New Mark IV Owner

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Feb 6, 2007
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Hey guys, Been messing around With mesa's for a couple of years. I finally got a chance to buy a Mark IV and so far it's been fantastic. Like i promised here's a small clip of me messing around with it.

Not as fancy as some of you guitarists here, but it's a Mark IV clip and i know how much we like them here =) Recording's not that great either just got Sonar 6 and i still got alot to Looking forward to learn as much as i can here and to make some great friends.

Mean sounding clip, dude! Welcome to the Mark IV brotherhood and if you haven't already, check out the stickied MKIV thread.

What guitar/pups and cab are you using?
UsrName said:
Mean sounding clip, dude! Welcome to the Mark IV brotherhood and if you haven't already, check out the stickied MKIV thread.

What guitar/pups and cab are you using?


On that Clip it was just three riffs of my "jamming" was using my Gibson Studio guitar, and It was recorded using my US122 Tacman Midi Interface and a Instrument Microphone. I want to buy something a little better for recording, Im in the process of buying a 4 X 12 Recto Cab also so right now im using a medium Crate amp i have and using the Mark IV Head. ( HORRIBLE I KNOW! )

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