Most outragous Mesa ever built,owned or saw

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I think that it is more of the case of the smaller family business v. mega corporation. Back when Marshall was small they were really nice too. I too think that their QA went downhill as did their choice of parts and customer service. This is sad because they put out so many amps. It would be great if they could keep up with the Joneses and still make the production requirements. I think the mass production and choice of parts is what makes it possible for more people to access the amps financially though. If they were handbuilt they would all be at least as expensive as the premium HW lines. I think if that was the case they would still be competitive with Mesa as far as quality goes. Pricewise it comes down to the number of units sold. Marshall far outsells Mesa with their current operations. I don't think that would necessarily be so if they were operating like Mesa. So yeah, I agree with you there. I think that if you have to look back at Marshall for where things went wrong the crux would have to be somewhere about the JCM800 line. To me, the series went through some oddball changes and eventually ended up leading to the JCM900's that were the epitome of what Marshall had become. The JCM2000's I believe were an attempt to redeem themselves but without a change in operations is still the same even though it was a new design. It is hard to get the same great customer service that you would from Mesa from people as large as the likes of Korg anyway. When a company outgrows itself it gets difficult to maintain the same qualities that made it great to begin with.
wow. i could look at these all day. anybody have any more pics? or know of a website that has a lot of these kinds of pics?

I see this and hear a line from "40 Year Old Virgin":

You know how I know you're gay?
phoenix said:
old pic. I havent had pads since.
They made the bracing out of it inside so it matches the figure. Mesa done me right.

The golden expression pedal, looks like a crybaby - anything special there?
4nkam said:

Oh,..... *BARF*

I would love to take that vomitous 80's chartreuse and paint it black (like a Rolling Stone).

No Dual Racktifier deserves that humility. Who did it belong to Paul Gilbert? :lol:
That is a cool green gem light cover but it looks like the front of the chassis got pushed in at the jacks and above the master knobs..
Hey i use to own that ractifier, did you buy it off of me from ebay? My name on there is zerodc.

Russ said:
4nkam said:

Oh,..... *BARF*

I would love to take that vomitous 80's chartreuse and paint it black (like a Rolling Stone).

No Dual Racktifier deserves that humility. Who did it belong to Paul Gilbert? :lol:
siggy14 said:
Hey i use to own that ractifier, did you buy it off of me from ebay? My name on there is zerodc.

I didn't buy that thing. Did you paint it that color siggy14? If I had bought it the thing would be black with a flame job on it now.
yeah that was probaly my album, because that is my table etc.. and yes i did own it. And now I did not paint it, but yes it use to be black. The guy before me had it professionaly done, it is not a normal paint job, I cant remember the word he used, io something. I sold it over a year ago, let me tell you it was a sweet sounding one, but at the time i wasnt into the rec sound.
Looks to me like the case has been powder coated. Is that what you mean by not a normal paint job? Or are you talking about the wonderful color? :shock:
Super special Howitzer. Teese 10th aniv. 300 made, over 128 preset combos IIRC.
Yeah that was it, real professional job. I regret selling that one, but then again it blinded me alot.

PRS_Guitars5 said:
Looks to me like the case has been powder coated. Is that what you mean by not a normal paint job? Or are you talking about the wonderful color? :shock:

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