Mesa Mark Hardwood Headshell

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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2009
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Hi everybody,

wanted to show some of my updated work. I'm in the stage of finally finishing the Maple Headshells i made several months ago. Didn't find much time in the past.

Finally will get a new stock of Sapele woods to make some Headshells as well. About 5 Short Heads. But will finish them in about 2-3 months as the wood didn't arrived yet. But i made a picture of the Sapele Wood quality as a teaser :mrgreen:
If someone is interested, always welcome to contact me.

I'm located in Germany. I got several Mails from some Board members, but have to say that US Customers should also keep in mind, that shipping plus customs and tax will keep the prices very high. The Dollar/Euro Exchange rate is also not very good at the moment. So i'm not very positive shipping to the US at the moment :( Anyway, enjoy the pics!





Thanks Koprofag and reilly!

Nice to hear, you like it! These word mean a lot for me and my work. I was really happy to see the work of Trickyricks amazing shells. GTS Tolex shells and from our new board member FreeFormFunkified. And i always love pics from Amps! That's why i also wanted to share some of my work. And i'm really excited building those Sapele Headshells. My first time working with this wood. Normally i work with Maple & Bubinga. But will keep you guys updated with the process of the Sapele Headshells.

Rob, the shells and wood cuts look AMAZING on the maple and sapele! I'm excited to see how everything comes together! Keep up the awesome work man, and let us know if shipping to the US would still be available.

Thanks Jay and Neptical!

@Jay: I will document the process of the Sapele Shells next time. I always wanted to do this. But if you're in the stage of building them, you can't wait for the finish product. You start with a piece of wood and can't even stop for a moment because the process is so exciting. But next time i will introduce some of you guys interested in the process of making such Hardwood Shells. Normally it takes one day to build a shell and 2 days for building 5 Shells for example. And after you finish everything and got it finally sanded, the process to hand rubbed the oil finish takes several steps and up to 10 days. Once i put a french polish finish on a hardwood Shell. The result was stunning but the workload is massive. So, next time you will get a 12 day review from me, building Hardwood shells. 8)

Enjoy the weekend. The weather is great here in Germany!

FFS... They are super-nice looking!!
Never heard of the timber, but it looks tight grain so maybe translates to solid and heavy timber..
Brilliant for a combo I'd have thought..

Can't wait for the in-progress info, esp on doing the dovetails - that's the only thing stopping me from making one or two for my amps - has always been a dream of mine.
Really nice work on the maple shells, SpongeRob. Can't wait to look at the same work on the Sapele wood !!!
Hi SpongeRob,

Nice-nice-nice job, indeed...

What would be the cost and delivery time for a MKIIA combo maple cab, looking like your very nice headshells above ?
Is the front wicked cane available too ?

Additionally, a friend may be interested by one of your maple headshell - so what would be the cost for it ?

Finally, are the dimensions of MKI, MKII, MKIII amp chassis the same (I mean cab or shell compatible ?)

I am located in France.

Best regards & A+!
Hi to all board members!

First of all, i want to thank all the great and friendly members for the huge resonance on my work!!!

I wanted to post the steps for my Sapele Headshells! So there will be an update every time i'll work on those shells. And finally the last batch arrived! So i took some pics before i'll start to build the Headshells. I got an order for 3 IIC+ Sapele Headshells! 2 Wide Heads and one Short Head. So there are two long boards, that will be cut for the Wide Head Boogies. The rest for Short Heads.

Here's a family pic:

Here we go with a standard picture of the dry Sapele. Nothing special at the moment but wait for the finish! It will show his real magic:

Same board with alcohol to get a feel what it will look like:

And here the two different Sapele boards. The left one is for the short Heads and the right for the Wide Heads.
These will be the best Hardwood products i ever built! Mind blowing grain! The 3D effect on those boards is outstanding!

Enjoy the pictures! Can't wait to start the project! Will keep you updated if the process will start. But don't push me :wink: These Shells need time for not making any mistake. This will be a real Challenge not getting upset and start making mistakes!

Have a nice weekend!

Hey SpongeRob, that is some of the most beautiful grain I have seen, they will be very special shells indeed, you are very talented my friend! :mrgreen: I would like to see more :D
Hey SR, nice work and nice wood. I wish i could find some locally. It would match a nice Ibanez RG520QS I have. I have been away from home for a while on Business and have not cut a bit of wood in nearly a year. Can't wait to get in the shop again. I have some multi species ideas with hardwood grills, yeah. Good luck. Once again, nice work.
Hi FFF and Trickyrick!!!!!

My hardwood fellows! I'm very happy to get in contact with both great Hardwood Builders! And it's always nice to hear from you. Well, i didn't had the time yet to work on with the Sapele shells. I will make some test routing for the dovetails tomorrow, because i have a new router to get the exactly Mesa Boogie Dovetail geometry.

Again, the cabs you built are very nice. I should even say : too nice for an amp... like my MKIIA at least ! I mean : to merit a such cabinet, it should be a close-to-perfection amplifier (that is to say, in my case : nearly noise and hum free amp).

Thanks again for sharing your advice and knowledge on my now identified as an "aftermarket" Boogie cab +++
