Occasional volume fade LSC

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Active member
Jul 8, 2007
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Cornwall UK
I have had my LSC (2007 2x12) for 3 months. Sounds fantastic. I occasionaly notice a volume fluctuation and a little crackle. This only happens when the effects loop is activated and there is nothing plugged into the loop. I have no problems when the loop is on hard bypass or I actually use the loop. Just putting a patch lead in the loop stops the problem.

I live in UK and only have a 1 year warranty. Is this fixable at home (cleaning contacts?) or do I need to get it sent to boogie (Westside) for repair?
try putting a cable into the FX send receive ... if that eliminates it then it's the loop. no matter what, if it's under warranty get it fixed.
Try replacing/reseating your V3 preamp tube. Most of the little noise problems I've encountered have been tube related. V3 is your FX loop driver.
jonp said:
I have had my LSC (2007 2x12) for 3 months. Sounds fantastic. I occasionaly notice a volume fluctuation and a little crackle. This only happens when the effects loop is activated and there is nothing plugged into the loop. I have no problems when the loop is on hard bypass or I actually use the loop. Just putting a patch lead in the loop stops the problem.

I live in UK and only have a 1 year warranty. Is this fixable at home (cleaning contacts?) or do I need to get it sent to boogie (Westside) for repair?

sounds like effects loop jack probs to me.
Thanks for your reply. I have e-mailed Mansons in Exeter and asked them to contact Westside (the distributers) to see what they think. It is not V3. It is almost certainly the circuit which joins the loop internaly when no jacks are in the send and return sockets. Probably poor contacts as reported in other threads.
Please post what you find out! I'm starting to experience the same problem with my LSS. I replaced the V3 too, and it was happy for a while then started the volume fade again the next day.

I have experienced the exact same problem with my Lonestar.

Every bit of advice you have received from all of the above posters is 'on target'... and any one (or combination) of their suggestions may solve your problem.

But I have something to add...I sprayed some contact cleaner on a 1/4 inch guitar jack and worked it in and out of both effects loop inputs. That seemed to 'cure' it for me. As a precaution or preventative measure I then did that to EVERY input on the amp...(couldn't hurt). Do give the cleaner time to evaporate before using the amp.

Also; since I don't use the effects loop except for the purpose of being able to engage the 'Solo Boost'... I always keep a short jumper cable plugged into the loop (just as a 'fail safe')...as I haven't had a recurrence of the problem...

Regards: Charles
I was experiencing the same thing. Turns out one of my 2x12's was crapping out. Didn't diagnose it until the other one died. Mesa is having troubles with those c90's. They were great though, I had never transferred the warranty (bought it used, eBay) but they transferred the warranty and set me two new speaks for free with return shipping for my old ones. I had another friend with a 1x12 special and his speaker did the same thing and mesa replaced it no questions.
Thanks Charles! I plugged a jumper cable into the loop of my LSS and so far so good.
I have recieved this reply from Mansons:

"Westside (UK distibuters) say they have no record of anything like this happening to the Lonestar specifically. However, they did say that it is something they see quite often in all their amps and they say it is the result of a dirty jacket socket. They said that the Lonestar’s effects loop is wired in series so needs a switching jack socket for it to work properly. It is the Return socket of the effects loop that is the switching jack. Westside have found that this socket can get dirty and as a result will create the problems you’ve mentioned. The fix for the problem is either cleaning the socket with switch cleaner or to replace the socket. Westside are happy to send us (Mansons) replacement sockets and we can fit them for you."

Seems as if it is a known "feature". I'll post when the socket is changed.
OK found the thread. Here are a couple of solutions...

Charles Reeder wrote:

"I sprayed some contact cleaner on a 1/4 inch guitar jack and worked it in and out of both effects loop inputs. That seemed to 'cure' it for me. As a precaution or preventative measure I then did that to EVERY input on the amp...(couldn't hurt). Do give the cleaner time to evaporate before using the amp.

Also; since I don't use the effects loop except for the purpose of being able to engage the 'Solo Boost'... I always keep a short jumper cable plugged into the loop (just as a 'fail safe')...as I haven't had a recurrence of the problem..."

Jonp wrote:

"Westside (UK distributors) say they have no record of anything like this happening to the Lonestar specifically. However, they did say that it is something they see quite often in all their amps and they say it is the result of a dirty jacket socket. They said that the Lonestar’s effects loop is wired in series so needs a switching jack socket for it to work properly. It is the Return socket of the effects loop that is the switching jack. Westside have found that this socket can get dirty and as a result will create the problems you’ve mentioned. The fix for the problem is either cleaning the socket with switch cleaner or to replace the socket. Westside are happy to send us (Mansons) replacement sockets and we can fit them for you."

Hope this helps!!

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