New F-50 - Volume drop????

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Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
North Carolina
I just brought home an F50 tonight. The cleans are decent for a high gain amp, but the slight break up to distortion are sweet! BUT... The more I am playing it, it seems as if the volume is dropping intermittently and raising back up. It is subtle, but there. Also, there is a lot of hiss for the clean channel. Is this normal? How am I suppose to record like this? I couldn't tell at the store due to low volume. Can anyone help me? Should I take it back? There was only one in stock, so if it is a simple remedy I'd rather try it first. Thanks...
It sounds like it might be a tube, but without hearing it or looking at it, it's hard to diagnose. I'm no tech.

My F-50 is fairly quiet on the clean channel. It makes a little noise, but is not real distracting. I'd try and take it back and see if they'll put either switch the amp or try a few tubes for you.

If this is a new amp, you're under warranty, and Mesa will send you a replacement tube. I can only imagine the frustration of buying something new, and then not having it work right.

If the store won't work with you, call Mesa directly for advice. When you get past this problem, you'll find it's a sweet sounding amp.
I talked with Mesa Customer Service today. Bascially, they stated that hiss is inherent in the design. I never played a clean channel amp where hiss is so obvious. Its like saying "Mesa has designed a two channel amp - Channel one - delicious Hiss with a hint of lush cleans and Channel two - crunch." For $1100, this is really pathetic. They suggested switching preamp tubes 1 & 4, but stated hiss will still be there. I don't know how I am suppose to record with this amp. At this point, it fun to play heavy drop d power chords, but useless for everything else.

As far as the volume swelling - no clue. At this point, Mesa isn't impressing me with quality control.

I am going to see if switching these tubes works at all, but I have a feeling I may be returning this very soon. I don't know if I should ask them to order one and see if that does the same or just give up and move on. Its such a shame because the F-50 has pretty much everything I wanted - Clean to grind in one convenient package. I really do like what I can get out of it...should I make the dealer find another one to try?
IF volume drop is inherent in the design that is pathetic.
It likely means that they are using cheap OT / Choke.

The settings could contribute to hiss especially if the Treb & Pres are cranked.

sorry dude.
Guitar Center found one at another location. Hopefully this one will work properly. I'll have it in a week or so. I really think I would love this amp if I can get one that works. I don't want to give up on it so soon. Thanks for hearing me out...
The Mesa F-50 is based on the Studio .22 pre-amp design from the early 80s - a great sounding, but somewhat noisy amp. Randall Smith spent a significant amount of time trying to get this design quiet enough to use with a 6L6 output section, and the F-series is the result.

Although the background noise level is a little higher than some tube designs, it should definitely not be distracting. On the clean channel, my F-50 is very quiet. I get a little noise on the dirty channel, but not enough to compel me to try different pre-amp tubes. It's worth mentioning that a lot of owners have mentioned good results with trying different pre-amp tubes to reduce noise. The Mesa help desk will instinctively set expectations that tube amps can be noisier than other technologies, however, the noise levels (even on the F-series) should be low.

The fact that you're noticing volume variations as well, makes me wonder if your Power amp tubes are also failing. If I were you, I would try another unit, and see if it exhibits the same problem. I suspect a good set of tubes might solve your problems.

I have no problem using my F-50 for recording and TV sessions (I have some clips over in the Rigs and Tones forum if you're interested). The only time I had a noise issue that impacted a session, was when I had an old Multi-FX unit resting on the combo, and there was some emissions intereference caused by the Multi-FX rack unit. Don't forget to use good quality cables (another potential source of noise).

I'm sorry for the trouble you're having - not the most stress-free introduction to Mesa. I hope you find a quick solution, and like me, end up having a fantastic experience with the F-50 (my favourite amp from Boogie)!

Big smiles,

I've had the same problem with my F50. The volume seems to come and go when it feels like. Sometimes not for days, then all of a sudden a sudden drop in volume. I've already replaced the stock mesa's with JJ's. Same problem.

I've heard this problem a few times on this board. As well, one guy said his LCC was doing the same thing. Looks like some of us just got a 'friday' amp.

I'll be upgrading to a Roadster soon enough.
That's odd; when cranked, I think my F-50 is a LOT quieter than my Mark IV in terms of noise level; ironically the F-50 also seems to be louder at lower master volume settings, but maybe that's due to the single master volume control on the F-50 vs the channel + master volume on the Mark.

Or, maybe there's just something wrong with my Mark? :)

As far as the variable loudness goes, another thinkg to possibly look into is how steady the AC power is wherever you're plugged into (assuming you aren't already using a power conditioner that handles this).

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