Mark lll reverb mod ?

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Dec 27, 2011
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My Mark lll does not have reverb or R2 mod . Can reverb be added to this amp ? Is that something anybody would/wouldn't do?
I think with the number of great reverb units available on the market (e.g. the Wet) it wouldn't be necessary. The reverb on my Mark III, even with all the reverb mods, was functional at best. I always use the Wet in the loop instead.
the reverb mod is dead easy but also not really worth doing unless you only play clean or low-gain stuff most of the time. Had it done and after that noticed that the reverb is "eh" at best, and now there's more of it, so I just have it on 0 all the time.
Oh, yeah, sorry, didn't notice that you don't even have reverb. And it wasn't even 4:20 yet. Yeah, it would be cheaper to just sell the Mark III wou have and buy a reverb version, and and not worth the trouble because the reverb isn't very good anyway.
Actually it is not a difficult job to add the reverb circuit to a non reverb Mark amp. All the chassis holes are already there and it is possible to install the additional tube socket without a full circuit board lift. I've been able to raise it about half an inch off the standoffs and slide the socket under without unsoldering anything else. If you need Dick Dale Fender Twin type splashy surf verb, no, you won't be happy. If you like a nice smooth, warm and unobnoxious reverb it is plenty capable. I'm not by any means saying to try this if you are not an experienced tech and know your way around in a mark amp.
I'll chime in with the choir here, saying that the Mark III's reverb is passable on the clean channel with the reverb control set to 5 or less, and pretty useless otherwise. Luckily, the Mark III's effects loop is as good as its reverb is bad, so I just stick a nice processor in the loop. :)

However! If you decide you want to do it, I have an original (1986) spring reverb tank from my Mark III that I'll give you for free as long as you pay shipping (it doesn't weigh much). I pulled it when I moved my Mark III chassis from a combo to a rackmount kit, and never missed it because I never used the onboard 'verb.
benjamin801 said:
I'll chime in with the choir here, saying that the Mark III's reverb is passable on the clean channel with the reverb control set to 5 or less, and pretty useless ...

My reverb works great but I do need the footpedal or it will appear to be useless. The reverb circuit is always on but not wet until you engage the footpedal.

I have to add that I took my "no stripe" Mark III to Mesa a few months ago and Mike said he does this reverb fix. He explained that the reverb will appear to sound like a blanket was thrown over it once it is used once upon powering on the amp. He said it was a service bulletin no charge though I did have some other work done just to get the Mike B "mojo". Not too sure but I did notice the reverb is "too" much now in all three modes. So I now dial to taste.


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