Jared Leto's guitar

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
Washington, DC
What do you guys think of his custom guitar? I love it!
it got a seymour duncan JB model pup in it...


i know where you guys are coming from, but it really fits his band for some reason.
have you ever seen them live?
Some of his (the artist making the guitars) ideas are good but the execution is badly done. He isn't a very good sculptor.
I seen them probably 4-5 years ago and it was an excellent show. I seen them recently and they're no longer "30 seconds to mars" they are "the jared leto band". I guess i can't stand when a guy has the spot light on him all the time and nobody else gets credit.
my opinion on the axe still remains the same,it should get the bloody axe....right through it

i bet it isnt made from decent tone wood
cant play pool with a rop said:
I think he should stick to acting...

Really? I think he kicks *** - but as a composer only. He really sucks live (singing), and, as far as his guitar playing goes, well... his style doesn't really demand that much technique.
****! That is one ugly guitar. saw-zeetch-hizz-own. (to each, his own, for those that don't speak Brooklyneese.)
Real guitar players don't use gloves. Real guitar players like to feel their hand resting on the bridge of their non-hideous guitars. Guitars like these. Throw a rack mounted MkIV on top of that cab instead of the Legacy and black pickups on the Strat and there you have it.

I'd rather have these:

abecon5 said:
devilrob1979 said:
Real guitar players don't use gloves.

music today is all about style.
yes, style over skills
sad but true....

So we should pander to the idiocy of the masses? I've never watched a LOG show and said, "wow, that Mark Morton sure is a snappy dresser." Good musicians don't need Emo makeup and gloves to snare fans. Just my thoughts.
I totally back the points above that players dont need makeup and gloves so why the **** is the industry craving these silly kids with no real talent but look pretty

when there are gods like Vai and Petrucci who are well....."Whos he!!!!"

fuckin grrrr
My personal theory is that this has happened because a kid can pick up a guitar and be able to play these Bull#@*t bands' tunes within six months fairly easily. This sells guitars, albums and concert tickets. Just go to the mall some day and count the emo kids.
C'mon now there's room for Emo kids and Shred Heads here.

The guitar is not my cup o' tea but I rather like the band myself.
