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May 1, 2007
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Dallas, TX
to a mesa dual rec 2 channel after playing marshalls for the last 8 years. i picked up a '96 chrome chassis last week. i switched out the 6L6s for EL34s and am very happy.

i have a question about the series mod though. i run my delay and a boost pedal (for solo boost) thru my FX loop most of the time. obviously it sounds like crap thru the mesa parallel loop. will i be able to run them if i switch over to the series loop or is the problem with the output level difference between pedals and rackmount gear?

i've read a ton of the posts on this subject here and can't quite find if the series loop helps with stompboxes.

i actually am cloning the channels so i guess i can bump one of the channels volumes higher than the other and get rid of the boost. But I still prefer the sound of the delay after the preamp.

Any ideas?
welcome back mate! Glad to hear another one's been converted to the Mesa ways. As for the loop, I'm sure someone here will be able to answer your question soon. Welcome to the board!

are you now able run pedal effects thru that loop or is it still only good with rackmount stuff? just curious since i thought some of the problem might be the differnce in output levels between rack stuff and stompboxes.
I seem to have no trouble with any sound issues on my ROV through its parallel loop. After reading your original post you stated you only use a delay and booster. If you havent tried just the delay alone in the loop, maybe you will find you can get an exceptable sound from it. And from the little I know about boosters and OD's they usually are used in front of the amp,,not in the loop..
Give it a try,,might save some time and cash,,,,good luck
i've tried the loop with only the delay, which is a boss dd-20 by the way. no luck. get a really bad hum. tried every possible setting on for the send/return levels and pedal levels. even switched the output level on the dd-20.

as for the boost it's a mxr/cae boost/line driver. i've been doing this for years in the loop of my marshalls. it acts exactly the same as the solo boost on newer mesa stuff. i've also used the micro amp. you are correct. no distortion can go in the loop. but the clean boost works wonders. i figured since this is a pre "solo" dual i could use it to get a boost for solos.

this amp rules. i just can't see myself switching to rackmount gear. then i'd need a rack and a switcher. boo on that.

i'll figure this out if it kills me.
yes I see what you mean about the hum or whatever when using your delay.
I too had a similar problem when using certain effects in my loop.
It seemed that I would get this terrible thumping sound. I had this problem with a MXR-134 chorus pedal,,it had a bass boost on it and when engaged I got the thumping. I also got the problem when using a
MXR 6 band graphix EQ,,same thing when with the bass sliders.
Its not only MXR stuff,,I currently run a boss GE-7 in my loop and never got that thumping until yesterday I unknowingly pushed the level slider way up and the same happened. Anyways I guess im lucky that I have found what works well now because in my loop I run the ge-7 EQ, chorus,delay,reverb and a pedal tuner.
I also wonder what the serial mod would do. Im alright with soldering and such but unless someone showed me exactly what to do I would be nervous about messing with the insides of my new amp.
Let us know what you decide to do,,maybe you will find its an extremely
easy mod.....good luck
FWIW, I also use a Boss DD-20 along with a EH Holy Grail through my parallel effects loop in my Dual Recto and get no hum, clean as a whistle. Not sure what is causing the hum in your amp :? Would be interested if converting to Series would be the remedy that you are looking for.

Also, would the mods listed previously also work in a 3 ch DR? Just curious..
JMPMAN said:
FWIW, I also use a Boss DD-20 along with a EH Holy Grail through my parallel effects loop in my Dual Recto and get no hum, clean as a whistle. Not sure what is causing the hum in your amp :? Would be interested if converting to Series would be the remedy that you are looking for.

Also, would the mods listed previously also work in a 3 ch DR? Just curious..

what do you have send level and mix level set at on your amp?

what is the pedals effect level knob set at?

is the dd-20 output level set to -20dB or +4dB? you can check by unplugging the unit and then holding the on/off pedal while plugging the power back in. the screen should read "out 1" or 2,3,4 depending on your setting.

maybe if i can get your actual working set-up i can use it as a starting point.
Not sure since I have not went in to modify. Whatever the default is, then that's whre it's at. I will check later and get back with ya...
anyone else use the dd-20 with a 2 channel dr with parallel loop?

what are your settings for send level and mix level? what's you delay setting?
Checked my setting and it was set at -20 db setting in Stereo(OUT1). Hope that helps.
First show was a success.

Cloned red channel to vintage.

Got delay to work in loop. Mix 100% / Send 1 o'clock. Not sure what the issue was before.

Thanks for the info jmp.

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