maverick lead channel replacement valves

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2010
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Hi folks,

I am thinking that the lead channel on my Maverick is a little harsh (Clean channel is awesome). I really want to try and smooth it out a bit, any ideas what tubes to put in there, i'm thinking maybe getting a 12AT7 in the V2 position, or maybe i'd be better with a different 12AX7 (like a tungsol). All the valves at the moment are Mesa branded ones.
Any ideas for a good warm/smooth tube(s) for the preamp and which positions to fit them in?
I dont have any way to try without buying new ones so some ideas before i fork out the cash will be much appreicated.


If you want warm and smooth you don't want a 12AT7 - they reduce gain and make the sound brighter and cleaner. (Nor a 12AY7, which do the same but slightly differently - less gain still, but slightly less tone change.)

You probably want a 12AX7 with a darker tone and less top-end - either something like a Sovtek or JJ in new-production (which I hate to recommend, because to me they sound muddy and lifeless, but I suppose you could say 'smooth'), or something like a Sylvania or RFT in old-production.

The lead channel on the Maverick is *extremely* tube-sensitive (especially to V2) though, so really your best bet is just to get as many different types as you can find and try them all - some may just 'do it', others may not, even from the same manufacturer. You can perfectly well try used tubes - they're usually much cheaper, even for the more desirable old-production types - and then if you find the direction you want to go in, either get a new one of those... or just stick with the used ones, I do!
thanks for those tips, i have found by turning the volume (gain) knob down and the master up, it does smooth out a bit, going to try a couple of different brand tubes though, i'll post my findings.
I seem to use 1 of 3 tubes in V2:

JJ 12AX7 HG from Eurotubes
NOS Mullard 12AX7
Electro Harmonix 12AY7

I think the Mullard stays in there the most though. It's just got this creamy tone to it that is hard to describe. I loose a tiny bit of note clarity, but gain some sustain and it takes away most of the ice pick mids.

The JJ won't give you less gain, but it fattens up the lead channel quite a bit.

The AY7 makes every note stand out. It's really hard to tell that there is a lower gain tube in the amp. I don't like AT7's for most preamps, but AY's really make my Heartbreaker sound great.

I usually have the gain maxed and use the channel volume, but the Maverick seems to really sparkle with the gain low and the Master maxed.
What's going on with that tubes? Which one bring more noise?
I have Maverick with stock tubes and with master on 3 and more, I have I have a noise..noticeable noise.
havent got around to changing them yet, NOS valves are soooooooo expensive.