found it to be extremely transparent... it only adjusts frequencies but doesnt have any coloration which i found other eqs to have... the mxr was a very close second but i found the maxon to just sound better in the loop of my roadster
Okay, so I tried an MXR 6-band EQ in the FX loop. Right away I noticed a major tonal change. Almost scooped, and it seemed to increase the amount of gain I was hearing (note that the level is actually lower with the EQ on). One thing to mention is that I'm running it in the loop with a BBE Sonic Maximizer - which, among other things, has the effect of a big mid cut - and the EQ could be exaggerating that. I can't stand my tone w/o the BBE, but did try taking that out of the equation - I can't get past the wide, airy tone w/o it, however...

On the positive side, the MXR did tighten things up. It was very noticeable in front of the amp, about 8 feet away. As I said, my Red channel is very wide sounding and just plain crappy in my opinion. The MXR helped lesson this effect even more, and I may just need to tweak some of the middle frequencies on the MXR (or my amp) in order to tighten the bottom end while keeping the tone from seeming too scooped.

I'm wondering if the Maxon EQ may be a better choice. My tone with the BBE and OD808 is close to what I want, and I would simply like to remove a slight bit of the boomy freq. without altering the tone too much. Does the Maxon have a true bypass? FYI, I picked up the MXR for $75 (CDN) and I think the Maxon is double that here in Ottawa...

For my setup and tonal preference, the BBE/808 combo is killer. Now I just need to figure out if I can tweak it with the EQ without losing too much of my original tone. I may end up returning it, though. I typically find that if a new piece of gear doesn't 'wow' me right off, I'd rather not have it in my signal chain. The BBE did. The OD808 really did. The MXR, not so much. :? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

K.I.S.S. - words to live by. \m/ \m/
Zoomzilla said:
Yes, turn up the 100's and turn down the 200's and you get the famous chugga chugga without the mud! You will love the EQ. I cannot speak for the OD yet since I don't have it, but I know I will freak when I get it. The EQ did wonders for my tone, it made me love my amp. I was questioning why I bought a DR before the EQ. Now you would have to pry it out of my cold dead hands! Also, when I did the series loop mod, that made a big difference as well. Not saying you HAVE to do it, but it really made the EQ sound better.

Has anyone tried the OD808, MXR EQ, and a BBE Sonic Maximizer? I have, and am unsure if I really want the EQ in there. The BBE did wonders for my Red channel - tightened it up a lot, and the OD808 floored me (got rid of mushy, loose gain at 7+) but when I tried an MXR 6-band I wasn't sure whether things were too mid-scooped or not. Anyone?

\m/ \m/
I love BBE's, but they don't mate well with every amp, and can't deal with Parallel loops (at least the Sonic Stomp can't).
mechanic said:
jdurso said:
i like my maxon ge601.... 6 bands that do what i need them to... i chose the maxon over the likes of Boss and MXR because i found it to be extremely transparent... it only adjusts frequencies but doesnt have any coloration which i found other eqs to have... the mxr was a very close second but i found the maxon to just sound better in the loop of my roadster
Okay, so I tried an MXR 6-band EQ in the FX loop. Right away I noticed a major tonal change. Almost scooped, and it seemed to increase the amount of gain I was hearing (note that the level is actually lower with the EQ on). One thing to mention is that I'm running it in the loop with a BBE Sonic Maximizer - which, among other things, has the effect of a big mid cut - and the EQ could be exaggerating that. I can't stand my tone w/o the BBE, but did try taking that out of the equation - I can't get past the wide, airy tone w/o it, however...

On the positive side, the MXR did tighten things up. It was very noticeable in front of the amp, about 8 feet away. As I said, my Red channel is very wide sounding and just plain crappy in my opinion. The MXR helped lesson this effect even more, and I may just need to tweak some of the middle frequencies on the MXR (or my amp) in order to tighten the bottom end while keeping the tone from seeming too scooped.

I'm wondering if the Maxon EQ may be a better choice. My tone with the BBE and OD808 is close to what I want, and I would simply like to remove a slight bit of the boomy freq. without altering the tone too much. Does the Maxon have a true bypass? FYI, I picked up the MXR for $75 (CDN) and I think the Maxon is double that here in Ottawa...

For my setup and tonal preference, the BBE/808 combo is killer. Now I just need to figure out if I can tweak it with the EQ without losing too much of my original tone. I may end up returning it, though. I typically find that if a new piece of gear doesn't 'wow' me right off, I'd rather not have it in my signal chain. The BBE did. The OD808 really did. The MXR, not so much. :? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

K.I.S.S. - words to live by. \m/ \m/

the maxon is true bypass ...... IMO its worth its price .... i also had a faulty one, sent it back to them and they shipped a brand new one to me thats been running strong for a little while now... awesome company to deal with
The MXR 108 is a true bypass as well. I am planning on a Maxon OD pedal in the future, but they did not have any Maxon EQ's where i bought my MXR, so I went with the MXR. I am sure they are both quality pedals.
Zoomzilla said:
The MXR 108 is a true bypass as well. I am planning on a Maxon OD pedal in the future, but they did not have any Maxon EQ's where i bought my MXR, so I went with the MXR. I am sure they are both quality pedals.

mxr makes fantastic stuff... same quality and sounds great
well i finally got my OD-808 and HOLY ****!! yeah, you definitely need the EQ AND the Maxon. What a huge difference!
MiSeRY said:
well i finally got my OD-808 and HOLY sh!t!! yeah, you definitely need the EQ AND the Maxon. What a huge difference!
For sure. I was floored when I tried the 808. The EQ not as much, due to the fact that I already have a BBE sonic maximizer, which helps tighten things up a lot. I played around with the EQ last night, and have decided to keep it to tighten things (more) and remove a bit of boom. For what it's worth, if I had to choose between the OD-808 and either a BBE or the EQ, I'd have to go with the BBE. Hopefully all three will work out even better. :D
anyone tried the Kerry King MXR eq? whats the difference between the regular one? and also, i havent seen you guys talked about the Ibanez TSs, are they not as good as the Maxon? which one came first?
mechanic said:
MiSeRY said:
well i finally got my OD-808 and HOLY sh!t!! yeah, you definitely need the EQ AND the Maxon. What a huge difference!
For sure. I was floored when I tried the 808. The EQ not as much, due to the fact that I already have a BBE sonic maximizer, which helps tighten things up a lot. I played around with the EQ last night, and have decided to keep it to tighten things (more) and remove a bit of boom. For what it's worth, if I had to choose between the OD-808 and either a BBE or the EQ, I'd have to go with the BBE. Hopefully all three will work out even better. :D

i took my BBE sonic stomp out of the chain completely, once I got the EQ.
MiSeRY said:
i took my BBE sonic stomp out of the chain completely, once I got the EQ.
Interesting. Is the sonic stomp similar to/the same as the sonic maximizer? Were you using it in the loop or in front? My red channel is very wide sounding, not tight and focused (if that makes any sense) and I need the BBE to make it usable (usable = similar to my orange channel set to modern high gain). Did you find that the EQ can be used to get an effect similar to that of the BBE, or that together things were too scooped/tight/whatever?