New pickups... any ideas?

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Mar 1, 2011
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Ok. So I am new to this forum.. this is my first post. I have an 88 american CS telecaster, alder, nitro finish, vintage lipstick tube in the neck, full size JB in the bridge, an Epiphone Les Paul Custom with the stock neck pickup, and a JB in the bridge, (and some other guitars, but this post pertains to the aforementioned... so we will leave it at that) all running through a 99 Mesa Dual Rec, and either a Mesa 2x12 3/4 back cab with black shaddows or an orange 4x12 with the std vintage 30's.

My concern is I really hate these JB's. It sounds ok in my epi... but really jangly and bright in my tele... too bright. I was thinking of going with a SH5 Duncan Custom for the LP... kinda get that PAF sound with balls. (unless you guys have any suggestions) and I cant for the life of me figure out what I want to do for my tele.

The tone I go for is basically... Beefy bass tones, some nice mids... not scooped, but not boosted either, and that "Gibson" cut tone for treb, with out going too bright. I play basically anything from pop rock to hardcore... and anything in between.. but I usually use my Ch 3 on my boogie with the prescence @ 6-7, gain @ 6-7, treb @ 6 mid @ 4-5 Bass @ 6ish...

any help would be good. let me know if you need any other info... but i think that should do it.
check out Anderson they have a line of "full range" pickups that are even across the spectrum. they sound great.
Bill Lawrence Wilde L-90.

go for the lower inductance model.....4.0H
You definitely don't want a Duncan Custom if the JB is too bright. It's more edgy and hard-sounding than the JB.

If you want to try different Duncans (which are the ones I'm most familiar with, so I'll stick to those and leave other brands to other folks) try a Custom 5 in the Les Paul - that's really the 'PAF on steroids' pickup - and a Custom Custom in the Tele... a great warm/fat pickup in a brighter guitar - or a Screamin' Demon... don't be put off by the name - it's really a more aggressive PAF than a metal pickup. You could even try an Invader if you can live with the appearance - it's a much better and more versatile pickup than it looks, and works well in Fender-type guitars.
Try Vintage Vibe pickups ( You can change the base magnets to tailor the attack, tone and output to your guitar. It's like getting two pickups for the price of one!
High output maybe a Dimarzio D-Activator X (have them, very nice)
Med output Dimarzio Air Zone (never tried them)
Vintage Dimarzio paf 36th anniversary
Bill Lawrence - L500xl (Very nice)