Need Advice On A Few Pedals I'm Deciding Between

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Sep 26, 2008
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So I'm almost done with reworking my pedal board and am down to the last few pedals I want/need to get. Essentially I've narrowed it down to 2 or 3 for each category but can't seem to pull the trigger on which one. Obviously all have their benefits but as these are all a pretty penny I want to make sure I make an informed decision. I am unable to test these pedals personally, so thats why I am posting, for other users experience and advice with each.

Keeley 4 Knob High End Compressor
Barber Tone Press

Home Brew Psilocybe
Subdecay Quasar Pahser
Option 5 Destination Phase
Fulltone ChoralFlange 2
(yeah I know its not technically a phaser but the new version has crazy good options and I can get a pretty good approximation of what I want/need a phaser for. maybe.i probably will get this pedal eventually anyways even if i get another phaser...)

So, thanks in advance for any advice in helping me decide.

PS- Just in case it matters all my guitars are humbuckers (PRS, Gibson SG) and I will be using them with a variety of tube amp ranging from Mesa, Fender, Orange, etc...
I am unable to test these pedals personally, so thats why I am posting, for other users experience and advice with each

For the compressor- you listed prolly the 2 best IMO- for my playing, I went with the Tone Press. It can do squish, but is more than just that.....

My choice in Phasers from what you listed would be the Subdecay if you use it a lot, or the Option 5 if its just periodically in a set.

Just my $.02- you milage may vary...

can only comment on compressor, so I would go for Tone Press. I like it because it doesn't mess with your tone and is very subtle (yet effective). It adds sustain and gives you a nice mild compression. Keeley probably not as subtle and probably more versatile (maybe?), costs more, and I hate all those knobs. Tone Press is incredibly easy to understand and set to your liking.
The Keeley compressor sounds AMAZING. I bought one once and the switch was faulty. I took it back the next day. It left a bad taste in my mouth.... the most expensive pedal i've EVER bought and it was flaky. Go figure!
No, haven't got any of those yet. I ended up getting a Fulltone Clyde Deluxe WAH most recently. I had been wanting that wah for awhile and when I had the cash they were out of stock (well the Fulltone) and then when in stock, no extra cash. I had cash set aside for the compressor and phaser but saw the Clyde Deluxe's were in stock, so i decided to bite while I could.

Anyways, I think I am leaning towards the Keeley compressor and on the advice GuitarMaster checked out the Red Witch Phaser. Yikes! :shock: :twisted: :D After checking out some on line videos and sound clips, I have decided to go with the Red Witch rather than the Home Brew or Subdecay. I will probably order it this weekend. Its more than I was planning to spend on a phaser but if the videos are lived up to, this pedal will end up being a permanent fixture for me... her's to hoping it jives with the rest of my rig....

So my shortlist of FX now are:

Red Witch Deluxe Moon Phaser
Keeley 4 Knob Compressor
Fulltone Mini Deja Vibe 2 (new treadle one)
FoxRox Octron

Yaya! :D

PS- Thanks for the Red Witch recommendation GuitarMaster . I am very excited to get this phaser. I will be ordering it this weekend from Pro Guitar Shop...
I actually got the Option 5 phaser yesterday. I like it so far, though I haven't had a chance to try it with all my other gear but it sounds good so far. Not a far departure from the classic phase sound. A bit of a volume bump when engaged, which is better than the small stone volume drop! The control range is wide. Nothing against the "one knob" phasers but I like being able to tweak depth and regeneration based on if it's set for a slow whoosh, a moderately swirl, or fast leslie-esque speed. It's not the Red Witch but that's reflected in the price.
Fulltone Mini Deja Vibe. Good choice. Picked mine up end of January and really dig it! :D
i love my mini deja vibe.

awesome pedal.

but i also prefer the Barber tone press over the keeley comp, because it can do parallel compression.
i don't believe the keeley can.

also, it can double as a Class A clean boost....
spoiler warning..... :roll:

$300 bucks for a phaser pedal? or any pedal? Ouch......

If I were going to spend that much, I'd look at the Damage Control Glass Nexus before I decide....

You really think you'll hear the difference between the $300 dollar phaser and the $99 dollar phaser? At times other than when you are playing alone in the basement? When you're standing next to the drummer on stage with monitors blasting? Will that $300 dollar pedal make you play better? no offense, but I did the same thing a few years ago, and some people asked me the same question, and now I can see they were right.

Four or five overpriced pedals and you coulda had another amp....or another guitar..... sorry.... I've been down that amps worth it? Some are! Boutique pedals? they aint worth it, imo..... unless the only playing you ever do is by yourself.....

maybe I'm just in a weird mood right now, I dont know.... :(
Well that's the great thing; YOU don't have to buy anything you don't want to. And I don't have to justify to anyone what I spend my money on or why.

Aside from that, it doesn't matter if any else can tell a difference or not. I can. And my opinion and my happiness with my rig, at the end of the day, are the only ones I give a **** about.
Can't' we all just get along? 3 :D

my .02:

buy the pedal you think you will like best based on your research. get it from either guitar center or a place with a return policy. If you don't like it take it back. Maybe buy both the compressors at one time and return the one you like the least. Same with the phasers. Compare them side by side, you'll hear the real difference then.

Good luck!
Critter said:
Well that's the great thing; YOU don't have to buy anything you don't want to. And I don't have to justify to anyone what I spend my money on or why.

Aside from that, it doesn't matter if any else can tell a difference or not. I can. And my opinion and my happiness with my rig, at the end of the day, are the only ones I give a **** about.

Struck a nerve..... interesting.... you asked for advice, sorry I said something other than what you wanted to hear. I should know better by now.....
I think its a wash between the two compressors.

I have the 4-knob Keeley & its great.
I hear the TonePress is a close 2nd so you'd really have to hear the differences for yourself.