My Mesa's

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Mark Fore

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2006
Reaction score
Here are my current Mesa's and my Soldano SLO. The Mark IV is about to be rackmounted in that Mesa rack which is routed via a Bradshaw 4x4. That going through the Recto 2x12 and Mesa 1x15 with an EV is the best sound I've ever heard. Enjoy!

Nice room!!!

I had those Gene and Ace posters on my wall when I was a kid. I didn't have any kind of frame, back then we just used thumb tacks.

Nice room!!! (again) :)
plan-x said:
7 PRS's and 3 LP's. What the #*%&! Man, have you got a good job!

8 PRSi & 2 LP's :wink:

I'd say you have quite the collection.
The SLO and Roadster are surprisingly similar. But I would say that the SLO is more middle of the road, straight ahead modded Marshall with military grade components for durability. The Roadster has that tone too, but also has a TON more versatility. If I need one tone and no f/x loop I take the SLO. If I want everything, I take the Roadster or the Mark IV. I usually sit the Roadster on top of a Recto 2x12 and it is perfect.
That's what I figured. I had a Hot Rod 100 and a T-Verb at the same time. The HR went on Ebay immediately.

I had a Lucky 13 that was incredibly versatile though. If it had a Solo Boost, I might have kept that over my DC-10.
Philadelphia Flyers signature model?

Looks like a Santana III to me.
Yo... the first and the fifth guitars on the top are Santana III's which have been recently discontinued. The prices shot up and you used to be able to pick them up for $2k. Now they are getting close to $3k. The pickups in those are quite cool. Lots of crunch, but not over the top. However, with the Mesa's I've come to really like the McCarty pickups. Some might say they are too clean, but they seem to work for any type of music and I primarily play hard rock/metal. But with an Overdrive pedal in front to add some crunch on the top it is something I can't live without now. By biggest challenge is now switching the OD pedal off and switching channels with only one stomp. The Bradshaw rig and the Radial Loopbone have solved that problem.

You are either single or have the coolest wife on the face of the planet!
I do have the coolest wife on the planet. My kids don't even know the definition for what you guys term "bedroom volume" :p
Mark Fore said:
I do have the coolest wife on the planet. My kids don't even know the definition for what you guys term "bedroom volume" :p

You must be collecting all those stuff for like the last 10 yrs, right? If you say you got em all in the last one year.....that puts ur wife in the number one spot of all wives:)
I plan to bookmark this page in case my wife ever says, "You have too much guitar crap"

That should shut here right up...

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