No SOLDANO talk?

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Active member
Apr 30, 2007
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I haven't seen much on Soldano amps around here and wondered why?

I currently own a Roadster and love it to death because of how flexible it is but I can't pick between Soldano and Mesa when it comes to favorite. I've tried them all just about and even though Diezel amps sound great, as great as any Soldano..they're just overpriced for the same quality. Why pay $4000 for a Diezel when I can get a Roadster, Avenger for under $2000 and a SLO for just over $3000?

Let's hear the Soldano owners. There has to be at least one. :twisted:
Here in germany it´s exact the other way round :lol:

If got a Herbert but want an SLO, but they are **** expensive...also Mesa´s are expensive as hell. Man I´d love to get a Mark IV but as a student their is no chance till next year :?
Bierschinken said:
Here in germany it´s exact the other way round :lol:

If got a Herbert but want an SLO, but they are **** expensive...also Mesa´s are expensive as hell. Man I´d love to get a Mark IV but as a student their is no chance till next year :?

Those two are very close amps, Deizel and Soldano. Aren't you happy with your Herbert? It's supposed to be a hell of an amp. I played the VH4 and the only bad thing was the price. :twisted:
Sure, it´s a hell of an amp!
For about 2 1/2 years the Herbert was the kick-*** amp to my ears but the last 2-3 months I feel there is something missing, dunno.

In former times I never liked recti-tones since I played one 3 weeks ago.

Crazy World :? ...seems as if my taste has changed
There's a used SLO at my local Guitar Center for like $1300, I'm so tempted.....
eldi said:
There's a used SLO at my local Guitar Center for like $1300, I'm so tempted.....

I'd jump on that faster than I would on Tyra Banks. :twisted:

Take your guitar over there and play for about 30 min. no more'll be yours.
RoadsterAbuser said:
eldi said:
There's a used SLO at my local Guitar Center for like $1300, I'm so tempted.....

I'd jump on that faster than I would on Tyra Banks. :twisted:

Take your guitar over there and play for about 30 min. no more'll be yours.
If its a SLO-100, no questions asks, get it. I think it has a lifetime warranty even transfer ownership.

Yup whether its Tyra, Jessica Alba or whoever, get it!

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