My New Road King 2x12 Combo - PICS

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
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Beautiful, congrats! Poor Santa, bet he got a hernia hauling that in. :lol:

Channels 3 & 4: are as you'd find in a Dual Recto....except that the reverb level or presence is significantly lower have to compensate by turning up the reverb in these channels if you really want to hear it well. This can cause your dynamics to suffer a bit. I use my TC G Force in these channels and use it's reverb instead.

Channels 1 & 2: Well, these are as advertised, simply awesome. Initially, due to all the config possibilities -- I didn't think it was exactly the Lonestar clean. But after more hours fiddling and switching, I think it is sounding just the same as the LSC. I've even managed to get a very close LSS type sound out if it too by combining 6L6 & EL34s, spongy setting, tweed.

The Brit mode in channel 2 is very bright (too bright). To my ears, I think it sounds better adding in a couple of 6L6s to the EL34s to warm it up a bit.

I'll have more to say on the amp once I get my Studio Slips cover and take it out to a few gigs. I haven't been able to crank it for any extended period yet so I can't give an complete and concise review.
ol4t said:
Beautiful, congrats! Poor Santa, bet he got a hernia hauling that in. :lol:

I had to haul from GC, so I'm the one with the near hernia :cry:

Funny thing is that GC/Mesa Boogie screwed up and the they sent 2 RK IIs, some how they goofed and built two of them exactly the same and shipped it out. Too bad they weren't both shipped to me instead :wink:

Thanks for the compliments!!! :)
The only thing about that amp is it weighs about 120 lbs. I just traded a LSS combo for a Roadster head and cab (I promised myself I'd go the head and cab route this time). I had the privilege of hauling the cab in for a blown fuse/tube today and even the head is heavy for my old back nowadays.
I'm beginning to believe the new Roadkings might be the most versatile amps to come down the road ever. You're going to love that son of a buck!
I don't think he's quite 120, but very heavy nonetheless. I almost considered switching my order out for the head/cab.....

but the individual weight of the head and cab outweighed the combo by alot. I understand that they can be carried separately, however....

I'm too lazy to make multiple trips, and the head alone weighs nearly the same as a Mark IV combo......

In any case, it is quite lighter than my 8 Space Mesa Shock rack loaded with the gear. I've been so happy with the pallette of tones (and ease of use) that I am planning to sell my Triaxis/2:90 rig and re-purchase Mark IV combo. In the end I will stream line my amp stable to 2 main gigging amps, the RK and the MK IV. I'll use the Mark IV for those gigs where stage or trunk space is an issue, and the RK for the larger gigs. My last amp is a Subway Rocket to be used for very small gigs (restaurants, etc) and for practices.
The weight thing, my own hangup because of my back, I guess I was raining on your parade and I didn't mean to. It's probably going to seem like nothing compared to the rig you're leaving.
OT-Last night I played my Roadster with a borrowed OCD, :shock: , I want an OCD now!
ol4t said:
The weight thing, my own hangup because of my back, I guess I was raining on your parade and I didn't mean to. It's probably going to seem like nothing compared to the rig you're leaving.
OT-Last night I played my Roadster with a borrowed OCD, :shock: , I want an OCD now!

Oh no need to apologize, no offense taken, the King is heavy, no doubt -- it's just lighter (like you said), than my rack setup. The only thing I am going to keep from the rack is the rack itself (to use in a future studio rig), I paid too much for it to sell it for less than half it's original cost, it nearly brand new.

As for the OCD, I've been hearing alot about that pedal....please tell me more, I have been looking for an OD pedal to use with my new rig.....
I liked the OCD because it's very transparent, I don't play much recto gain music and it just adds a nice touch to channels 1 and 2 that's usable for classic rock- type crap. It's one of the cheaper Fulltone pedals, around $170 and probably one that's worth the money. Do a search here, it's been reviewed by a few people.
Beautiful amp!!What a great feeling it must be.Pretty much all Mesa combos are heavy its state of mind and back.I'm sure you'll figure out how to deal with it.Definately check out the OCD its an amp in itself and adds another channel.Sweet guitar too!!! Congrats and when you get a chance open that bad boy up!
Congrats! The pics well taken too. It almost looks like a joint venture b/w Mesa and Hallmark 8)
I recently picked up a Xotic BB Preamp. It sounds awesome with my Roadster and MKIV. I set the gain very low so that it is barely clipping and set the level so that it is barely louder than stock and set my gains about 2 hours lower than before and wow! In the clean channels, you can get a sweet bluesy break up that is very sensitive to your attack, very dynamic. The BB seems as if it was made for Mesa's. BTW I leave the tone settings on the BB at the center detents (12 O'clock). Try them both. Both are awesome, but I like the BB's more versatile adjustability.
ursinus said:
I recently picked up a Xotic BB Preamp. It sounds awesome with my Roadster and MKIV. I set the gain very low so that it is barely clipping and set the level so that it is barely louder than stock and set my gains about 2 hours lower than before and wow! In the clean channels, you can get a sweet bluesy break up that is very sensitive to your attack, very dynamic. The BB seems as if it was made for Mesa's. BTW I leave the tone settings on the BB at the center detents (12 O'clock). Try them both. Both are awesome, but I like the BB's more versatile adjustability.

Yeah...the BB is actually the pedal I was readying to buy after listening to a demo of it by Andy Timmons; he uses it with the LSC, and it makes the amp sound very Mark'ish in the lead dept. (although the pedal is voiced for a Marshall sound.....But I think the mix of the two makes it's sound lean more toward the Mesa Mark Series, at least to my ears.

Haven't really heard the OCD, but am leaning right now towards the BB...unless I can try an OCD first.
Absolutly stunning ! Its been a week since I ordered my Road King II Head and seeing those pics is making me want mine even more. I went for the head though. The Roadster combo I had was very heavy. Those side handles sure make things so much easier. Sweet amp. Sure would like to hear her in action!!
jazzgear very nice choice in vinyl and grill colours. thats definitly a keeper
how is the lone star classic sound coming along do you have it nailed yet!
Sweet amp JAZZ!! Love that grille! Like you, I also want another Mark IV. RKII & MKIV, the possibilities would be endless.... :wink:
That is one of the sharpest looking amps I have ever seen! Congrats! I just ordered a head in green/tan to match my Ace combo and 2X12 recto cab.

BTW--the OCD was recommended by another member (Red Barchetta) and I took his advice. It is by far the best addition to my rig that I have ever had. It adds without changing the tone of the guitar, my tele sounds like a tele and the Les Pauls still sound like Pauls, if that makes sense.
Jazzgear, are you in So Cal by chance and if so would you mind sharing the Phone # for the GC that has the other RKII. I'd love to pick up a "blonde" RKII.