Looking for my first Boogie

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Allright, ill post an ad now and set up an account. I didnt think there was a "Non-Mesa Classifieds" :lol:
Thanks :D
needsmoregear12 said:
Allright, ill post an ad now and set up an account. I didnt think there was a "Non-Mesa Classifieds" :lol:
Thanks :D

No prob. I find gear moves pretty quicklyvon Rig Talk. good luck man. Then come back and buy a Boogie! :)
Trust me, once its gone thats the first thing Ill be doing! :lol:
After that though ive gotta save up some money to pay for applications/auditions for school. So this Boogie will be my last purchase for a WHILE :cry:
needsmoregear12 said:
Trust me, once its gone thats the first thing Ill be doing! :lol:
After that though ive gotta save up some money to pay for applications/auditions for school. So this Boogie will be my last purchase for a WHILE :cry:

Let us know how the sale goes and what Boogie you get?
The Mark III with the GEQ comes out to $820+shipping. Thats much more than i could afford :cry:
My MAX is about $750 including tax+shipping so im guessing the amp would need to be around $650-ish for me to get that.

I asked if they could do free shipping to another guitar center and they said no, which I dont understand because they did that with a Jackson i bought from them, oh well...

So what do you guys feel is the closest I can get to what I want? Id really like 3 channels, very flexible amp, and reverb.

Let me know what you guys think...

P.S. I see a DC-10 212 with GEQ for $600. Should I do this and then later add in a tube screamer to put on my clean channel to make a Rhythm channel?
needsmoregear12 said:
The Mark III with the GEQ comes out to $820+shipping. Thats much more than i could afford :cry:
My MAX is about $750 including tax+shipping ...

P.S. I see a DC-10 212 with GEQ for $600. Should I do this and then later add in a tube screamer to put on my clean channel to make a Rhythm channel?

[NOTE ON SHIPPING - it is always better to go pick it up ("road trip") if at all possible so you can play BEFORE you pay, just incase of ...]

Anyway, bummer about the shipping, however, if I had known what I know now when I was buying my first good tube amp I would have found a way to beg, borrow, or ... (O.K. you get the point) that extra $$$. But the point to think about is the need to have it serviced if you haven't even played it. In fact, put a disclaimer that you will play it before taking it out the store if you ever do get into something like that. :!:

I do not have a DC so I can't answer the "PS:" - there are better qualified people here than I for any comment on the DC-10 though from the docs I think you may have a point. I would be interested how the channel switching works and the "Lead" settings I saw in the owners manual fo the DC-10. :?:

After I posted I saw this;


Maybe, the seller can at least let you know about what the DC can do. I am not saying the DC-5 is exactly like a DC-10 for power, but maybe others can join in as well for better direction then I can give.

Thanks for the posts Dennis.

Ive already established through guitarcenter that if i buy it from them, i have a 30 day period to return it for whatever reason.

And i agree the road trip thing makes sense:
1)If I could drive, (Im only 17, no car yet :( )
2) If it was a reasonable distance. Im in south florida and the amp is in Indiana haha

But ya if it was maby 2 hours away id make the trip.
And thanks ill ask him for info on it :D
needsmoregear12 said:
Thanks for the posts Dennis.

Ive already established through guitarcenter that if i buy it from them, i have a 30 day period to return it for whatever reason.

And i agree the road trip thing makes sense:
1)If I could drive, (Im only 17, no car yet :( )
2) If it was a reasonable distance. Im in south florida and the amp is in Indiana haha

But ya if it was maby 2 hours away id make the trip.
And thanks ill ask him for info on it :D

Well in that case, Plan B it is - Beg, Borrow or Steal! Totally joking about the stealing part ;)

Here's the thing, and I'm sure many on this board would agree with this. I've spent countless time and tons of cash going through amp after amp trying to zone in that "perfect tone". There are many amps that I played that were just way off. With an amp like the Mark III, it's one of those amps that no matter what tone your after, there are so many tones within the 3 channels plus the option to add a pedal where (IF) needed to any channel(s) your options are endless. I would stress trying to think of any way possible to try and get this amp. If you can get a Mark III as your first Boogie and at your age - over time at the end of the day you'll be way a head of the game. This could quit possibly be an amp you'll have for the better part of the rest of your life.

Can you have Guitar Center ship the amp to a local Guitar Center that is within driving distance to you?


Do you have anything else you can sell like some pedals, or an old guitar even video games or anything of value that you don't use?

Just some thoughts, trying to keep hope alive for the Mark III - you'll thank us later, trust me :)

jpdennis said:
needsmoregear12 said:
The Mark III with the GEQ comes out to $820+shipping. Thats much more than i could afford :cry:
My MAX is about $750 including tax+shipping ...

P.S. I see a DC-10 212 with GEQ for $600. Should I do this and then later add in a tube screamer to put on my clean channel to make a Rhythm channel?

[NOTE ON SHIPPING - it is always better to go pick it up ("road trip") if at all possible so you can play BEFORE you pay, just incase of ...]

Anyway, bummer about the shipping, however, if I had known what I know now when I was buying my first good tube amp I would have found a way to beg, borrow, or ... (O.K. you get the point) that extra $$$. But the point to think about is the need to have it serviced if you haven't even played it. In fact, put a disclaimer that you will play it before taking it out the store if you ever do get into something like that. :!:

I do not have a DC so I can't answer the "PS:" - there are better qualified people here than I for any comment on the DC-10 though from the docs I think you may have a point. I would be interested how the channel switching works and the "Lead" settings I saw in the owners manual fo the DC-10. :?:


As a former owner of both, there's a reason why you don't see too many DC-10s for sale. :twisted:

Don't get me wrong, DC-5s are great amps, but if you buy for the distorted tone, the 10 has a certain "girth" to the tone that cannot be matched by the 5. Either one sounds good with a pedal on ch1 for mid-gain overdrive tones, but IMO the 10 simply spanks the 5 once you change channels.

$600 is a good deal on that amp if it's in decent shape.
needsmoregear12 said:
1)If I could drive, (Im only 17, no car yet :( )
2) If it was a reasonable distance. Im in south florida and the amp is in Indiana haha

Well, for the 1) ANSWER - find friend with car, explain magic of the open road, = GO 8)
................ 2) Musician - reasonable distance is anything less then 3000 miles by land! = GO 8) 8) :lol:

O.K. So realistically do you know anyone in Indiana maybe? Relatives, friends from days past, parents' friends or contacts? I am just saying on this one to think WAY outside the box! :idea: :idea:

#2121313 said:
... I would stress trying to think of any way possible to try and get this amp. If you can get a Mark III as your first Boogie and at your age - over time at the end of the day you'll be way a head of the game. This could quit possibly be an amp you'll have for the better part of the rest of your life ...

+1 I can not agree more. If you could find the time to make some extra $$$ that would be an excellent focus for your energy. The prices on a Mark III are not going to go down in 10 to 50 years. :wink:


PS: There is one consideration for this or any other used amp so you are fully aware --
As a cautionary note - I bought my Mark III used and it sounded good for awhile then I have had it serviced and brought back to like new (of course it is only a two hour drive to Mesa's factory for me). I have yet to find anyone who purchased a used Mark III (unless it was in a 30 year time capsule like smoke and dust and low volume environment then only played once a year by a little old lady from Pasadena :lol: ) who did NOT have it serviced either by getting new tubes or some component replacement. This is not to discourage you - this is to make sure you know what to plan for. You may not have to do this for some time if not several years. But I can tell you that after new tubes and the recent repairs I have had done since I bought mine two years ago I have yet to play an amp with this type of versatility AND sound capability. And I have had Marshalls, Peaveys, Fenders, and a few boutique amps.

Hmmm, is there a Mesa Anonymous group I should go to ... My name is Dennis and I am a Mesaholic :mrgreen: Nah!!
Trust me if theres any way I could get the money I would haha
I recently lost my job, business closed on me with no warning. Just got a call saying "Thanks for your time with us". My only source of income is my guitar lessons, and with only one serious student who pays $1o for 1/2 hour lessons im barely making $40 a month. Itll take forever for me to rack up the extra money.

If only i could file for unemployment :lol:

Ive looked into it, and dont know anyone in Indiana. Wish i did though, they wouldve came in handy!

I really want the Mark III, but if the DC10 can get me near there I might enjoy it just as much for now. If not I can save up some money on the side, then in about a year sell the DC and then hunt for a Mark =)

I just dont want to sell my Peavey and be stuck with nothing, ive just been asked to play a few shows so id like to have something.

Who knows, maby a DC10 might actually be what im looking for? Im sure ill be happy with it...for a while :)

I have no problem flipping gear, the only things i get attached to are my guitars.

By the way, ive got no pedals to sell. All I use is a Wah, Delay, Noise Gate, and Compressor. I try and keep it pretty simple. (Allthough I would enjoy a chorus or a phaser 8) )

ALSO, about your amp being serviced. I think guitar center adds a 1 year service warranty (everything except tubes) for about $50. Is it worth looking into? Id also need to buy the foot-switch for the amp and im REALLY tight on money. Im not sure what I should go with...
needsmoregear12 said:
Trust me if theres any way I could get the money I would haha
I recently lost my job, business closed on me with no warning. Just got a call saying "Thanks for your time with us". My only source of income is my guitar lessons, and with only one serious student who pays $1o for 1/2 hour lessons im barely making $40 a month. Itll take forever for me to rack up the extra money.

First off, sorry to hear..that sucks hard. The way of the struggling musician. :lol:

needsmoregear12 said:
Ive looked into it, and dont know anyone in Indiana.

Ahh..the good folk of Indiana. Where abouts? I've toured through there a bunch of times and love the laid back life style out there.

needsmoregear12 said:
I really want the Mark III, but if the DC10 can get me near there I might enjoy it just as much for now. If not I can save up some money on the side, then in about a year sell the DC and then hunt for a Mark =)

I just dont want to sell my Peavey and be stuck with nothing, ive just been asked to play a few shows so id like to have something.

Who knows, maby a DC10 might actually be what im looking for? Im sure ill be happy with it...for a while :)

As I said earlier, the DC-10 is a killer amp. It's definitely got the aggressiveness thing going on like the Mark III ( maybe even a bit more hairy ), really nice cleans..and the leads can be pretty smooth. Re: the bottom end is crazy on those as well.

needsmoregear12 said:
I have no problem flipping gear, the only things i get attached to are my guitars.

By the way, ive got no pedals to sell. All I use is a Wah, Delay, Noise Gate, and Compressor. I try and keep it pretty simple. (Allthough I would enjoy a chorus or a phaser 8) )

ALSO, about your amp being serviced. I think guitar center adds a 1 year service warranty (everything except tubes) for about $50. Is it worth looking into? Id also need to buy the foot-switch for the amp and im REALLY tight on money. Im not sure what I should go with...

You have all the right tools so far. Although, a chorus works great with delay..and a phaser is fun to use too. If you have the funds, go for the DC-10. I doubt you'll have a problem with flipping it if you decide to move to the Mark III. The only thing is that the DC-10 is a parallel loop (if it isn't already modded) and not Series. You lose alot of the organic feel of the amp like that and the amp tends to 'dull' out, so a mod is definitely a necessity with that particular amp if you're gonna be using the FX Loop.

Either way,you're not gonna go wrong with either decision so it's really just up to you at this point and what you can afford. No matter what, we'll be here for you if you decide you need more help on your decision. :D
Scratch that, the one in Indiana is gone. Theres still one in La Mesa, California though.

And thanks again for all your guys' help, i really appreciate it.

Ive gotten an offer for my 6505, $600. I told him $620 cash and its his. He said that if it sounds the way it should then he will take it for $620. So once he comes to scoop it up ill be ordering the DC10.

Is the Effects loop mod hard? Or something I can just be walked through?
needsmoregear12 said:
Scratch that, the one in Indiana is gone. Theres still one in La Mesa, California though.

And thanks again for all your guys' help, i really appreciate it.

Ive gotten an offer for my 6505, $600. I told him $620 cash and its his. He said that if it sounds the way it should then he will take it for $620. So once he comes to scoop it up ill be ordering the DC10.

Is the Effects loop mod hard? Or something I can just be walked through?

There are two mods that are suggested for the DC-10. Here is a link which only talks about it (look for the response form MonstaTone. But a search in the Dual Caliber forums on "DC-10 effects loop mod" may find something.


Also, here is one of Monsta's real recent post!


And here is a much older post. Read through it for the serial loop FX mod. There is also the master volume mod. Then there even others, but start with the loop and do them one at time to see how it affects the amp.


Take your time reading this thread as it is about 8 pages. I figure some Pepsis, notepad, and pen for notes, sipping, & long reading.

Thanks, ive asked him to email me the schematics and some more info on it. Ive never modded an amp so id like to try the easier of the two first.

The master volume mod sounds like something id need :mrgreen: