Hey there fellows,
I'm new here, but I did these mods and a couple of others and I thought you might like to hear my results.
Mud mod ----- Works great I love it. I also noticed that after doing this mod and running the amp thru a Jensen cab, there was no mud at all and the amp is plenty bright.
Series FX loop ------- This one was perfect for me for a couple of reasons, 1. I don't use the loop much, but when I do it is for delay and it works better as a series loop. and 2. I removed the pot for the FX loop and used the hole for a trim pot for the adjustable bias mod.
Bias mod ------- I took out the 15k bias resistor and replaced it with a 10k pot in series with a 10k resistor. I mounted the pot in the hole where the fx loop pot was. 10k minimum with another 10k adjustable seems to be spot on for several sets of tubes I have tried.
Here's is a mod that I came up with myself that I think was highly successful.
- I think the stock reverb circuit is garbage, so I fixed it.
The signal flow into the reverb driver is bottle-necked thru a 500pf cap and a 475K resistor.
The 500pf cap is only passing the most annoying high pitched frequencies into the driver to be
reverberated. I replaced it with a .02 Orange drop.
Next the 475K resistor is choking off quite a bit if signal and leaves the reverb pretty weak. I paralleled a 330k accross the existing resistor. That lets a bit more signal come thru and gives more reverb.
Coming out of the reverb recovery stage right before mixing back in with the dry signal, the signal is again cut off at the knees by a .005 cap. I replaced that with another .02 orange drop.
Result: good usable reverb that sounds lush and has no more ice pick feel.
Hope this is useful to someone.
I'm new here, but I did these mods and a couple of others and I thought you might like to hear my results.
Mud mod ----- Works great I love it. I also noticed that after doing this mod and running the amp thru a Jensen cab, there was no mud at all and the amp is plenty bright.
Series FX loop ------- This one was perfect for me for a couple of reasons, 1. I don't use the loop much, but when I do it is for delay and it works better as a series loop. and 2. I removed the pot for the FX loop and used the hole for a trim pot for the adjustable bias mod.
Bias mod ------- I took out the 15k bias resistor and replaced it with a 10k pot in series with a 10k resistor. I mounted the pot in the hole where the fx loop pot was. 10k minimum with another 10k adjustable seems to be spot on for several sets of tubes I have tried.
Here's is a mod that I came up with myself that I think was highly successful.
- I think the stock reverb circuit is garbage, so I fixed it.
The signal flow into the reverb driver is bottle-necked thru a 500pf cap and a 475K resistor.
The 500pf cap is only passing the most annoying high pitched frequencies into the driver to be
reverberated. I replaced it with a .02 Orange drop.
Next the 475K resistor is choking off quite a bit if signal and leaves the reverb pretty weak. I paralleled a 330k accross the existing resistor. That lets a bit more signal come thru and gives more reverb.
Coming out of the reverb recovery stage right before mixing back in with the dry signal, the signal is again cut off at the knees by a .005 cap. I replaced that with another .02 orange drop.
Result: good usable reverb that sounds lush and has no more ice pick feel.
Hope this is useful to someone.