My DR review and some concerns

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Dec 6, 2006
Reaction score
Montreal area
Hey people was up...after 10 days of playing I find that the Dr is a monstuous
crunch machine...very mean and in your it, but for playing lead (which is my job) I find that it is coming way is still in your face, loud but solos sounds tin and sustain is poor which make it an overall very small lead sound!! now I'm thinking of exanging it for a Mark IV or maybe a lonestar...WHAT DO YOU THINK!! I really appreciate your advice and I would like your opinion on this. Thick creamy leads with gain galore...that is what I'm aiming for!!:):)
See ya
before trading it, make sure you can test one out first. your local store MIGHT have them. but the mark 4 sounds like your kind of amp. ive heard that they need some finetune tweaking to sound right, especially with the 5-band EQ. but i hope your final decision makes you happy :)
ibanez4life SZ! said:
Try Channel 2 Vintage for your is amazingly smooth and sutains forever.

slap an overdrive on this mode and you have a mark style lead tone.. :)
Have you tried a boost yet? I never really saw a need to boost a Recto...surely it has more than enough gain right? Well I had an MXR 10-band laying around so I figured I'd try it just to see what all the fuss is about. Set the EQ flat with the output level at +6 dB for starters and tweak from there to fine-tune for different guitars.

It made my clean channel way louder and a bit fuzzy around the edges, but a slight reduction in the Ch1 master took care of that.

Now I never turn it (the boost) off! You can achieve simliar results with an overdrive pedal, gain set low and output high, with varying degrees of coloration of your sound. The new MXR/CAE Booster-overdrive looks interesting....wonder if anyone here has tried that one yet.
Yeah...tried a bunch of different things Tubesreamer,ZW OD, and it helps the sustain but to me it is still tin!!...not at all like Petrucci tone or Steve liquid feel to it :) Andy Timmons has a great sounds and his leads are coming mostly from his LSS,Petucci on the other hand has his leads coming mostly from the Mark 4 I think I made a poor decision on that one...Mesa is right...but I think I need the right Mesa(would love to keep the DR) but with something else on the lead side...Talk to me about the Lonestar and the MarkIV can we get some creamy liquid type od leads with those...Owners? anyone?

You got the right amp, you just probably don't have the right settings!

Tone is very subjective, so I won't tel you what's good for you... But try tweaking your amp in a band setting and like the others have said go for the vintage mode. Also turn up the mids, channel volume (12pm) and perhaps lower the preamp gain.

Like you said the Recto is a brute! It likes to be beaten! With the Rectifier series, volume is very important. My amp behaves very different at higher volume settings, that's why I use a hotplate with my recto. It's very important part of the tone... Get those power tubes pumping right on the cusp of breakup.

The rest is in the hands!
Stealth said:
Yeah...tried a bunch of different things Tubesreamer,ZW OD, and it helps the sustain but to me it is still tin!!...not at all like Petrucci tone or Steve liquid feel to it :) Andy Timmons has a great sounds and his leads are coming mostly from his LSS,Petucci on the other hand has his leads coming mostly from the Mark 4 I think I made a poor decision on that one...Mesa is right...but I think I need the right Mesa(would love to keep the DR) but with something else on the lead side...Talk to me about the Lonestar and the MarkIV can we get some creamy liquid type od leads with those...Owners? anyone?

Dude. You don't have the wrong amp at all. Try these settings first, and tell me what you think...


Bass Noon
Mid 11:15
Treble 2:00
Presence Off
Gain 3:00
Master 10:00

Boost this with settings like..
Volume Full
Gain Off
Tone 9:00

Tell me that doesn't sound smooth and Mark-ish...
Hey Random Hero I've tried your settings and your right...big improvement...kind of smooth and creamy...but you end up with that classic feedback(like a car horn...) something I can deal with a noise gate I guess... still...I'm not sure...have to try with my band...but thanx dude I appreciate your effort there...:):)...I'm gonna give you feedback soon. Take care!
Stealth said:
Hey Random Hero I've tried your settings and your right...big improvement...kind of smooth and creamy...but you end up with that classic feedback(like a car horn...) something I can deal with a noise gate I guess... still...I'm not sure...have to try with my band...but thanx dude I appreciate your effort there...:):)...I'm gonna give you feedback soon. Take care!

I'm glad you found some improvement. Yeah, I run the gate on mine, from my G-Major - not too much gating, just enough to cut hiss really.

Good luck with finding your tone brother, and Merry Christmas!

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