Mesa Boogie Roadster Peoples! I need your help and opinions!

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Mar 10, 2009
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Hey everyone, im new here, and i'm thinking about getting a new Roadster head. I play heavey music styles, like killswitch engage, parkway drive, and similar bands. My question to you is, can the Roadster pull of this type of music?

Ill be boosting with and od808 probably to tighten it up a little bit. And I have a mxr 10 band eq so let me know if its useful for the roadster...

Thanks everyone!!
My question to you is, can the Roadster pull of this type of music

In all honesty- I dont think there is a music that the roadster can not pull off. It is a extremely versatile tool that no doubt can grow with you as a musician. With a OD808 specifically- it will *nail* some of the KSE tones. People say the roadster isn't great for some lead tones, but I think you can be satisfied with the addition of a EQ and a boost....I feel Roadsters are FAR smoother than duals and triples, and have the best clean circuits Mesa makes.


+1 to Laskyman

With an OCD used as a boost infront of my Roadster I can bang out Killswitch all day long. One thing (and i know i have been mentioning it a lot lately) to consider is your cabinet. With the right cabinet you can get the balance of brutality and clarity that to me is the Killswitch sound. With the wrong cab you'll get mud. I highly recommend cabs like the Mesa Stiletto, Mesa Recto, VHT Deliverence and of course a Mills Acoustics Afterburner. IMO the right cab can make or break your entire tone, no matter how good your other components are.
Roadster Head and Mesa 4x12 sound incredible...I use an ocd or q-zone for lead boost and don't use my eq much at all, all the heavy tones you could want are in this amp!
HAHAHA in spades, but when you add comp and booster pedal it's much better. Killswitch use Roadster heads live, and on there most recent record.
Cabinet and speakers is also very important part of the overall sound try a Port City or MIlls Acoustics to hear the real difference.
yeah the roadster sounds like killswitch engage on the spot. keep up the mids!!!
How many opinions do you need man? geesh. The Roadster kills. If you want to sound like a specific group why not check out what they use? Killswitch has their own video spot on Mesa talking about using the Recs, especially the Roadster on tour.

You'll never sound 100 percent like a record so get that out of your head. If you want to get close to that heavy sound, yeah a Rec will do it.

I just got the EQ and Boost pedal, both work great. For some reason I just enjoy the natural sound of the Roadster.

I had a Mark IV before, and as fantastic as that amp is, for the heavy sh/t sorry there is no match Recs kill. I don't care how many hard ons people have for Marks' around here and the Petrucci forum... my Roadster is better. :twisted:
I love my Roadster...

As for that Killswitch Engage tone, it depends which tone from which album you want to cop...
Elixir said:
How many opinions do you need man? geesh. The Roadster kills. If you want to sound like a specific group why not check out what they use? Killswitch has their own video spot on Mesa talking about using the Recs, especially the Roadster on tour.

You'll never sound 100 percent like a record so get that out of your head. If you want to get close to that heavy sound, yeah a Rec will do it.

I just got the EQ and Boost pedal, both work great. For some reason I just enjoy the natural sound of the Roadster.

I had a Mark IV before, and as fantastic as that amp is, for the heavy sh/t sorry there is no match Recs kill. I don't care how many hard ons people have for Marks' around here and the Petrucci forum... my Roadster is better. :twisted:

This post is exactly how I feel. No need for an EQ or Boost (although both work well) because the Roadster kills at gig volumes. I have the 2x12 combo and I came from a Mark IV half stack. The combo sounds HUGE and I don't miss the Mark at all.

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