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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
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Sterling Heights, Mi

I realized after my last clip that the sound was kind of "Ice Picky" or had a weird trebile overtone. I tried to compensate for that w/ adjustments to my amp controls. It worked alittle , but something happens to the audio quality when I upload to photobucket. Kind of weird , but here's a few more clips as I try some new tones. Enjoy !

Hey ! No comments on my large head, weird faces or adverage playing abilities. Tones only ! Ha ! Ha ! Just kidding, I know my heads huge !

If anyone can tell me how to get rid of the high-end hiss I would appreciate it or how to get better at guitar ? Practice ? Hmmmmm !

Peace ! UdaMann
Here's another (original) one w/ a lite rythm tone. I'm trying to use different tones and make the clips show what the Ace can achieve.
Here's a country (yes country) lick recorded 3 different time w/ the clean channel, Clean w/ a Keeley blues driver pedal & the drive channel. All the clips have the pod xt live thru the effects loop w/ ping pong delay (25% mix) & a medium hall (22% mix). My guitar has a low output Dimarzio Virtual PAF type pick-up in it. Here we go.

Clean !

Clean channel + Keeley blues drive pedal.

Dirty channel.

Anyone that's thinking about buying an Ace send me an e-mail at [email protected] if you want an mpeg file that has less of the hiss & stuff. It's a little better, but still camcorder quality. I hope these can help someone in getting or not getting the right amp.

Peace ! UdaMann
Very nice clips!!! For camcorder quality they are pretty dang good in my opinion. Nice Tones.
Thanks allot JamesD !

It sounds realy good in my room & it's not as fizzy as it seems in the video. I'm still working w/ the Ace & trying to get more tones. It does just what I want it to do though. I'm surprised just how good the pod works in the effects loop too. I hope the clips will just keep getting better as I go.

Thanks again !

o.K. ! last one for the weekend (I think).

I know that this may put me under suspicion, but here is Toto's "Hold the line" lick anyway. It is Lukather though so you've got to give me that right ? I wish I was one of those fluid lagato type players so I could give you an EL34 drenched dose of sonic mayhem w/ delay of course.

Peace !
Here's another (original) one w/ a lite rythm tone. I'm trying to use different tones and make the clips show what the Ace can achieve.
I really liked this one! How was the amp set? And how were you getting the reverb/ambience sounds?
The Keeley boosted country was cool too. On my Ace, I love using the clean channel on crunch mode, and boosting it with my HomeBrew Electronics Power Screamer. It's not too much gain, it's just right and very versatile.
Thanks allot ! It's my favorite too.

The tone (at the start) is from channel one & the tight clean or middle toggel position. The gain is at about 3 or 4 o'clock. Almost up all the way, but not quite. The delay is digital & it's tapped in time wise & it's at about 28% mix wise. The reverb is a rich chamber at about 38% mix. I'll check it all out Tomorrow & add whatever I missed.

I will try & record the lead channel (fluid gain) w/ the blues driver for a real thick lead tone that's hard to beat. I'm realy trying to work w/ delay's & reverb combo's to get an Andy Timmons type atmosphere. I don't know if I can get it with a $399 pod in the loop, but I'll keep trying.

Peace !

I'm interested to hear (clips if you've got em) what kind of tones you Ace, Deuce & the mighty Trident users are getting. You can just describe them if you want. I would also like to know what delay's & reverbs you guys are using & where. Thru the loop or in the front.

Does anyone use channel #1 on chrunch & just lower the volume to clean things up ? All that kind of info.

Peace ! Udamann !
Does anyone use channel #1 on chrunch & just lower the volume to clean things up ? All that kind of info.
I use Channel 1 on Crunch (I call it Blue Crunch) a lot, almost as much as I use the Tite Gain on Channel 2. It's definitely my favorite of the clean channel settings. And yeah, you can coax a lot of gain from it, and use your guitar's volume knob to clean things up. Man, if I had to choose an amp that had only one sound setting, it would be this one! It's great on its own, and it handles pedals great. My rack stuff in the effects loop sounds killer too.

Every day, I continue to be impressed by this amp. I think I pulled a muscle patting myself on the back for buying this baby!
i have a POD XTL ,but i dont like it with my DEUCE.have ne tips on getting a good sound from the POD? i like my BOSS pedals better im using DD3 DELAY and chorus also an EVH PHASER.clips sounded good by the way
Fbomb (love the name and avatar pic),

To get a good sound out of the pod xt live I could only get it thru the loop in back of the Ace. I have the pod's master knob (small one on the back) at only about 50% & I set the output to "combo-power amp" so I'm bypassing all the amp models & cabs. The (Ace's) loop send level is only on about 3 1/2 or 4 & This helps in not overdiving (clipping) the pod. The down side is that your reducing some of your over-all output (volume) from the amp. It's still freaking loud as heck, but something to point out. I'm only using the pod for reverb & delay, but I did notice that the noise gate works too. I hope this helps you a little.

I also have a boss DD-3 and I'll try to post a clip just using that delay so you can hear the difference. Are you using your DD-3 in the front or back (loop) ? How does the EVH phaser sound to you ? Describe please.

Peace ! UdaMann

Sorry for not responding more quickley. I didn't see it.
thanx for the POD tips im gonna give it a try for the EVH PHASER it sounds real good i run it up front, ill have to try the loop,up front is the way EDDIE used it.its the only stompbox Phaser i ever used so i have nothing to compare it to. i really like to use it with a clean channel,sounds real nice.wtih a little gain added in it can sound alittle like BRIAN MAY.dont know if id recomend it ,only because i dont know how it compares to others on the market. but i do like it. have any ideas about a OVERDRIVE pedal to help me get a little more of a metal sound? i just want a bit more smooth saturation. i have plenty of gain.
DD-3 is in the loop
thanx mike

Good luck w/ the pod & thanks for the phaser review.

I have 2 Keeley pedals the DD-3 (w/ seeing eye mode) & the Blues Driver (Very Ace/Marshall like).

Tell me what song, band or type of metal tone your looking for and I'll see if I can get it.

Peace ! UdaMann

here are some clips I made that you've prob seen in the other threads:

I've changed settings a lot since then but I still dig these tones

I've seen and enjoyed all of your clips. They helped me make my decision on getting this amp. Thank you very much !

I tried to take a little different approach to my clips. I love hearing the raw tones (no effects) , but I don't play w/ out a little reverb or some delay. People need to see all the sides of the Stiletto line & what they can do.

Interesting note:

Since I have a POD & an Atomic Reactor (18 watt tube amp) that's made for the pod I thought about using the slave out to drive the Atomic.

It works great & here's why. The Atomic has a 12" pa type speaker in it (for the pod) & not a guitar one. The slave out is meant for a board or pa so it works great. It's not true stereo the way it comes out , but boy does it add a 3d thick vibe plus you have your own volume for it.

This would be great while playing live as your monitor. Try it if you have one.

Peace ! Tim

I've come up with a lot of awesome tones using an analog delay.. been doing this for quite some time now, I'll try to get some REAL clips up as I'm finally ordering some recording equipment this month!
Platy & Fbomb,

Here is a quick little video of the Ace's 2nd channel on tight gain. No pedals thru the front just good old channel #2.

I unpluged the pod xt & put a boss DD-3 in the loop. The mix could have been a little more I think. I had it at about 9 o'clock in the mix department.

It's me trying to pull off Andy Timmons "Deliver Us" from his new Resolution c.d. . There are a few clams & the digital camera is still adding so much high end. Maybe these clips are not doing the Ace justice at all or it could be my playing.

This amp sounds great despite what I'm able to show you guys on the video.

Peace ! Tim

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