Not lovin the MkV! roadster question.

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2009
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I've had my MkV for about a year and a half and have owned my Tremoverb since new in 94. I just took my ToV to a benefit gig after not using it for a few years. (I have LDR issues) I hate to say it but my ToV just blows the MkV away! I'm thinking of selling or trading my MKV for a Roadster and was wondering how the effects loop is on the Roadster. I'm new to the FX units and recently purchased an M13 which I love but the loop in the ToV is useless! Any help would be appreciated!
The loop on my Roadster is far superior to the loop on my 2 channel Dual Recto. It does still round the sound out a bit when you listen to the amp at home but it's not such a big deal live and it's worth it if you're looking to run delay (or other effects) in the loop.
The Roadster has a series loop while the non-multi watt rectos have parallel loops. I chose the Roadster for many reasons but, the FX loop was a big reason! I would recommend the Roadster to anyone! It's got a big, rich, & dynamic sound that can go from Cold Play to Napalm Death and everywhere between!!! Great head!!!!!! Sorry, I really love my Roadster! lol
the roadster is great! one of the best amps ever built!
the loop works very well. i set up my rig to parallel-effect-setup, so i have my loop always on and switch in the g-major or the digitech IPS33B anytime i need effectsounds.
in the past a used a regular serial effect-setup and it worked also perfectly.

if you want to take a listen to some of my sounds, klick on the track:
(it´s one of our songs from the upcoming CD...and all guitars a played through a roadster, the clean part with effects)

Morbid Sky - Good Bye
Thanks for the replies! My TremoVerb has been my main amp for many years and while I always love it, I decided to venture into different tones and adding effects, which brought me through a couple Marshalls, a Peavey JSX and recently the Mark V. Because of the LDR issues on my ToV I kinda put the amp in the corner and concentrated on getting MY tone from the MkV. After bringing out the ToV again (red channel is the only one that works now) I realized that all this time I was trying to get that recto tone from all my other amps! Which is pointless afterall! I mainly play top 40 along with classic rock and metal-ish stuff which is why I like the effects to cover a lot of tones! Thanks again guys for your help!, does anyone want to trade a Roadster head for my MkV head? LOL! Gonna put it in the classifieds!
nyeguy said:
After bringing out the ToV again (red channel is the only one that works now) I realized that all this time I was trying to get that recto tone from all my other amps!

I had the same thing happen to me a number years ago. I thought I'd experiment so I sold the Recto and started playing through various amps... Marshall, Laney, Rivera, Orange, etc.... and when I plugged into a Recto again after a couple of years off I realized that it was the sound I'd been trying to create the whole time., does anyone want to trade a Roadster head for my MkV head? LOL! Gonna put it in the classifieds!

I see dudes wanting to trade a Recto for a Mark V all the time (and vice versa).
Mark V vs Roadster...that's a toughie right there. Of course I'd have to keep the Mark V ( being a long time Mark guy ), but I've heard (and played) a few killer Roadsters live and in the studio, but same for the Mark V. I guess it all depends on what you want to do with the amp and you want the amp to do for you. It's pretty much a win - win, but sounds like your a Rec guy so good luck!
Wow man.... dunno if I can still carry the 100lb combo around anymore! My Tremoverb is a combo and my chiropractor loves it! Maybe I'm gettin old! I keep it in mind though because I acually like combos because it takes up less room in my car and its quick to set up!
YellowJacket said:
100lb combos are HEAVY but a 40lb head and a 70lb cab isn't much lighter and you need to make two trips instead of one!

I carry one in each hand. Easier to balance since all the weight isn't on one side.
Well, I use a 2x12 vert with my MkV! BUT I have 2 EVs in it so it weighs as much as a 4x12! Lol! I would almost have to sell the 2x12 either way because it wouldn't look right with a full size recto head hanging off the sides! So that's one more reason to go back to a combo! Hmmmm.... and it is awesome when you put a combo next to someones half stack and it just dominates! Hmmmmmm.....
Where are you located exbest182?

**** you guys...... :lol: