Need to tighten up my sound! IN ANY WAY possible

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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2006
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Alright I am on the verge of selling my amp because I just can't stand the rectifier sag anymore. I want to get a Framus Cobra instead, for awhile I wanted a MarkIV but it doesn't have much low end so I need something more modern flavoured

I realized I truly do love the tone of a rectifier singing full out, I just wish it was more responsive and snappier. I've heard a few things will help

- hotter pickups. I already have EMGs, 81 bridge 85 neck in a Jackson soloist
- clean boost in front of the amp. I hear an Ibanez Tube Screamer works. what does a clean boost sound like? Will it tighten up my tone to Cobra levels?
- retube with KT88s and GZ34s from Eurotubes. These are expensive but I've heard really good things about how they tighten up the amp.

If I were to combine all three of these things, would I end up with a tone that is in the middle ground between the super-tightness of a MarkIV and the awesomness of a Rectifier?

Please for the love of god help me before I go and spend $3,100cdn on a framus
The GZ34's will give you some added tightness. I can't comment on the rest, but good luck!
* EL34's - They'll make it a bit tighter, but you'll loose some low end..... that along with using the solid state rectifier or the GZ34 rectifier tube.

* A Tubescreamer in front of the amp will tighten it up.

* A compressore in front of the amp may do so too.

If this is a "Rectifier" series amplifier, then it's probably NEVER going to be as tight as a Cobra or a Boogie Mark series. You might get closer with some of the suggestions above my post and in my post but you'll never get a real tight tone.
I'd recommend buying a compression pedal. I have a BOSS Compression/Sustainer that when used right tightens up the tone; it also features tone control.
well dude this is what I doin front of my amp; emg`s w/ pa-2 into a mxr-44 wylde overdrive gain on 0, level on 10, tone between 2 and 5.

on my triple; bold, diodes, ch. 3 modern, bass, mid, treb, pres, all @ high noon. gain @ 1:30 volume @ 9-9:15. i might tweak from there,but not that much. finally into a marshall jcm 800 4x12 with 75`s and vin 30`s. sounds tight as hell.
what kind of tight are we talking here ? are you one of those crazy neo 90's death/thrash/speed metal guys that really want a solidstate amp ?

what kind of soloist are we talking ? SLSmg ? SL1 or 3 ?

i'm not trying to be a sparky here or anything, but if you are using a below grade guitar with crappy cables tuned down to B you aren't gonna get tight on a dual.

as for the cobra everyone that i know that uses on slams the clean channel with a boost. is that what you want to do ?

i would reconsider your equiptment, if you find that all of this is in order, try O.D. channel 1 with solidstate rect. this may get your tight? i would try this before i do anything crazy
1. EQ...the rectifier can actually get suprisingly tighter on its own....if you EQ it right. Mess with the EQ and don't be afraid to turn the gain and bass down, while keeping the mids up.

2. Driving the preamp...this can be done with either high output pups, an OD, or both. Many swear by it to tighten the rectifier's tone.

3. Make sure you are running high quality pedals and cables infront of your amp, and throughout your rig. If you have a long chain, try plugging in directly into your amp. You'll be quite surprised.

If none of that works for you, then:

4. A retube. Personally, I hate JJ, as I've had poor experiences, and poor tubes from them, that are very unstable and noisy.

- E-34Ls will tighten your amp quite a bit, but you will loose some of that really low thumping low end. Then again, that low end is probably one of the biggest culprits to the "sag"...the E-34Ls can still get hella bassy.

- I really wouldn't recommend the GZ-34 rectifiers. They do tighten your amp, but almost unnaturally, making the tube rectifier setting WAY too stiff and none responsive IMO. You're better off using the diodes if that's what you're after.

- If you're still after the 6L6 sound, I would talk to Doug at He will get you a good retube, with a very nice preamp set, and good rectifers and power tubes, that he says go quite a long way in tightening and cleaning the amp. That is my next step when it is time to retube!
+1 ibby 4 life. sooo many people that i know that hate the 3 channel dual are diming everything like it is a JCM. read the freakin' manual. what cab a speakers are you using ? that has a lot to do with it. you want a 90's sound get a 90's rig. use the 75-100 watt speakers thats what we did back then.
I used the Mesa Rectifier oversize cabs, a 2x12 for practice and a 4x12 for shows. Still with Vintage 30s

My guitar is the SLSMG... it is not a low quality guitar by any stretch. I usually tune it to drop D or drop C. My other guitar is a Jacskon COW7 with an EMG 707 tuned to B standard.

I didn't think my patch cable had much to do with it, but I'll change it out for a 10 foot monster cable and see if that helps. I'll go and get an OD pedal tonight and try and see if that helps me out.

Right now my EQ is something like
bass 11 o'clock mid 12:30 treble 3 o'clock
gain 3:30 master 4 o'clock presence 4 o'clock
and I've been switching it around between bold and spongy power, and silicone diode and tube rectifier but still can't get the tone I am after.
Dude SLSMG is a freakin' awesome guitar ! anyone who has played one and wasn't blown away either didn't play one with 81/85 or is just plain dumb. i would say your gain is a little high. i would go to 2:00 at the most. thats just me. and bring the presense back to th e 1:00 - 2:00 area as well. with these settings, i don't know i'm not there, but i would think you have a total treble machine kickin' there. i would try the above as well as maybe bringing the mids down to 11. this may compress a little more as well as adding to the single note articulation.

i don't play metal but i am in drop C#. i use DR 10-52. you need to keep your gauge up to keep the tightness as well. 11's on the bottom hurt my little sissy fingers so thats why i do the custom set.

i wouldn't think that you would want to use spongy, though i love it. tube rect should give you more crunch, but i would start at bold and diode and work from there.
lailer75 said:
a marshall jcm 800 4x12 with 75`s sounds tight as hell.

This makes a world of difference. Which leads me to why I use the Genz Benz cabs. GB's have 75W Emminence speakers, They're ported so that low end we love from the Rectos doesn't just boom and create standing waves that cancel sound and don't allow the richness to come out from stardard cabs. Especially Mesa Recto cabs... i can't sing the praises of these cabs enough. Check them for yourself.

I feel your pain. You and I are in the same situation. I have a Road King combo and am still looking for that tight tone. I also have a Jackson SLSMG with the EMG 81/85's. Last night I spent 4 hours searching for the tone I want, but could not find it. I am going to go get an overdrive pedal when I get some cash. Let us know how it worked out for you.

Guitarzan - I have a question for you.

I have a 17 year old Genz Benz 4x12 with Eminence speakers. When I use is with my combo it seems to muddy things up. I don't think it is ported. I have never played out with this cabinet and it has only seen light use over its life. Do you think new speakers would help or is it time to get rid of it all together?
-GZ-34 rectifier tubes (less sag)
-Ruby EL-34BSTR power tubes (more headroom)
-A Keeley modded TS-808 Tube Screamer (tightens and reduces low end)
-A Mesa Stilletto (traditional) 4x12 w/ V30's. (Tightest cab I own.)

+1 to the traditional cab. the only one i like.

G-flex is a product name of the cabinet made by Genz Benz. cool design if you like 75w speakers. George Lynch used G-flex 2x12's on a lot of earlier Lynch Mob recordings.
I wouldn't worry about the GZ34s. If you want the tightest sound possible you won't get it with the tube should be using the diode rectifier.
Kung-Fool said:
I wouldn't worry about the GZ34s. If you want the tightest sound possible you won't get it with the tube should be using the diode rectifier.

This is true..... Some people like the amp better with the tube rectifier, but find the 5U4G's too spongy. If you are already using the diodes, the GZ-34's will do nothing for you, so save your money.

I think in my experience, many people find the diodes too stiff or produce too much low end, and the 5U4G's are too spongy. The GZ-34's are a good "in between".


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