Info from Mesa on my Mark IV!

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so does anyone have a mark ivA manual?

Those who do have one, is there anything that we sould know that isn't in the manual on the boogie site?

I'd like to see a copy of the IVa manual too - the dual effects loop thing (one switchable & one not switchable) still does not make sense to me....If you can't use both loops at the same time (i..e one loop always on and also be able to switch other loop/effects on/off using the footswitch) , then how is it even useful? I must be missing something because :oops:
I just got mine last night it is IV056X. I got off the phone with Mesa this morning and it appears that mine was very very early.
Yeah, if someone could post up the old typewritten manual that would rock
I also noticed that it isn't signed MB on the chassis... Mine is signed on the transformer and hard to see unless held to the light the right way.

According to Mesa when I called them last week you are incorrect. There should also be a little triagle pointing down from the graphic eq setting switch. It is for a foot control for the eq.
Russ said:

According to Mesa when I called them last week you are incorrect. There should also be a little triagle pointing down from the graphic eq setting switch. It is for a foot control for the eq.

you are incorrect too :wink:

It is for switching the eq of an external satelite combo, those were made end '80s begin '90s.

If you switch the eq on with your footswitch on your normal combo, the satelite would switch to the EQ too if it was connected.
But there is no satellite on the IVa head.

I could be wrong, but that was how I understood it as explained by Mesa.
FYI for all those looking for a Mark IVa manual,

Dave linked a zipped copy of the Mark IVa manual to this post:
AART said:
Russ said:

According to Mesa when I called them last week you are incorrect. There should also be a little triagle pointing down from the graphic eq setting switch. It is for a foot control for the eq.

you are incorrect too :wink:

It is for switching the eq of an external satelite combo, those were made end '80s begin '90s.

If you switch the eq on with your footswitch on your normal combo, the satelite would switch to the EQ too if it was connected.

ok i am lost...can anyone tell me the Right one lol....
Boogiebabies said:
Russ said:
I also noticed that it isn't signed MB on the chassis... Mine is signed on the transformer and hard to see unless held to the light the right way.

Totally normal. It could be GM for George Meuller.

mine say's GM ..Want does that mean?...wat did george do to my amp?
It is definitely the classic MB. I had the head apart today and it says Mark IV # 38 on the chassis on a piece of masking tape. Could this be the 38th ever built? My serial is in the 560's. It also has a date of 9-14-90 written on the chassis and a red check. There is also something else written on it that I can't make out but it appears to be another name. I'll post some pics of the chassis.
Here is some Mark IV porn for you guys

Chassis dated, numbered and signed





Sorry about the leg in the photo above. I was in a hurry to get the amp back together.
So who was NH and KB?

Was this in fact the 38th ever made? Or was it the 38th in its production run? How many production runs were there prior to this head being made? It says DAY A also. Was this made on the first day of the production run?
You will find the initials for many people who did the board, wiring and a host of other procedures. The serial number 38 is #38 period. It is the first run. All MK IV serial numbers consecutively follow from 1 to today.
The power transformer should be a 561137. It's a bit bigger than the current 561140. What output transformer is on it?
The OT is almost the size of the PT. I can't see any numbers on it right now because it is back in the head case. When I swap out of this III case into the current IV case that I snagged on ebay I will look some more. I find it interesting that the head would be #38 but the official Serial # is in the 560's. Maybe it sat around for a while before it was finally assembled and serialized. I am kiind of excited though to have such a low # on the chassis amongst the building notes like DAY A.

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