Likely retarded question

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Active member
Jan 16, 2008
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For Rectifier owners

K this'll probably sound fucking ridiculous, but I'm pretty well obsessive compulsive so tiny **** bugs me until I can find an answer.

Does the cabinet of your Rec ever sometimes SLIGHTLY make a creak/knock noise if you pick it up/lean on it/press on it/etc.?

I know it's not even an issue, but like I said little **** bugs me haha. I think one reason may be because Triple Recs are heavy as sin and all that weight just makes the wood groan. It's not even noticeable unless the room is DEAD quiet.

I donno, just throwing it out there.
MusicManJP6 said:
You can make sure all screws are good and tight and see if that helps...

You can also check to see if your screws are all tight as you may have a screw loose...

Sorry, man. I just couldn't resist. :D

Your Recto cab is well built. I assume you're talking about the head cabinet and not the speaker cabinet? Either way, they're both rugged, and will withstand great amounts of abuse without failing.

Calm down, and go take your meds :wink: j/k. :D
Mesa cabinets are built like tanks I can't imagine it would be creaking.
They are so **** heavy when you lift them maybe it's you spine making the noises.

I know....... Knock it off.
I hope you solve the mystery.
If you can hear it creaking, you don't play your Boogie amp loud enough :p.

Seriously, I've never heard a construction-related noise come out of any Boogie cabs, and I find myself in the presence of many of them quite regularly :).

Hahahaha, thanks for the replies guys.

No its like, the rubber feet most of the time. It's not a creaky noise either, it's just like a very very subtle "tok". If feels solid as all hell when I pick it up, so you guys are right I should chill out.