Modding the SOLO Volume Control Question?

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May 7, 2007
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Hey All,

I have a question about my Dual Rec and its Solo Volume control. Has anyone modified the solo volume booster on their Dual Rec and added in a Robert Keeley type Java Booster function.

I know what I get out of this solo switch is only a volume booster, but when it is time to rip some solos I think it would be cool to have this mod and really have some added treble to give the solo's that loving feeling, know what I mean?

Anyone try this and have some success?

The thing of it is that I am kinda against effects and tend to be a minimalist in my sound. I am also pessimistic by nature and thus tend to believe in murphy's law. I know that external box will mess up right in the middle of a show (9 volt dies or power connection comes lose). Plus I hate the fact that I have this 5 switch Mesa board and cannot take advantage of the solo of FX switches. Kind of a catch 22 with no FX's). I guess if I ran the effects loop and simply kept the effects alway on and then stomp the FX switch on the board to get the solo boost that would be ruffly the same, but still the use of effects is another item I must lug around and setup and tear down. Doesn't seem like much, but 15 minute setup times tend to go quick especially with multiple bands and the sound man moving you like cattle.


1988 Gibson LesPaul Standard EMG 85 in Bridge
Early 1980's NJ BC Rich Bich 6 string
Late 1980's NJ BC Rich Bich 6 string EMG 81/85 combo
2007 Schecter HellRaiser EMG 81/85 combo
1973 Takamine "Lawsuit Martin D12" 12 string acoustic
1996 Alvarez 6 String
2001 Yamaha Classical CS-40
2005 Mesa 4x12 stack with 3 channel Dual Rec Head
Hey, I hear ya on the minimalistic view! I'm just not in the know about the mod, nor am I a fan of modding stuff. You should be getting some better replies soon!
The solo control is not a "booster" per se, but simply another master volume control - it's the same as reaching over and turning up the master without using your hands. A mod would seem to be taking the long, hard road on something that offers a much simpler solution, one which you described already. Take your booster of choice, run short patch cables to it and velcro the thing to the inside of your amp. I can't imagine it would take more than a couple minutes to hook a boost up on the floor, but if time is really that tight just do as above and run your booster on batteries so you wont even have to run power to the boost pedal. Step on the loop button and boost away! Z
Thanks Bro,

After I wrote my previous reply this morning, I have been thinking on it and have almost convinced myself that this is the way to go... Perhaps instead of a Keeley I will simply get a Super Overdrive (ala ZAKK W style) and boost away with that.

Thanks for letting me rant!

FM3, try putting a graphic EQ in the loop - that way you can selectively boost/cut frequencies and level too. I have always used this approach for lead boosting and put my delay pedal right next to the EQ so I can stomp 'em both at the same time. Having a footswitchable effects loop would be awesome, but my rig (Mark stuff) is "older school" so it requires a couple extra stomps. Z
You might want to ask around but usually putting a treble booster/overdrive pedal of any kind in a loop is not a good idea. The level of noise could get pretty bad and you may clip the pedal in a non-musical way if the preamp signal is too hot for it. I would call Boogie about that one.

Maybe they could do a mod for you and attach a mini toggle that selects to have the drive associated with the Solo knob or not.