Notes from a former GC employee 8) :
first off, were there NO Mark IVs in the entire US? There were always a few when I worked there over the past year. Your salesperson should have been able to transfer a Mark IV in from one of the other stores.
you need to ask for free stuff! you'll make the employees day if you order a Mesa (although he won't benefit until it goes out the door). rather than walk up and say "I want a Mesa," start looking around and trying amps, get an employee to help you, then make a deal.
they won't throw in free stuff if they don't have to to make a deal and why would they? if you're not a regular customer (of that particular employee) or friend, they'll send you out the door with an LP custom at full price and 1 free pack of strings. base pay for most GC employees is $6.50/hr. Commission is how they eat and put clothes on their backs :shock:
as far as Mesa goes, profit margin is very small. employee sales goals aren't set on profit alone so the gross sale value of a Mesa helps with the comission check too but they may not be super motivated to give away a lot of stuff with a Mesa. Certain Gibsons or Fenders, that's a different story.
profit margins aren't high across the board. I payed a lot for my Martin, got a huge discount on my Tele, and got a huge discount on my Mesa but ONLY by buying direct from Mesa. In store employee sale would have saved me less than $300.
Russ, GC only marks down Mesa when they get approval from the Mesa regional sales rep. As part of the agreement between GC and Mesa, the prices stay where they are in 99% of all cases.
And as far as financing goes, that's covered by the manufacturers or GC headquarters and arranged with the credit card company (HSBC). Individual stores cannot offer financing whenever they want. March was 12 months no interest for all $500+ purchasesand they are probably bringing back manufacturer specific financing this spring.