loop volume increase with wet signal

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2010
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I have noticed weird thing about my effetcs loop with my stock 3 channel loop. theres like a volume/mid boost in the loop. If I have the mix all the way wet its way louder than with the loop off on the footswitch. If I dial it to 12 oclcok wetness its not noticable . Its not related to the pedals cause i've tried with with a single true bypas pedal int the loop and its the same

is this normal ?
My Triple Rectifier that was a few years old did that too. I actually used the increase in volume as a slight boost in parts of the songs that didn't have vocals. Kind of miss it hah, now that I have the new multi watt Triple Rectifier.
Im experiencing a very similar issue with my roadster head as well. Could be the pedals you're running or a preamp tube or a cable. What pedals are you running and how or in what order