Massive volume differences between channels on my MKIV

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Jan 27, 2008
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I've recently bought a MKIV and I'm pretty new to it.

The problem I'm having is that I get great sounds out of Rhythm 1 and 2 channels, however at the same channel volume settings the Lead sounds a lot weaker. The volume difference between Rhythm 2 and Lead is massive.

On other amps switching from crunch to lead tends to give you a boost and a fuller tone. On my MKIV the opposite happened.

I've already switched preamp tubes and the reverb tube for new MESA tubes, with the exception of the foremost 12AX7, because the shop didn't have enough stock.

This happens at the factory settings I've copied from the sheet that lies on top of the amp.

Could anything be wrong with my amp?

I've also tried different guitars.

I'd really appreciate it if someone with more experience with this amp can shed some light on this.


On my DC-5, my rhythm channel vol. is<2, while my lead channel vol. is 4-5.
For me in order to have some kind of balance I have to put Rhytm 1 and 2 at 3-4 and lead at 8-9. Still, the Rhytm channels sound louder at this setting.

Without EQ it's not good. Putting in EQ helps, but I can't really achieve a balanced sound between the channels.
I've only had my Mk IV for a few weeks (bought used). While there are minor differences between channel volumes with the channel masters set at the same level (e.g. 3-4), they aren't dramatic. Are the gains set relatively similar for all channels? What about treble setting (fairly dramatic effect on gain)? Drive setting?

Basically I've followed the suggested settings in the manual for instant gratification.
Is Your prescense pulled on the lead channel? If so push it in or pull out rythm 2 as this will cause a volume decrease. The clean channel has always seemed louder on all the Boogies I've owned, but you can compensate with the channel volumes. I run my ch. 1 at a volume of 2 and my lead at 4. Remember the factory settings are very good but are subjective to your style including the volume. If your new to the IV I'd stay close to those settings if you like them as far as EQ goes.
The EQ is controlled by the footswitch. If I punch it in the lead channel gets louder. The Effects Loop I'm not sure. I'll have to check when I'm at my amp again.

Bastian said:
The EQ is controlled by the footswitch. If I punch it in the lead channel gets louder. The Effects Loop I'm not sure. I'll have to check when I'm at my amp again.


Yes I know it's controlled by the footswitch, but you have a rocker switch on the back where you can set it to on, off or auto rhy2. The pre amp tube you didn't swap is v1 is it, the one with a metal shroud ?? This is used by all channels so wouldn't be an issue. Are using any fx in the fx loop ?
The reason Lead is louder than EQ or vice versa is based on how you set up your EQ. If the frequencies are cut then it will sound more quiet compared to the Lead.

As for the huge volume difference, you are aware that there are channel masters and a main overall output? If the Rhythm 1 Gain Input is high you won't need as much volume for that channel. Overall, you have the channel masters to level out the volumes for each channel, you won't be needing to crank them past 4 anyway since it's a really loud amp.
The one I didn't swap is V5, the phase inverter.

The problem of the lower volume on the lead channel appears with the EQ switched off and set to be controlled by the footswitch.

I can improve the situation by tweaking the channel masters, but to get something approaching balance between the 3 channels I need to have R1 and R2 at around 3 or 4 and Lead at around 9. This doesn't really provide a satisfactory sound, and I don't think it's meant to be that way.

Thanks for your responses.

Instant gratification settings from Page 1 in the MKIV manual. It's a hardwood cabinet, and it's the first version of the MK1. It's the normal one, not a widebody.

What happens if you turn the channel masters down to 1-2 for r1/r2 and turn the output up to compensate?

@phyrexia: It improves, but I still get a feeling that this can't possibly be the way it's intended. The lead channel still sounds thinner than Rhytm 1. Unfortunately I don't have another MKIV to compare it with. Maybe they're designed to operate this way, but instinctively I doubt it.

Clean and Rhy1 sound amazing though.

Hi Bastian,

I had a similar problem with my brand new MKIV except it was the Rhy 1 Channel. I'd have the Lead channel on 2 or 3 and the Rhy 1 on 10 with presence and gain on 10 and it was about even with the Lead channel. If I tried any of the factory settings it was rediculous. Going from clean to lead was going from the clean being about the same volume as my guitar and the lead shaking the house literally. I brought the amp back to my dealer so they could try it out and they said there was definately something wrong. Also, they said if you leave the Rhy 1 channel on longer it gets even worse so that might be something for you to try just to see if it's the same kinda problem.

Right now my amp is with Mesa , I'll let you know once I find out what the problem was.

Hi Kbourque,

That's very encouraging. Please let me know once you find out what the problem was.

Kind regards,

Mesa called me and let me know it was a bad LDR causing my issue. I'm not sure if you are familiar with these but they explained to me that LDRs handle the signal and how it gets switched. There are some posts that on here that explain it better.

So they're sending it back now and hopefully when I get it back everything's ok, I'll try to let you know how it goes.

Oh btw, Mesa only had it about week so if you decide to send it to them you most likely won't have to wait very long.

Hope this helped!

I sent it to the repairshop of the official Mesa Distributor here in Madrid. It turned out that the previous owner had the volume pot on the lead channel replaced...... and that instead of a 100K pot he put in a 10K pot. Still got to try it out, but it seems plausable that that was the root of the problem.

I'll confirm later.
I'm happy to say that that did the trick. I'm in tone heaven now.....

Thanks to everyone for their input.


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