Is the clean channel on my Rect O Verb hopeless??? Help!!!

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Nov 15, 2007
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I'm using a Rect O verb V1 Combo. I love the dirty channel but I'm having a very difficult time getting a good clean or pushed sound. Seems like no matter what I do the clean channel just sounds dull and uninspiring.
Always played AC30's, Fender Deluxe but thought it was time to try a Boogie again (Had a few Mark 2's a few years ago)

Quick rundown of rig:
PRS Single Cut
Ernie Ball Volume Pedal
2 Dynacomp Pedals
Straight to Rect O Verb

Side note, any solution for the delay when switching clean to dirty?
Have you tried plugging straight into the amp (axe to amp, NO pedals between) to start? See what you're getting for a raw clean sound...Still nothing? I've got no issues with mine, plays warm as apple pie. Try this: with toggle on clean, dial in these settings- Gain@2:00, Treb.@ 1:00, Mid @ 9:30, Bass @ 10:30, Presence@ 11:00, just add volume to your liking :D . This is a pretty standard setting for the clean, as well as pushed, you just may need to tweak these settings for your PRS. let me know if you get that "emptiness" of your clean channel resolved. As far as the delay, I was under the impression that this was a major complaint of recto- series 1 owners, hence the "fix" in the series 2, but to be perfectly honest, it's still very noticeable in my amp....good luck~
Just don't forget the fact that you have a recto and that amp is designed to give you brutal dirty channel. However, you can't compare the clean channel to a Vox or Fender. The clean channel on that amp is designed to run OD pedals through it.

Try getting a Mark IV or a Mesa F-series to get the best of both worlds.
Let me start by saying I'm new to this board and it's nice to not only get a response, but also to get ideas to play around with. Thanks for the tips! I'll mess with it tomorrow night at rehearsal and post what happens! Thanks everyone!
If you're coming from AC30s and Fender Deluxes, I hate to say it, but Mesa cleans will probably disapoint. I think the Rectoverb has the best clean of most any high gain head, but it still won't really compare to those other amps.

Maybe something to push the front end just a little and make it more lively... like an MXR Micro Amp or a Zvex Super Hard On?
I'll mess with it and see what happens, I may end up having to bite the bullet and start using the Vox with it. What about the Maverick?
The Maverick is awesome! It has a much more playful clean channel, like a vox, compared to the rectoverb. I think the Maverick and the Tremoverb both have similar clean and dirty channels.
Just out of curiosity are you running EL-34's or 6L6's? I always liked the clean channel on my Rectoverb w/ 6L6's. Not familiar with Dynacomp pedals but if one is a delay or chorus I recommend using the loop.

The switching delay, pain in the *** but it's all about timing and just dealing with it. Only thing I didn't like about mine.
I just want to say thanks to those of you who responded to my post about the clean channel on the Rectoverb.
All suggestions were helpful, bit I tried another route that helped.

Treated the clean channel as a non-master volume amp. Ran the master volume wide open then used the gain to balance with the dirty channel. Worked well both clean and pushed.

Long term solution will be to replace it with a Maverick 2X12 but for now the clean is definitely usable. Oh yeah, I'm using 6L6's
Thanks again everyone! Best forum I've been on!
You know, after reading your post, I decided to mess around with my ROV cleans and experiment a little. I normally run it on "clean" because the "pushed" channel always seemed a little overbearing for my style of play...
But, after some screwing around, I found that with the gain just barely bumped (and I mean just barely on at all), channel volume at about nine o'clock and the master at about one or two.. WOW. :shock: Just about as fat and meaty as you could want, yet still be "clean". Very "Little Wing/ Yellow Ledbetter'ish".
This amp just keeps surprising me, even after a year.

That's playing through an early 90's G&L Legacy, with stock pickups at the fourth position.


Oh, and my ROV is a Series I with 6L6's.

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