I have left the fold =(.

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Well-known member
May 15, 2009
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i had to... i sold my mark v today. 1800 bucks. Ive had it for 2 months but it just wasnt working. I got some great tones, but in the end the small things really got to me. The limited loop assignabilty, the crippled eq, the overall lack of bass. In the end for $2000 bucks i wasnt nearly as happy as i should have been.

I'm either going to get a roadster, a knucklehead, or a Sig:X. But one thing is for sure, i will NEVER again buy from a store with no return policy.

MOst places wont take anything back after 2 months. 10 days is pretty standard though.
Sorry to hear that, but in the end you have to make yourself happy. Best of luck on whatever you buy going forward.

t2mike2 said:
i had to... i sold my mark v today. 1800 bucks. Ive had it for 2 months but it just wasnt working. I got some great tones, but in the end the small things really got to me. The limited loop assignabilty, the crippled eq, the overall lack of bass. In the end for $2000 bucks i wasnt nearly as happy as i should have been.

I'm either going to get a roadster, a knucklehead, or a Sig:X. But one thing is for sure, i will NEVER again buy from a store with no return policy.

LOL My bass is halfway, e.q. on mine is identical to my old MIV. I guess some e.q.s are different? Try a modded Boss SD-1 for boost...my setup breathes fire and shits volcanos now.
yeah after playing the iv and the v again I don't really have a problem with the amount of bass present. I took out the stock preamp tubes and that helped too.

Roadsters have lots and lots of bass.
You guys are scaring me, I keep hearing about two things I detest; lack of bass, and lack of sustain? I,m one of the few here still to pick mine up.

t2mike2, I owned a Six X last year. If you have,nt played one, I think you will like it. The voicing is much different then a Mark of course, more prominent in the upper mids. But very warm & woody, and definately not lacking in bass or sustain.

Also the clean channel is superb, lots of flexiabilty with that amp. Funnily enough, it almost seems as if the VHT could have been used as a template for the Mark 5. The feature sets are very similar (besides the graphic eq).

If I don,t wind up liking the Mark 5 a couple of grand worth, I might give one another go myself!
Shang Chi 66 said:
You guys are scaring me, I keep hearing about two things I detest; lack of bass, and lack of sustain? I,m one of the few here still to pick mine up.

t2mike2, I owned a Six X last year. If you have,nt played one, I think you will like it. The voicing is much different then a Mark of course, more prominent in the upper mids. But very warm & woody, and definately not lacking in bass or sustain.

Also the clean channel is superb, lots of flexiabilty with that amp. Funnily enough, it almost seems as if the VHT could have been used as a template for the Mark 5. The feature sets are very similar (besides the graphic eq).

If I don,t wind up liking the Mark 5 a couple of grand worth, I might give one another go myself!

Quit worrying. You've heard my clips and there is plenty of gain, sustain and low end response. Wait to play your before you believe anything you see here (including my comments). I used to be a VHT guy (owned a CLX head). I liked it but just wasn't for me. The Mark series fits me to a T!
I have to also comment on the bass situation.

I've owned a couple Single Rectos, and still have my Rectoverb combo at the moment. The bass is insane. No flub and very punchy. My with the Mark V, it's never been an issue of flub for me, it was a matter of it just not having much at all. However, I learned the amp really needs cranked, even on the 10 watt setting. Now, that may seem obvious. Everyone says about tube amps in general "oh you gotta crank em'!", but I think it is even more so with the Mark V.

I finally had a chance to jam at loud, gig volumes today and the bass was punchy, and thunderous. Right up there with the Rectos, it just needs more of a shove. What I loved about my Rectos, is they always had bass at any volume.

And the EQ.......mine is super responsive and totally transforms everything when it's on. I think it is the most important part of the amp. And with the bass (specifically on channel 3), I give it a healthy boost, but leave it low on the standard EQ. This does seem typical of what most people are doing from what I've seen. I'm pretty much modest on all of the T/M/B controls and use the EQ for most of the shaping.

The first couple days, I was looking into trading for a Roadster. Now, it's not going anywhere. To say these are tweaky amps, is an understatement. I'm glad I was patient, though.
t2mike2, I am not mocking your decision with this post. In fact, I respect the fact that you used your ears, rather than thinking a $2000 amp will automatically just sound good. Some people just buy into the hype. Good luck on the never-ending quest for tone!
gibson5413 said:
Shang Chi 66 said:
You guys are scaring me, I keep hearing about two things I detest; lack of bass, and lack of sustain? I,m one of the few here still to pick mine up.

t2mike2, I owned a Six X last year. If you have,nt played one, I think you will like it. The voicing is much different then a Mark of course, more prominent in the upper mids. But very warm & woody, and definately not lacking in bass or sustain.

Also the clean channel is superb, lots of flexiabilty with that amp. Funnily enough, it almost seems as if the VHT could have been used as a template for the Mark 5. The feature sets are very similar (besides the graphic eq).

If I don,t wind up liking the Mark 5 a couple of grand worth, I might give one another go myself!

Quit worrying. You've heard my clips and there is plenty of gain, sustain and low end response. Wait to play your before you believe anything you see here (including my comments). I used to be a VHT guy (owned a CLX head). I liked it but just wasn't for me. The Mark series fits me to a T!

Dude - your SPLAWN QUICKROD clips IMHO... uh how should I say this... totally fucking destroy those Mk V clips you have there. R U Kidding me??? That is a beautiful geetar tone. It's just not a Mark tone. And it sounds full, and tight without that nasal honk. Not being a hater - to each his own - variety is the spice of life etc... but ****... Splawn Quickrod straight up. Buttah.
Uncle Muscles said:
gibson5413 said:
Shang Chi 66 said:
You guys are scaring me, I keep hearing about two things I detest; lack of bass, and lack of sustain? I,m one of the few here still to pick mine up.

t2mike2, I owned a Six X last year. If you have,nt played one, I think you will like it. The voicing is much different then a Mark of course, more prominent in the upper mids. But very warm & woody, and definately not lacking in bass or sustain.

Also the clean channel is superb, lots of flexiabilty with that amp. Funnily enough, it almost seems as if the VHT could have been used as a template for the Mark 5. The feature sets are very similar (besides the graphic eq).

If I don,t wind up liking the Mark 5 a couple of grand worth, I might give one another go myself!

Quit worrying. You've heard my clips and there is plenty of gain, sustain and low end response. Wait to play your before you believe anything you see here (including my comments). I used to be a VHT guy (owned a CLX head). I liked it but just wasn't for me. The Mark series fits me to a T!

Dude - your SPLAWN QUICKROD clips IMHO... uh how should I say this... totally f%&# destroy those Mk V clips you have there. R U Kidding me??? That is a beautiful geetar tone. It's just not a Mark tone. And it sounds full, and tight without that nasal honk. Not being a hater - to each his own - variety is the spice of life etc... but ****... Splawn Quickrod straight up. Buttah.

Thanks but I could not get along with the Quick Rod. In fact, I could not get it where I wanted and it had the worst effects loop I have ever used on an amp. In order to get a tone I was happy with required excessive volume and a clean boost at all times. Don't get me wrong, it was a cool amp just not for me. I wanted to love it but just couldn't. I sold it and have not thought twice since. I like my Mark clips much better. Much easier to record than the QR. To each his own.
Thanks gibson, you,re absolutely right. I went back and listened to your clips again. Nice and reassuring! Every once in awhile, you see somthin, and a little doubt creeps in!

Obviously t2mike just did,nt hear what he wanted/needed to hear for his sound. He got it though, and thats what counts.

It makes me think too; the luxury of gear forums like these; for advice, gear info, communicating with fellow musicians, reviews...man, what DID we do before the internet? (besides probaly practice more, HA! :lol: )
Wow guys you have impressed me, first product forum i've seen where cats dont flame you out for not following their path, i have to get to work, but i must say. Bravo. Harmonycentral this is not =).

Shang Chi 66 said:
You guys are scaring me, I keep hearing about two things I detest; lack of bass, and lack of sustain? I,m one of the few here still to pick mine up.

t2mike2, I owned a Six X last year. If you have,nt played one, I think you will like it. The voicing is much different then a Mark of course, more prominent in the upper mids. But very warm & woody, and definately not lacking in bass or sustain.

Also the clean channel is superb, lots of flexiabilty with that amp. Funnily enough, it almost seems as if the VHT could have been used as a template for the Mark 5. The feature sets are very similar (besides the graphic eq).

If I don,t wind up liking the Mark 5 a couple of grand worth, I might give one another go myself!

Must be some amps are different. My EQ works awesome, and as far as bass goes, I have to dial it out of my setup. The Mark 1 setting has enough gain and bass to rattle my entire block. Well, like I said before, each individual needs to make themselves happy. That's what matters inthe end, we all have different likes and dislikes.
I've had the amp for 2 weeks now...and really only messed with it for 4 days which included 2 band practices. The amp is perfect for live situations. The fact that it does lack a bit of bass is probably its best asset when it comes to live and cutting through the mix. It carves its own space and in that range, nothing touches it! Yeah when jamming at home, you want to feel the extra girth...well its slightly weak there, but not for what it was intended to do.

The sliders are quite effective if you get them in the right range.

One more thing about bass...keep your gain knob under control and in the lower range of what you want...the bass thumps. If you crank the gain, kiss the bass goodbye.
t2mike2 said:
Wow guys you have impressed me, first product forum i've seen where cats dont flame you out for not following their path, i have to get to work, but i must say. Bravo. Harmonycentral this is not =).


Pretty cool hun? Enjoy it here!

There have been afew skimishes between some folks here or there, and that,s to be expected. But for the most part, I,ve found this board to be decent & civil. Some good natured & knowledgeable musicians here who want to help and contribute; not judge.

I read some of the foolishness that go,s on there (HC), sometimes in disbelief. The insults, the threats, racism, dancing on peoples graves that have just passed on, etc... and on a forum about musical equipment?

Threads just about always deteriorate into nothing but some back & forth, I insulted you, now you insult me nonsense.

This board could not be any more unlike HC...and that,s definately a good thing. I truly hope it remains that way too!
we all have a inner sound that we all are after... good luck in your journey :wink:
You might have left the fold Mike, but you have brought a member back! :D I now own MKV # 200, my work schedule is killing me getting any real time to play until the weekend but I'll be playing it with some volume behind it soon enough!!! :twisted:

P.S. Maybe I can swing by tonight and grab the box + paperwork? :)

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