Line 6 Delay module. DL4

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Jan 1, 2006
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ok. so. I've used this pedal on my buddies borad. this pedal is simply amazing. now heres my quesiton. I just had to go buy one, and when i got home. i put the batteries in and away i went. only one probelm. theres no effect comming out of it AT all. i know what i'm doing, so don't ask me if its a user issue. the lights work on it, just no effect. is this a part defect or is it because its running off the battaries they came with in which case i need to buy a power adapter. i'm assuming its this only because two of my outher dely pedals work for secs off of battaries. thanks fellow boogie ppl
The batteries shouldn't make any difference in performance as long as they are good, fresh batteries....they will just run out eventually...more soon than later. If it is not a user issue, if you are plugged into the wet output, then you obviously have a defective unit...I would bring it back and get a new one.

Have you read any of the user comments at ???

Apparently this pedal has major design problems ...
Check out
yeah. i returned it. it was screwed..... but i got another one on order. i do know that the ones that do work. well are incredible. so thanks guys
$.02 on the DL-4 issues (from a couple years of use):

1. It cuts the highs out of the signal (if you use George L's or the like, you'll notice it immediately). This is above the EQ of the pedal - it's actually a flaw in the signal path. You'll have to adjust the tone via amp (i.e. turn up the presence or treble a bit to compensate).
2. If the power source (wall/distro, etc) drops, the DL will shut off, get confused (suddenly switch patches), or just lock up (footswitches are inactive). This refers to the actual power source feeding the PedalPower II, wallwart or whatever is juicing the DL-4. It's a mini-computer and gets really unhappy with brown power.

That said, it covers a lot of ground in a little space. Good bang-4-the-buck when they work. I'm not big on effects, but they're nice to have to add some color once in a while.
hey i got my new one., and well. IT WORKS. haha. so yeah. its amazing what it can do. only downfall is it only programs three effects. but i'm fine with that. LoL. i wouldn't use them all anyways. i love the loops station. its amazing what they can do for you
Hogan96 said:
it only oprograms three effts.

Actually, if you pick up the Continuous controller, you can have 6 effects.

1 delay type toe up, 1 delay type toe down - will morph between effects in the middle and can get strange if you're playing at the moment. But, if you just want the variety to switch between songs, it's very useful.
I owned this pedal and sold it recently. The reason for selling it was the amount of tone loss... I didnt notice it at first, but i was messing around and decided to plug my guitar strait into my amp after messing around with the pedal.. Its was night and day for my tone. You might want to do some tests of your own to make sure its something you really want to keep using. If you dont mind the tone loss then no big deal. But that was just my experience. I even had a guitar center guy tell me they tried to link up a bunch of line 6 pedals in a row and the tone loss was so bad that it pretty much destroyed the guitars signal by the end of the chain. Makes you wonder?

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