Lonestar Classic v. Special

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Jul 31, 2006
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I'm considering getting the Special. If anyone can describe the tone and overall impression of the Special, especially compared to the classic, that would be appreciated.

I know they are completely two different types of amps. Thanks.
I loved the weight of the LSS and the size, and if you're doing small gigs, I think it's the way to go. With that said once I played the LS I was blown away by the bigger sound of it compared to the LSS. The LS has a lot more headroom and punch and the LSS has that saturated sweet sound of el84's. I eventually went with a MKIV, that's another story. I guess it comes down to, what size gigs? are you an el84 kind of guy? Both are great amps and I still think now that I have the MKIV for big gigs, a LSS would be a great combo to have.
Aside from my Stiletto the other 3 amps are 6L6s. So, I was curious with the tone of LSS. Plus, my little Mark I is plenty loud.

I'll do search on this site. Thanks.
Someone mentioned that LSS has similar tone to the AC-30 which I love! Could this be confirmed? I just don't like the quality of AC30 these days.
I see your in NJ. The guitar center in totowa had one in stk. Call first to make sure it's still there, but if it's close enough to you, you can check it out. There number is 973-837-0855
I didn't think it sounded exactly like a Vox AC30 but it's gut that same el84 sound and feel going for it. I only played it at the store so it's tough to say.
enigma said:
I'm considering getting the Special. If anyone can describe the tone and overall impression of the Special, especially compared to the classic, that would be appreciated.

I know they are completely two different types of amps. Thanks.

Here's my take on the Lone Star... Personally I'd get the 2X12 Classic. Reason being it sounds phenominal! The 6L6's make that amp sound as warm as a down comforter on a winters night. You can also swap to EL-34's and get that brit tone--kinda--. Yet the best part is, put in a set of yellow jackets w/EL84's and you have the Special. I ran the two side by side swapping tube and the Classic can do what the Special does with no problems. The only advantage that the Special has over the Classic is the ability to play at much lower wattages. Fo this I'd say get an attenuator and have done with the Classic.
a search of the forum will bring up my replies, but the gist of it is... I played a LS and loved it, it was a 212. I did not want a 212 though. I asked the store when they would get a LS112, he said that one could be ordered, but the new LSS was coming out in a few weeks, and they were getting one. long story short, I played the LSS, it was magic, it was the sound I was looking for. I am more of a VOX guy than a Fender guy, so Class A was the way to go for me.

On a side note I didn't know that you could use yellowjackets in the LS, so that may have effected my choise at the time. I love my LSS shear sonic perfection.
The best feature of the LSS aside from great tone, is the wattage switching down to 5 watts. The distortion you get from cranking the amp in 5 watt mode is much better than the distortion from the preamp IMO.

I think the LS has warmer cleans and more headroom while the LSS is brighter sounding and has better distortion. Just my opinion of course.
To my ears the special is more articulate than the classic. The classic is more fender and the special more vox in terms of direction. The special definitely benefits from a retube too - the standard Mesa's give too rough an overdrive for my tastes. There is a thread on that in the tubes forum.

I tried both for a long time and wavered before deciding the special was the one for me, and it is the best tone clean and overdriven I've ever had.

That said the yellowjacket approach sounds a good compromise if you play larger venues and don't like miking the amp.
If I don't sell my LS within one week then I'm going to try out the yellowjackets w/ EL84s - very interesting option.

I just got done trying out the Special at a local shop, and the tone especially with a G&L zebra pickups was fantastic. And, the natural distortion tone was so textural and "bouncy."

Interestingly enough, when I tried a couple of Gibsons it wasn't that impressive. Single coil seem to sound better with the Special, IMO.
By the way, the bias switch in the back of Lonestar has 6L6 or EL34s, not E84s. Can anyone share their knowledge in tubes? Thanks.
EL84 class A amps are magic with single coils. the option of using yellow jackets in a LS is a great Idea. Still the 1x12 LSS is smaller and lighter then a 1x12 LS
I too went through this decision about a month or so ago. I loved the power and warmth of the LS, but loved the flexibility, tone and lighter weight of the LSS. I only settled for the LSS because I ordered the RK II which already has the clean channel from the LS.

Like another poster noted, the 5 watt mode is absolutely magical.

If I could only have one of the two lonestars, for me, it would be the LS 1x12 in a LSS cabinet.

In the end, though, I'd find away to own both. :wink:
Definitely do a search as I think I've replied in every thread that has ever asked this question here. It's been summed up nicely in this thread but basically if you lean more towards the AC30, go with the LSS.

Headroom, volume issues can be rectified with a 1x12 ext cab. Myself, I haven't had those issues and love my LSS and ext cab. :)
I had the LSS but it wasn't for me. I am more of a Fender/6L6 tone guy. My LS 2x12 does the 6L6/6V6 tones Twin and Deluxe Reverbs I want. I retubed with Ruby 440's which is now stock in new LS's.

Two channels, one clean and one dirty and solo boost on the Mesa pedal keeps me happy with the tones I set and keeps the whole setup simple. The amp weighs a lot and sometimes I'll take my DRRI or the Allen Accomplice to gigs instead. The LS is like having those two amps in one cab.
I just put in EL34s in the LSC and the tone is slightly crisper. I'll have to experiement more with them, especially in the 50 watt, "brown" power setting. One thing for sure, these EL34s do not make AC30 out of LS - though that would be magical if it did.

I almost miss the 6L6 in the LS. But, then that would bring me back to my original idea of selling it, and getting the LS special. Decisions. . . . hmmm.

Too much of a good thing is a problem :D
Yesterday I through a set of Tung-Sol 5881 in my LSC. Very nice.

Doug Preston was having a sale on these and I thought I'd give them a try, I'm glad I did.

I have tried Mesa 430s & 440s, SED 6L6s, Ruby EL34s and I like these tubes the best so far.

The harmonic content is very complex and it smooths the gain on channel 2 out nicely.

I have a complete set of Tung-Sol preamp tubes I'm going to replace in this amp too, I just didn't want to do everything at the same time so I could know what was making the most difference.
Very interesting modding indeed.

I'll have to try the THD Yellowjacket EL84 route. I hope it really is as good as some folks here say!
I have a LSS 1 x 12 combo with the 1x 12 ext cab and I have a LSC head that I run with a Dr Z 2 x 12 Z best cab. Here are some observations:

1. The base tone of the two amps is easily distinguishable at any "loud" volumes. The LSS is "lighter", its "whispier", its "more jangly"; its more trebly but without being brittle; its "airier". The LSC is all Fender- darker, warmer, "honkier", BIGGER. Listen to the Buddy Whittington clips on the Dr Z website- thats what the LSS sounds like and I think its easily distinguishable from the typical Fender 6L6 tone that the LSC produces.

2. Someone said something about Class A amps and single coils being magic and I think there is a lot of truth to that (both with the LSS and a Dr. Z Maz 38 that I run with the Z 2 x 12). The other side of that is that I have a hard time with those amps and humbuckers- other than at HUGE volumes. Once I ran my PRS Cu 24 with the LSS run into the Z best cab and at headache volumes, it was nothing short of amazing. But short of big volume, the EL-84 Class A amps sure seem better with single coils.

3. The additional 1 x 12 cab with the LSS does give it more perceived clean headroom, but I can only imagine that being a problem at big volume.

4. The 5 watt setting on the LSS produces what I think is the best clean I can get (over the Z, the LSC, a Vibro King, and A Victoria). The airier whispiness makes it just perfect- and loud enough.

5. One other thing- I'm just about done running amps with only one speaker. IMHO, the extra speaker(s) just adds a bigness, an openess, and a crisper bass response across all amps I own. You get around the weight issues with either 1x 12 combos (with an ext cab) or heads with cabs.

6. I've suggested this before, but the amp Mesa should make is one that will reproduce the LSC and LSS tones in one amp (by using the tube assignability like the RK). 4 channels (two LSC, two LSS). I'd buy that amp sight unseen.